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Build relations with Israel to counter India: Musharraf

Any source of this without any avoidance how can we believe every thing without any investigation beware FAKE NEWS are floating all over the world...
Sir kindly correct history ... we never accept Kashmir as part of India ... We never accepted the government of Jammu Kashmir ... Jammu Kashmir has its own separate administration to whom we never accept ...

Similar is the treatment of Azad Kashmir's Prime minister by India ...
DOnt you have relations with them? I dont need to correct my history, my history is just fine. The point you people do not not get is that while India on one hand is enjoying relations with Iran (bitter enemy of Israel and Saudi Arabia) and with Saudi Arabia (bitter enemy of Iran and does not accept Israel) on the other hand it enjoys cordial relations with Israel. Heck India also has relations with Palestine.
We need to learn the art of diplomacy which is not a zero sum game. Israel only started to support India against us when we first started supporting arabs against Israel and became part of the Sixth day war. If tomorrow you accept Israel that does not mean suddenly you have given up on Palestine just like when you accept India, you do not give up on Kashmir.
Let me give you a fun fact do you know where the parts for your F-16s were coming during the period of sanctions?
DOnt you have relations with them? I dont need to correct my history, my history is just fine. The point you people do not not get is that while India on one hand is enjoying relations with Iran (bitter enemy of Israel and Saudi Arabia) and with Saudi Arabia (bitter enemy of Iran and does not accept Israel) on the other hand it enjoys cordial relations with Israel. Heck India also has relations with Palestine.
We need to learn the art of diplomacy which is not a zero sum game. Israel only started to support India against us when we first started supporting arabs against Israel and became part of the Sixth day war. If tomorrow you accept Israel that does not mean suddenly you have given up on Palestine just like when you accept India, you do not give up on Kashmir.
Let me give you a fun fact do you know where the parts for your F-16s were coming during the period of sanctions?

I'd also like to point out that some Iranian posters have spoken about hedging their relationship with India against Pakistan.
Former President General (retd) Pervez Musharraf has stated that the country’s situation is very much favourable for his return to Pakistan.

I have always found it strange & amusing how Politicians in Pak slip out of the country when they are not in power only to
return when things are ‘ favourable’

@ subject, what was stopping the dictator from implementing what he now preaches when he was in absolute control ?
DOnt you have relations with them? I dont need to correct my history, my history is just fine. The point you people do not not get is that while India on one hand is enjoying relations with Iran (bitter enemy of Israel and Saudi Arabia) and with Saudi Arabia (bitter enemy of Iran and does not accept Israel) on the other hand it enjoys cordial relations with Israel. Heck India also has relations with Palestine.
We need to learn the art of diplomacy which is not a zero sum game. Israel only started to support India against us when we first started supporting arabs against Israel and became part of the Sixth day war. If tomorrow you accept Israel that does not mean suddenly you have given up on Palestine just like when you accept India, you do not give up on Kashmir.
Let me give you a fun fact do you know where the parts for your F-16s were coming during the period of sanctions?

Stop talking sense to emotionally retarded Pakistanis. All we are good at is emotional chest thumping. We don't know nothing of diplomacy and Realpolitik.
Stop talking sense to emotionally retarded Pakistanis. All we are good at is emotional chest thumping. We don't know nothing of diplomacy and Realpolitik.
Its sad but i still try though the hostility that i sometimes have to bear just because i want Pakistan to have an independent approach and not subject to what the arabs would think or Iran would think or people like Diesel would call i.e Yahoodi Sazish.
Its sad but i still try though the hostility that i sometimes have to bear just because i want Pakistan to have an independent approach and not subject to what the arabs would think or Iran would think or people like Diesel would call i.e Yahoodi Sazish.

We need someone like Otto Von Bismarck to steer and cultivate this nation of sheep.
@ subject, what was stopping the dictator from implementing what he now preaches when he was in absolute control ?
Actually Musharraf was the only person who felt that this should happen and he actually did made attempts like our foreign minister meeting with his Israeli counter part, First Pakistani to ever address the Jewish community in the US, his offer to meditate peace between Palestine and Israel which than the PM of Israel acknowledge and appreciated but declined because Pakistan did not had a formal relations with Israel, something i keep telling to my brethren that we have not helped the Palestinian cause in any manner by not accepting Israel, we might be able to play a better role if we accept them.
Build relations with Israel to counter India: Musharraf



DUBAI: Former President General (retd) Pervez Musharraf has stated that the country’s situation is very much favourable for his return to Pakistan.

During a press conference here Friday, Musharraf hinted at making relations with Israel to counter India. Mentioning his initiatives for making contacts with Israeli leadership with the help of Turkey in 2005, the former army chief said that Israeli leadership had responded within 24 hours of his meeting’s offer. He assumed that Israel wants to create better relations with Pakistan.

Speaking with the media in Dubai almost after nine months, the former president said with a smiling face that almost half of his cabinet ministers including law minister and attorney general are in the current government’s cabinet. Although, he said that he would not expect from them to plead his cases.

Referring to the current India-Pakistan tension, the former army chief said that India could do surgical strike attacks on Pakistan along the Line of Control (LoC) as they have advantage at many places there. “But Pakistan should get ready for such strikes and make a plan to counter it,” he added. He believed that India needed extra army for surgical strikes in Kashmir from its other borders.

Responding to fear of nuclear war between Pakistan and India, he said that nuclear war is not a simple warfare and should be avoided. Giving an example of nuclear strike, the former army commando said that India can drop 20 bombs on Pakistan and destroy the country if we dropped one on India. “So, we have to drop 50 bombs to completely destroy India,” he reiterated the example. The former general said that the nuclear warfare is very sensitive issue and it is only for deterrence.

Recalling his meeting with political leaders of the country, the former president revealed that many political leaders used to talk so much in favour of Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf (PTI) but now they don’t. He anxiously feared the fallout of the current government and the failure of third political force in the country in which case the two political parties (PPP and PMLN) could reemerge. “So, the All Pakistan Muslim League (APML) would not be part of any political destabilisation movement,” he revealed. The APML founder said that any such movement would not be in the favour of the country.

Regarding the current Afghan peace talks, the former president Pervez Musharraf said that Taliban can reemerge and would be leading force to rule Afghanistan if the United States (US) forces leave the region. He also feared the proxy war in the region due to multi-polar division in war-torn Afghanistan.

Musharraf said that Prime Minister Imran Khan has been still learning the leadership as it is not a piece of cake. He advised the premier to perform with team work. The former president said that the process of accountability should be moved forward speedily.

The founder of the APML also announced Hidayatullah Khaisgee as the new chairman of the party as he is currently not feeling well he showed his confidence on general secretary of the APML Mehreen Adam Malik.

If we want to build relations with Israel to counter India, then it will be a useless idea. Israel is a reality and we can talk to them only when we accept their very existence.
So relations with Israel are not against anyone. Yes we can use it to save our friends.
Israel is not a friend of Pakistan - and its moronic to assume they will prove a friend in need. "Yahood and Hanood" are together naturally - and both are not your ally just as naturally.
If Afghanistan, Iran, Tajikistan, Oman, Saudis, Emiratis, Palestinians, etc have relations with India who is massacring Kashmiris and are occupying Muslim land, what is stopping Pakistan to have relations with Israel? In fact, I believe Pakistan can play a positive role in solution of Israel Palestine conflict then instead of now. Not just that, Pakistan might gain balance with western world vis a vis India.
I still have a lot of respect for Musharraf. But he f'ed up big when he tried to become a politician - joining hands with the Chaudharys, facilitating the return of BB, reviving MQM, etc - just to stay in power.

I also think his popularity may be restricted to Karachi only, so at most, he could try and bring the likes of Farooq Sattar and Mustafa Kamaal under his wing and become the new AH - running MQM from abroad. He definitely cant come back, it will be too complicated.
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