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Buddhists from Bangladesh resettle in Myanmar, Rohingya Muslims cry foul

What's to force here?its their citizens not BDs.and currently we are in better position then Burma,economically that is.and how do you suggest we keep millions of rohingas in BD?where?how?in last 7 years has any country helped us with rohinga issue? Did we get any financial help from any world organizations? How do you propose we settle Burma's racial violence? Like us they are not asking for liberation. They just wants to be in their own country. They are not living by choice.

We did get financial help from UNHCR:
UNHCR - Bangladesh
May be this is a good solution to the issue if done peacefully and properly.
Burma (brahm-pradesh) got it right when secular Europians and hindus are not ready to accept.
Today's news:
Strategy paper on Rohingyas being prepared

Published : Sunday, 26 May 2013

Syful Islam

Bangladesh is preparing a strategy paper on how to handle Rohingya refugees and illegal intruders from Myanmar, official sources said.

A draft of the paper now awaits a review by the inter-ministerial coordination body, prior to its approval by the cabinet soon.

"We are preparing the strategic paper at our own efforts on how to handle the refugees coming from Myanmar," foreign secretary (in-charge) Shahidul Haque told the FE last Friday.

He said: "We are waiting for feedback from the ministries concerned on the draft. After getting their views, we will finalise it for our next course of action."

Replying to a question, Mr Haque said the refugee issue will be discussed during the second, two-day Bangladesh-United States partnership dialogue, beginning from today (Sunday).

"But we will not have any discussion on the strategy paper in that meeting," he said.

According to the draft of the strategy paper, some 500,000 Myanmar nationals entered Bangladesh following ethnic and religious conflicts there during 1978-79 and also later between 1991 and 1992. A good number of them were repatriated in phases with the help of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) but some 30,000 are still staying in two refugee camps in Cox's Bazar due to the refusal by the government of Myanmar to accept them.

Some 300,000 more Myanmar nationals, mainly Muslim minorities, entered Bangladesh illegally during the last seven years on grounds of being subjected to torture in Myanmar. Besides, many Rohingyas tried to enter Bangladesh amid violence from the Rakhine state, during the period between June and October 2012.

Officials said every year Bangladesh spends more than Tk 300 million to provide food and other facilities to the refugees living in the two camps.

They said many of the illegally-entered refugees have allegedly become involved in unlawful activities, causing social and economic unrest in the country. Some of them have gone abroad as Bangladeshi nationals by managing to obtain passports illegally from Bangladesh.

This has cast a negative impact on the country's image, they observed.

Amid thus situation, the government has decided not to allow any more refugees from Myanmar and stop their entrance, in the greater national interest of Bangladesh, the draft mentioned.

Officials have identified weak infrastructure on the Bangladesh-Myanmar border as the main reason behind refugees' attempt to intrude into the Bangladesh territory.

The draft paper suggested that the manpower of Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) should immediately be increased on the Bangladesh-Myanmar border sites to ensure stoppage of refugees' entrance.

It also recommended for installation of barbed wire fence on the Bangladesh side of the border and construction of a 50-kilometre embankment on the bank of the Naf river so that law enforcers can patrol the areas through motorised vehicles.

Furthermore, the recommendation was made for increasing the manpower of the coastal guard and the capacity of its personnel for stepping up their patrol operations in the Bangladesh-Myanmar riverine border zones and off-shore areas.

The proposal has also been made to raise the level of vigilance operations by the local administration and the BGB so that no Myanmar national can illegally enter into Bangladesh by abusing the border trade facility between the two countries.

The paper suggested that a survey should be carried out to prepare proper estimates about the number of refugees of, and illegal entrants from, Myanmar, now staying in Bangladesh. After the survey, they would be kept in several shelter centres for the purpose of repatriation.

It also suggested that law enforcers and local administration should take punitive actions against people providing any kind of political, social, and economic support to those illegally staying in Bangladesh.

Furthermore, the strategy paper recommended for engaging Bangladesh Red Crescent Society and local non-government organisations (NGOs), instead of foreign NGOs, for providing food, nutrition, sewerage, and safe drinking water.

It also stressed the need for continuous diplomatic negotiations for repatriation of the refugees of Myanmar origin and those who illegally entered from there into Bangladesh.

Source: Strategy paper on Rohingyas being prepared :: Financial Express :: Financial Newspaper of Bangladesh
Copyright © Financial Express.
I am not really interested. just flabbergasting, Bangladeshis taking the name of India in every comment. U mentioned, we need to talk to Burmese for BD.
The Question is why do we need to? I emphasized WE. Every country have some problems in safeguarding minorities and i accept it.
And as u say, if its not BD duty's to take refugees, how can you ever negotiate with another country to give u a part of land, or ask a part of their land to give them independence?
Do u realise its impossible? There is no way, ur words will be even considered for discussion,

1. I was actually answering to some other Indian member, then you showed up.:blink:
2. We'll take both the refugees and their land if Mayanmar gov is unable to solve their own problems.
What's to force here?its their citizens not BDs.and currently we are in better position then Burma,economically that is.and how do you suggest we keep millions of rohingas in BD?where?how?in last 7 years has any country helped us with rohinga issue? Did we get any financial help from any world organizations? How do you propose we settle Burma's racial violence? Like us they are not asking for liberation. They just wants to be in their own country. They are not living by choice.

Bro, I didn't say anything about forcing. Its their citizens true, but if they do another massacre and Rohingyas are forced to ask us for shelter, then should we just let them die them die there. And knowing the burmese they will do another massacre since Intl community is silent. We already helped them during 2 exodus. And there are hardly 1 million of them left in Burma. I discussed it in another thread didn't we and U know by reason behind supporting giving refuge to rohingyas. As a muslim I am not suppose to expect others help us financially on the issue and as a nation state we shouldn't either as its our responsibility on humanitarian grounds. We are giving them refuge and not citizenship. 300K are already here since the late 70s of whom many could have died in the recent massacre. And I don't believe we have a stronger position vis-vis Burma today. We are bounded the shackles of Indian hegemony while Burma is having rood relations with IND, China and now US.

What we can do now as loki said is develop a comprehensive strategy regarding mayanmar. Awami loons won't do. If we have a non-dalal gov in power what we can do is:

- Good massive PR internationally to show our POV regarding the issue. DO lobby in western countries and we can do better than burma on this.

- Ask KSA and ME countries to put pressure on US to look into the situation.

- Ask ML, Thailand and Indoneshia as well as these countries have good influence over the burmese monkeys, specially thailand.

- Develop ourselves economically and diversify our industry going up the tech ladder towards heavy engineering. We need to be economically stronger to make mayanmer stop persecuting roghinya. Our current status won't do.

- Develop a strong intellegence network of our own in mayanmar so that we can predict accurately what are the burmese monkeys thinking regarding the issue.

All of these is a long process but if another exodus occurs due to rohingya massacre, as a muslim I can't support the stance that we allow them to be slaughtered there. That's my point. :)
It is interesting to note that this "strategy" being worked on at the JS is basically the same old rhetoric :lol:

Only a few security barriers and additional patrols in place over there.

One cannot ignore that this matter came at a very bad time since Bangladesh is currently going through a volatile and a very complex situation within itself.

Hence, the farce.

Myanmar should understand that there is no "easy way" out of this given the current political reality in Bangladesh. Hasina would do anything to try to remain in power. And I mean ANYTHING.
Burma (brahm-pradesh) got it right when secular Europians and hindus are not ready to accept.

i guess india got it wrong then..............as it has one of worlds largest muslim population and ensures their safety and rights..............................

go cry you ******** dude
Maybe in the future they will up the ante. But betting against the US is a bad bet to say the least. This isn't some insurgency or COIN campaign..this is influence over regions through money...and the US can out gamble anyone even with their economy in shambles. In case you haven't noticed, they've done this before...a bad bet to place for a nation like BD. Take sides and you will get squeezed in the middle. Nothing ever came free of cost. Play smart and engage with sharp diplomacy and you may win the day yet.

Well china can up their ante in their periphery and they are already doing it. US can't antagonise them and force them into a corner as that will be destabilising the region which is not in US economic interest. At some point US will accede to chinese security concerns in Asia. Its only a matter of when. As for BD, well we need to tilt towards either US or china or risk being an Indian puppet for ever. Our geographical vulnerability vis-vis India doesn't allow us to not take sides IMO. India does too much nose poking here. We are not a small country like panama U know.

Take the situation at hand for instance. All these proposed insurgency campaigns are khiyali pulao at best...BUT..start a propaganda campaign..take a leaf out of the West's book...use the larger and more dynamic intelligentsia of BD to attain supremacy for BD's narrative against Burma and you will see the situation play in your favor. Try and get rigid, take up arms or arm proxies and well we have an apt example in Pakistan of what such actions earn a nation.

Yeah I agree on the PR part and that insurgency is not the answer in todays world atleast not by the current BD. If chinese in the future back any insurgency in mayanmar then that a different matter. PR is very important , almost incomprehensible to solve any deadlock. BD never backed any insurgency in the typical sense of backing not even in NE.
Well china can up their ante in their periphery and they are already doing it. US can't antagonise them and force them into a corner as that will be destabilising the region which is not in US economic interest. At some point US will accede to chinese security concerns in Asia. Its only a matter of when. As for BD, well we need to tilt towards either US or china or risk being an Indian puppet for ever. Our geographical vulnerability vis-vis India doesn't allow us to not take sides IMO. India does too much nose poking here. We are not a small country like panama U know.

Yeah I agree on the PR part and that insurgency is not the answer in todays world atleast not by the current BD. If chinese in the future back any insurgency in mayanmar then that a different matter. PR is very important , almost incomprehensible to solve any deadlock. BD never backed any insurgency in the typical sense of backing not even in NE.

As I said I would not bet on China is this..the US is famous for surrounding its opponents with multiple enemies..they've tried very hard to get us to commit to an all out enmity with China. They have both grown large but we (India) shall remain largely neutral..now is not our time to play our hand or get into a fist fight between them. Listen, I have seen you express some serious acrimony against India. Now any general Indian poster, when confronted with that and absent any knowledge of how we are actually to blame for interventionism, tends to get offended and reacts- up to the point of trolling. I am honestly asking, how are we intervening..we didn't intervene when BNP came to power..when BD forged closer relations with China- so either our influence isn't all that it is made out to be or if it is then we do not wield it too often on purpose. So how do we actually intervene..I mean for all its wrongs hasn't the AL government and the governments before it brought BD to a place where despite having the same population as Pakistan in a land mass 4 times or so smaller than Pak you guys have a better economy, reputation and larger forex reserves than them. Surely you guys are doing quite a few things right so where does the interventionism come in? I remember you stated that the transit deal would probably have already been bound with a treaty obligation in India's favor..we can't coerce you guys into doing that, I still find that hard to believe..why would the other parties allow that?

You people definitely have a more mobile and connected intelligentsia and media..it might not hurt you guys to be chanakyans for once and go out on a no holds barred propaganda/smear campaign..the ROI is always rich from such ops. :tup:
As I said I would not bet on China is this..the US is famous for surrounding its opponents with multiple enemies..they've tried very hard to get us to commit to an all out enmity with China. They have both grown large but we (India) shall remain largely neutral..now is not our time to play our hand or get into a fist fight between them. Listen, I have seen you express some serious acrimony against India. Now any general Indian poster, when confronted with that and absent any knowledge of how we are actually to blame of interventionism, tends to get offended and react- up to the point of trolling. I am honestly asking, how are we intervening..we didn't intervene when BNP came to power..when BD forged closer relations with China- so either our influence isn't all that it is made out to be or if it is then we do not wield it too often on purpose. So how do we actually intervene..I mean for all its wrongs hasn't the AL government and the governments before it brought BD to a place where despite having the same population as Pakistan in a land mass 4 times or so smaller than Pak you guys have a better economy, reputation and larger forex reserves than them. Surely you guys are doing quite a few things right so where does the interventionism come in? I remember you stated that the transit deal would probably have already been bound with a treaty obligation in India's favor..we can't coerce you guys into doing that, I still find that hard to believe..why would the other parties allow that?

You people definitely have a more mobile and connected intelligentsia and media..it might not hurt you guys to be chanakyans for once and go out on no holds barred propaganda/smear campaign..the ROI is always rich from such ops. :tup:

The picture is not as rosy as some awamileaguers here point it out to be. All media are awami owned now. Scams after scams have taken place measuring up to Bn of $$. Debt to GDP ratio is rising alarmigly with astronomical amount of bank borrowing. As for the forex reserve, well most are due to remittance send by workers in ME , which is also at stake due to ruined relations with ME. Also import is going down with reduction of capital machinery import giving rise to the forex.

Whether U want to accept it or not we consider and its a fact that India intervened in previous election to bring AL to power. Sadly there is no evidence now just like there was no evidence (till recently)to show that US kicked out Iranian PM Mosaddegh in 1953. India intervened in BD since 71 and even in previous BNP period. They never showed any intent to solve thorny issues with BNP and always showed apathy. Every now and then statement from Indian think tanks and articles about how India should back and support Hasina raise more suspicions. Its on record that Indira gandhi objected to the exiled BD gov in 71 for BD to even have an army and subsequently tried to destroy the army till 75 via rakki Bahini. See indo-BD 7 point aggreement and the 25 years friendship treaty signed in 72. The things that this gov did after coming to power doesn't leave a shadow of doubt that they are Indian dalals. I kind of think U guys should pride yourselves about managing a proxy gov in a country of 160mn. BD was a whole different ball game compared to Bhutan and U succeeded. History will consider Bringing AL to power in BD in 2009 as the greatest foreign policy success India and its intellegence wing ever achieved.
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