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Buddhists from Bangladesh resettle in Myanmar, Rohingya Muslims cry foul

Simply put it: Bangladesh cannot afford to instigate any insurgency in another country. It's not only about the money. And these things are unpredictable if you know what I mean.

What Bangladesh failed is to formulate any strategy for Myanmar. One cannot ignore the happenings in a major neighboring country. The key is economics.

U know, mayanmar can offer lower cost labor for garments sector.They are also developing infrastructure. Its already a competitor. A open mayanmar is Bad news for BD if we can't get rid of these scumbag awami-commie loons. We have to get our act together in the mayanmar issue and fast. Time is running out. And I support taking Rohingya refugees as that would at least save lives. Leaving them to get slaughtered is no answer. The only way we can force mayanmar to accede to our terms in the future if we can grow up to be too much economically overwhelming for them.
You sure about that? I doubt their MIS has capability to conduct such an operation in a foreign land. If their intelligence was so powerful I bet it could have done something about the insurgents who regularly kicks the Burmese army's a$$.

1.Burmese MIS maintain a network in the Arakan- Chittagong border area. Smugglers, BD Rakhines,and Buddhist monks are used. Ramu is a border Upazila.

2. Ramu pagoda incident needs to seen in the backdrop of anti-Muslim riots in neighboring Arakan. And now this forced population exchange exposes the whole MIS plan.
I said a hypothetical assertive china. Like it or not, US have to give in to chinese security concerns in both Central, South and East asia if it doesn't want another WWII germany. The huff and puff of US now won't last longer if saner minds prevail. Provoking china won't do either US or India any good in the long term as china indeed is a dormant 800 pound gorilla. If they want they would go for certain territories in mongolia, mayanmar and other parts of east asia in the future just like Russia recently did.

Maybe in the future they will up the ante. But betting against the US is a bad bet to say the least. This isn't some insurgency or COIN campaign..this is influence over regions through money...and the US can out gamble anyone even with their economy in shambles. In case you haven't noticed, they've done this before...a bad bet to place for a nation like BD. Take sides and you will get squeezed in the middle. Nothing ever came free of cost. Play smart and engage with sharp diplomacy and you may win the day yet.

Take the situation at hand for instance. All these proposed insurgency campaigns are khiyali pulao at best...BUT..start a propaganda campaign..take a leaf out of the West's book...use the larger and more dynamic intelligentsia of BD to attain supremacy for BD's narrative against Burma and you will see the situation play in your favor. Try and get rigid, take up arms or arm proxies and well we have an apt example in Pakistan of what such actions earn a nation.
U know, mayanmar can offer lower cost labor for garments sector.They are also developing infrastructure. Its already a competitor. A open mayanmar is Bad news for BD if we can't get rid of these scumbag awami-commie loons. We have to get our act together in the mayanmar issue and fast. Time is running out. And I support taking Rohingya refugees as that would at least save lives. Leaving them to get slaughtered is no answer. The only way we can force mayanmar to accede to our terms in the future if we can grow up to be too much economically overwhelming for them.

A long shot at best :lol:

No country can match against Bangladesh's low-cost and plentiful labor. Myanmar on the other hand has plenty of resources, and we can exploit that by simply talking to them. Economics is a powerful weapon my friend, many people underestimate it.

I mean it wouldn't hurt to try wouldn't it? :meeting:

And time? Time is certainly not on AL's side. It is only a matter of time before this government would be put under the tank.

@Loki did you get my message ? :devil:

Why yes, I did :angel:
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You lot seem quite interested in BD-mayanmar conflict so I guessed you'ld appreciate this honour.

If the Buddhist feel safe in Mayanmar then they are welcome to leave the same goes for rohingyas. Howvere the rohingyas are pushed to BD, its not BDs "duty" to take refugees for no reason. Sure if they are Bengali we'll likely take the case into our own hands perhaps get to negotiate with Myanmar and get them to give them Arakan, if they hate their people so much. You speak as if BD is at fault. As for the minorities here in BD even the majority is not safe thanks to our current regime. :what:

I am not really interested. just flabbergasting, Bangladeshis taking the name of India in every comment. U mentioned, we need to talk to Burmese for BD.
The Question is why do we need to? I emphasized WE. Every country have some problems in safeguarding minorities and i accept it.
And as u say, if its not BD duty's to take refugees, how can you ever negotiate with another country to give u a part of land, or ask a part of their land to give them independence?
Do u realise its impossible? There is no way, ur words will be even considered for discussion,
i have a pakistani little brother who lost his hand last month who had nothing to do with political issues.
That's pretty sad, I hope he gets better. Maybe you should give more awareness for your relative or families to stay away from risky areas.
A long shot at best :lol:

No country can match against Bangladesh's low-cost and plentiful labor. Myanmar on the other hand has plenty of resources, and we can exploit that by simply talking to them. Economics is a powerful weapon my friend, many people underestimate it.

I mean it wouldn't hurt to try wouldn't it? :meeting:

And time? Time is certainly not on AL's side. It is only a matter of time before this government would be put under the tank.

Why yes, I did :angel:

Hands off, After the Americans are done plundering those resources the remainder are ours...:angry:

Either that or we'll buy Khaleda bibi too. :angel:

Btw what's with the exclusively female avatars?
That's pretty sad, I hope he gets better. Maybe you should give more awareness for your relative or families to stay away from risky areas.

he is not my relative my brother by blood , he is brother by soul :) btw i am bangladeshi not pakistani :)
U know, mayanmar can offer lower cost labor for garments sector.They are also developing infrastructure. Its already a competitor. A open mayanmar is Bad news for BD if we can't get rid of these scumbag awami-commie loons. We have to get our act together in the mayanmar issue and fast. Time is running out. And I support taking Rohingya refugees as that would at least save lives. Leaving them to get slaughtered is no answer. The only way we can force mayanmar to accede to our terms in the future if we can grow up to be too much economically overwhelming for them.
What's to force here?its their citizens not BDs.and currently we are in better position then Burma,economically that is.and how do you suggest we keep millions of rohingas in BD?where?how?in last 7 years has any country helped us with rohinga issue? Did we get any financial help from any world organizations? How do you propose we settle Burma's racial violence? Like us they are not asking for liberation. They just wants to be in their own country. They are not living by choice.
Hands off, After the Americans are done plundering those resources the remainder are ours...:angry:

Either that or we'll buy Khaleda bibi too. :angel:

Btw what's with the exclusively female avatars?

Sharing is caring :meeting:

I love women. What can I do?

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