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Buddhists from Bangladesh resettle in Myanmar, Rohingya Muslims cry foul

@alaungphaya Dude I get it, you people don't consider the Rohingyas to be Burmese, fine. But do you have to push them out like this? Brother they leave empty handed, not a penny on them and starving. Can you imagine that sort of hardship? And these days wherever they they go they get turned around..sometimes right back into the sea to drift and starve. Can Myanmar not find any humane settlement with them?

@BD:- Dude its not going to work, leave it be. We had that big thread with KingMamba about this very topic? Even we've tried to talk to them, very politely- that just don't go Pol-Pot on these people they don't deserve that surely. Needless to say it didn't work. Everyone is courting Myanmar's favor, the Americans, us (India-Burma-Thailand highway, Sitwe port and natural gas pipe lines), China, the EU which is just lifting its sanctions on them and has given its official consent to now normalize relations and jump head first into trade. We all have BIG investments there but not the stamina atm to do anything concrete to turn them from their path with regard to the Rohingyas.

@asad71 Do you ever spout anything but conspiracy theories...the Burmese know enough to not try and operate in RAW's area of operations. :coffee: Stop cheapening everything you come across.

A picture explains a thousand words:

BBC News - Why are Buddhist monks attacking Muslims?

We do admit that Bangladesh government is not working enough on the issue. Merely saying "It's Myanmar's problem" is an arrogant statement to say the least. That is not however to say that all Rohingyas must be persecuted from Myanmar. Bangladesh should negotiate on the issue. I believe our novice foreign minister - Dipu Moni is the weak link here.

Bangladesh government should do something.

And even if we do accept all Rohingyas, it would not guarantee that persecution of Muslims and violence against them will stop. Needless to say, they'll still continue to hound us.
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A picture explains a thousands words:

BBC News - Why are Buddhist monks attacking Muslims?

We do admit that Bangladesh government is not working enough on the issue. Merely saying "It's Myanmar's problem" is an arrogant statement to say the least. That is not however to say that all Rohingyas must be persecuted from Myanmar. Bangladesh should negotiate on the issue. I believe our novice foreign minister - Dipu Moni is the weak link here.

Bangladesh government should do something.

And even if we do accept all Rohingyas, it would not guarantee that persecution of Muslims and violence against them will stop. Needless to say, they'll still continue to hound us.

Dude check my previous posts on the topic. I am all for the peaceful integration of Rohingyas into Burmese society. Anything else will lead to a further exodus the likes of which we've never seen in the past few decades.

What I am asking is what are the diplomatic alternatives for solving this issue? A few Bangladeshis are hinting at supporting insurgencies in Myanmar, you think that is wise? That's why I tried to limit my interaction with just @BDforever on this topic, since we've had exchanges on it before. I take no pleasure in hearing about Ronhingyas being left adrift at sea to starve. But what REAL course of action can any nation take atm on this issue?
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@Loki i hate you, why did you delete my post ? :girl_cray3:
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A picture explains a thousand words:

BBC News - Why are Buddhist monks attacking Muslims?

We do admit that Bangladesh government is not working enough on the issue. Merely saying "It's Myanmar's problem" is an arrogant statement to say the least. That is not however to say that all Rohingyas must be persecuted from Myanmar. Bangladesh should negotiate on the issue. I believe our novice foreign minister - Dipu Moni is the weak link here.

Bangladesh government should do something.

And even if we do accept all Rohingyas, it would not guarantee that persecution of Muslims and violence against them will stop. Needless to say, they'll still continue to hound us.

Are you mad?why on earth will we take on other country's ppl just because they are Muslim.will you consent if India tries to push Muslims across the boarder by droves?we are helping homeless/country less Burmese as much we are capable off.what els should we do?even mighty India could not feed few millions of Bangladeshi more then 7 months.which we are doing for last 7/8 years with our limited resources.
Currently Chinese influence is waning in Myanmar. U.S. influence is rising in Myanmar. Indian influence has stabilized. In any conflict we at least will only try and maintain status quo.

But...the Chinese can use their support to gain back all their influence by aiding Myanmar in such a situation. Or the Americans can pull the Burmese completely into their camp by aiding them too. You don't have so many options.

What makes U think that the chinese won't mind expanding toward BOB by aiding kaichin rebels and by extension Rohingyas. A fragmented Mayanmar is very much in interest of a hypothetical assertive china. Russia took away Abkhazia & South Ossetia as if taking candy from a baby with US watching from the sidelines. :rolleyes:
Dude check my previous posts on the topic. I am all for the peaceful integration of Rohingyas into Burmese society. Anything else will lead to a further exodus the likes of which we've never seen in the past few decades.

What I am asking is what are the diplomatic alternatives for solving this issue? A few Bangladeshis are hinting at supporting insurgencies in Myanmar, you think that is wise? That's why I tried to limit my interaction with just @BDforever on this topic, since we've had exchanges on it before. I take no pleasure in hearing about Ronhingyas being left adrift at sea to starve. But what REAL course of action can any nation take atm on this issue?

you are forgetting one thing, it is not only Rohingya people who are suffering, Kachin people (majority are christian) are also suffering.
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What makes U think that the chinese won't mind expanding toward BOB by aiding kaichin rebels and by extension Rohingyas. A fragmented Mayanmar is very much in interest of a hypothetical assertive china. Russia took away Abkhazia & South Ossetia as if taking candy from a baby with US watching from the sidelines. :rolleyes:

Because China is not the US of A, had it been similarly...the word would be aggressive...they would have invaded Myanmar the minute they felt that their influence was falling..something that the US is famous for doing..Panama anyone?

China, for all the animosity we may have, does not operate like a 800 pound gorilla smashing everything in sight. They like to be as non-committed as possible given the situation. Go down the path of insurgencies and proxy warfare and you will not have earned their favor. The rest is obviously the GOB's prerogative.

you are forgetting one thing, it is not only Rohingya people who are suffering, Kachin people (majority are christian) are also suffering.

Yaara I have done no reading up on the Kachin. I think we shouldn't try and get too into all the issues that plague Burma..the Rohingyas are another matter..how long before they get even more desperate and start an exodus..not in hundreds or thousands but in the entirety of their numbers. Not a pleasant scenario, no?
Because China is not the US of A, had it been similarly...the word would be aggressive...they would have invaded Myanmar the minute they felt that their influence was falling..something that the US is famous for doing..Panama anyone?

China, for all the animosity we may have, does not operate like a 800 pound gorilla smashing everything in sight. They like to be as non-committed as possible given the situation. Go down the path of insurgencies and proxy warfare and you will not have earned their favor. The rest is obviously the GOB's prerogative.

listen china and usa are not going to fight with each other directly in near future because economically they are dependent on each other. only they will do is proxy war.
Are you mad?why on earth will we take on other country's ppl just because they are Muslim.will you consent if India tries to push Muslims across the boarder by droves?we are helping homeless/country less Burmese as much we are capable off.what els should we do?even mighty India could not feed few millions of Bangladeshi more then 7 months.which we are doing for last 7/8 years with our limited resources.

Please read my post carefully. I never said we should accept them in droves. I simply said that Bangladesh government should talk about this matter more. Senator Kerry clearly said that this attitude is only creating more tensions in the region.

And what's more, not all Muslims in Myanmar are Rohingyas. There is considerable anti-Muslim sentiment over there. Read the link I posted, it is a very interesting insight.

@Loki i hate you, why did you delete my post ? :girl_cray3:

Let's not engage in any ****-measuring contests ;)
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listen china and usa are not going to fight with each other directly in near future because economically they are dependent on each other. only they will do is proxy war.

That is another matter altogether..what I am highlighting is that Chinese policy on all such matters is vastly different from American policy.Surely you agree to that?
There is no sign of help from Asian Muslim countries , Pakistan, Very disappointed.
Call us selfish but we have our own huge problems, afghan immigrants are already a burden on us, can't take more immigrants with an immature government.
Dude check my previous posts on the topic. I am all for the peaceful integration of Rohingyas into Burmese society. Anything else will lead to a further exodus the likes of which we've never seen in the past few decades.

What I am asking is what are the diplomatic alternatives for solving this issue? A few Bangladeshis are hinting at supporting insurgencies in Myanmar, you think that is wise? That's why I tried to limit my interaction with just @BDforever on this topic, since we've had exchanges on it before. I take no pleasure in hearing about Ronhingyas being left adrift at sea to starve. But what REAL course of action can any nation take atm on this issue?

Simply put it: Bangladesh cannot afford to instigate any insurgency in another country. It's not only about the money. And these things are unpredictable if you know what I mean.

What Bangladesh failed is to formulate any strategy for Myanmar. One cannot ignore the happenings in a major neighboring country. The key is economics.
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Call us selfish but we have our own huge problems, afghan immigrants are already a burden on us, can't take more immigrants with an immature government.

bro , i have one question, why your govt. does not declare taliban armed groups as enemy, they are killing your innocent people, even they threaten and bombed during election, it hurts me because i have a pakistani little brother who lost his hand last month who had nothing to do with political issues.
Because China is not the US of A, had it been similarly...the word would be aggressive...they would have invaded Myanmar the minute they felt that their influence was falling..something that the US is famous for doing..Panama anyone?

China, for all the animosity we may have, does not operate like a 800 pound gorilla smashing everything in sight. They like to be as non-committed as possible given the situation. Go down the path of insurgencies and proxy warfare and you will not have earned their favor. The rest is obviously the GOB's prerogative.

Yaara I have done no reading up on the Kachin. I think we shouldn't try and get too into all the issues that plague Burma..the Rohingyas are another matter..how long before they get even more desperate and start an exodus..not in hundreds or thousands but in the entirety of their numbers. Not a pleasant scenario, no?

I said a hypothetical assertive china. Like it or not, US have to give in to chinese security concerns in both Central, South and East asia if it doesn't want another WWII germany. The huff and puff of US now won't last longer if saner minds prevail. Provoking china won't do either US or India any good in the long term as china indeed is a dormant 800 pound gorilla. If they want they would go for certain territories in mongolia, mayanmar and other parts of east asia in the future just like Russia recently did.
bro , i have one question, why your govt. does not declare taliban armed groups as enemy, they are killing your innocent people, even they threaten and bombed during election, it hurts me because i have a pakistani little brother who lost his hand last month who had nothing to do with political issues.
Political tools, army fights them, government protects them.

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