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Buddhist Terrorism - no longer a myth

A group of Arakanese monks have called for Rohingya “sympathisers” to be targeted and exposed as “national traitors” while tensions again flare between Buddhists and Muslims in Burma’s westernmost state.

In a document seen by DVB, the All-Arakanese Monks’ Solidarity Conference have urged locals to distribute images of anyone alleged to be supporting the stateless minority group to all townships in the region, potentially opening them up to violent attacks by nationalist extremists.

The ten-point document also calls for the creation of security bodies led by monks intended to enforce and safeguard discipline, “to establish a magazine, covering all of Arakan state, to promote [Buddhist] religion” and renewed calls for the Rohingya to be expelled from Burma.

“The president has been very clear that the Arakan issue should not be seen as a religious one, but if anyone is trying to establish it as a religious issue it’s definitely the monks now,” said Chris Lewa, head of the Arakan Project.

Lewa, who has recently returned from Arakan state’s capital Sittwe, told DVB that ethnic Arakanese are already terrified of helping any foreigners travelling to the region, and the monks’ move could have a devastating humanitarian impact.

“The Rakhines [Arakanese] are mostly afraid of their own community if they do anything that can be seen to be helping or supporting the Muslim community.”

Violence erupted again this weekend with reports of casualties following fresh clashes between Arakanese Buddhists and Muslim Rohingyas in Min Bya and Mrauk U townships. A curfew has been imposed in both areas.

Last week, President Thein Sein suspended plans for the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation to open a humanitarian liaison office in Sittwe, after monks across the country staged mass rallies against the move.

“I am amazed that they arrested peace activists demonstrating in Yangon [Rangoon] over Kachin state, but just allow this promotion of hatred, especially by people like the monks, who would be the best actors to try to calm things down – it seems to be completely unbelievable,” said Lewa.

Many Arakanese monks have repeatedly called on local Buddhists to sever all relations with the Rohingya community, including trade and the provision of humanitarian aid.

“It is deeply depressing to see this kind of intolerance and nationalism on the rise, and going unchallenged by most democratic leaders. The more this kind of extremism goes unchallenged the bolder those promoting hatred and intolerance become,” Mark Farmaner from Burma Campaign UK told DVB.

“Burma is a multi-cultural, multi-racial multi-religion country. If this isn’t recognised and accepted there will be no end to conflict in Burma.”

On Sunday, President Thein Sein reluctantly recognised the need for humanitarian assistance to the conflict-torn state, but only after sustained international pressure.

“We are not in a situation to feed the people in the camps with the help of ordinary citizens so we have to accept humanitarian assistance from the international community,” he said. ”If we do not accept the humanitarian assistance they will say we are not human.”

But despite international pledges of assistance, Lewa says the conditions in the camps for displaced Rohingyas remain “very poor” and are permeated by a “lack of hope”.

Tensions flared in Arakan state after the rape and murder of an ethnic Arakanese woman – allegedly by three Muslims – sparked a series of revenge attacks and communal riots, which killed 87 people and displaced nearly 100,000. Displaced Rohingyas have been segregated in camps away from the Arakanese majority and are unable to travel freely.
Many of those that fled Kyaukphyu, including our Observer, are not Rohingya but Kaman, which is a Muslim minority group that is officially recognized by the state. Chris Lewa, director of the Rohingya advocacy group Arakan Project, told Reuters: “It's not just anti-Rohingya violence anymore, it’s anti-Muslim.”
Why would a Buddhist country want OIC? you think Saudi Arabia will allow a buddhist organisation

legitimate question. only if you werent biased you would ask why the monks are front runner in anti rohingya activities!!!
Doesn't take much to start the dogs barking around here.

What business does the OIC have in Myanmar? None at all. Be thankful the Burmese allow Turkish aid to get through. Your master race Chinese would not have allowed a single package to get through to the Urghyrs and the OIC would not dared to have spoken up.
Why would a Buddhist country want OIC? you think Saudi Arabia will allow a buddhist organisation

Buddhist were not targeted in Saudi Arabia like the Rohingyas in Myanmar by these extremist monk and apartheid burmese janta. That is the reason why OIC wants to supervise the condition of the Rohingyas.
Doesn't take much to start the dogs barking around here.

What business does the OIC have in Myanmar? None at all. Be thankful the Burmese allow Turkish aid to get through. Your master race Chinese would not have allowed a single package to get through to the Urghyrs and the OIC would not dared to have spoken up.

Obviously it has business when your extremist monks and apartheid Burmese janta intentionally targeted Rohingyas and committing human right violation. Be thankful to your god that it is 21st century other wise your bamars race would get a massive punch if it would be prior 20th century that it would not be able to claim it a master race like the nazi germany where it does not accept any other race or minority.
31 October 2012 Last updated at 12:21 ET Share this pageEmailPrint

Many Rohingya missing as boat sinks off Bangladesh

BBC News - Many Rohingya missing as boat sinks off Bangladesh

Thousands have fled Burma for Bangladesh in flimsy boats
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About 120 people are missing after their boat capsized in the Bay of Bengal, police in Bangladesh say.

Survivors say many of those on the boat were Rohingya Muslims who have fled recent ethnic violence in Burma.

Local fishermen rescued 13 people from the boat which sank as it was transferring passengers to a larger ship bound for Malaysia.

More than 20,000 Muslims have been displaced by fighting which erupted in Rakhine state 10 days ago.

At least 80 people have died in the violence and thousands of homes have been burnt down.

Clashes in Rakhine in western Burma earlier this year uprooted more than 70,000 Rohingya.

That violence was sparked by the rape and murder of a young Buddhist woman in Rakhine.

Many Rohingya have gathered in a camp outside state capital Sittwe
Reprisal attacks on Rohingya by ethnic Rakhine spiralled and the government was forced to impose a state of emergency to end the violence.

Many of those displaced in June now live in squalid camps either in the state capital, Sittwe, or across the border in Bangladesh.

There is long-standing tension between ethnic Rakhine people, who make up the majority of the state's population, and Muslims, many of whom are Rohingya and are stateless.

The United Nations describes the Rohingya as a persecuted religious and linguistic minority.

The Burmese government, on the other hand, says they are relatively recent migrants from the Indian sub-continent.

The authorities regard the Rohingya as illegal immigrants and correspondents say there is widespread public hostility to them.

In the most recent clashes, some Rohingya have accused the security forces of siding with the Rakhine and shooting at Muslims.

The government declared a curfew in the affected areas on Monday, and has deployed additional security personnel in Rakhine state, but the violence has continued.
extremist monks are leading the anti Rohingya sentiment from front


Extremist Monk? All I see here is a peaceful demonstration.

This is how extremists protest! ---




^ that's tragic but how is it relevant to "Buddhist terrorism"? Did a Buddhist suicide bomber blow himself up to sink the boat?
^ that's tragic but how is it relevant to "Buddhist terrorism"? Did a Buddhist suicide bomber blow himself up to sink the boat?

Go through the thread then you will understand what is Budhhist terrorism. They do not need to blow up a boat as they are not oppressed here but they are killing and burning innocent people intentionally.

Even Monks are leading it from front.
^ that's tragic but how is it relevant to "Buddhist terrorism"? Did a Buddhist suicide bomber blow himself up to sink the boat?

why do they need to blow themselves up when they can walk into a rohingya house and slaughter everyone in front of Army????

Extremist Monk? All I see here is a peaceful demonstration.

This is how extremists protest! ---





so jaunty you believe these muslims are peaceful?? what happened?? are you ok????
so jaunty you believe these muslims are peaceful?? what happened?? are you ok????

Those pictures look peaceful to you? Did you read what I wrote above the pics? I was giving you a sample of extremist protest as opposed to the peaceful protest of the monks that you shared--displaying your bigotry with the caption "extremist monk".
Thursday, November 1, 2012International

Ethnic Violence
Myanmar govt rejects Asean talks offer

Myanmar govt rejects Asean talks offer

Al Jazeera Online
Myanmar has rejected an offer by the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) to open talks aimed at quelling deadly communal violence there, according to the regional bloc's chief.

Surin Pitsuwan said on Tuesday he proposed setting up tripartite talks between Asean, the UN and Myanmar's government to prevent the violence from having a broader regional impact.

But he said Myanmar turned down the offer to discuss the bloodshed in the western Rakhine state that has led to about 180 deaths since June.

The bloodshed has pitted Buddhists against minority Rohingya Muslims.

"Myanmar believes it is their internal matter, but your internal matter could be ours the next day if you are not careful," Surin, Asean's secretary-general, said after delivering a speech at a forum in the Malaysian capital, Kuala Lumpur.

Fresh fighting in Rakhine this month resulted in another 88 people being killed and added to the thousands of homes torched, with tens of thousands of Rohingya Muslims now living in overcrowded camps.

Rights groups fear the actual number killed could be much higher.

“Around 100,000 people have been displaced since the fighting started back in June,” Al Jazeera's Wayne Hay reported from Sittwe, capital of Rakhine state.

Most of those displaced lost their homes when they were burned down in what they say is a deliberate attempt by the predominantly Buddhist government to drive them out of the country.

Myanmar's quasi-civilian government has imposed emergency rule in response to continued tension in the region.

And while Buddhists remain free to move about the state, the Rohingya are becoming increasingly restricted, our correspondent said.

Myanmar's Buddhist-majority government regards the estimated 800,000 Rohingyas in the country as illegal immigrants from Bangladesh and its laws deny them citizenship.

The Rohingya have long been considered by the UN as one of the world's most persecuted minorities.
Those pictures look peaceful to you?

i have quoted international media where monks are openly instigating the violence?? why you people are so fiercely defending killers by posting random off topic photos??
i have quoted international media where monks are openly instigating the violence?? why you people are so fiercely defending killers by posting random off topic photos??

Can you show me which international media captioned them as "Extremist Monks"?

There is no topic to discuss here, there is no such think as Buddhist terrorism to begin with. Whatever is happening in Burma is Ethnic riot. I don't endorse or support it.
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