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Buddhist Terrorism - no longer a myth

Are these Buddhists invoking their religious verses to justify their acts? If no, then the violence is xenophobic violence, the kind we see in Karachi for example.

QFT. They are not promised virgins for killing people either.
I see the same coterie of confused, impotent, islamists are still spouting the same tired rhetoric they were over the summer. It's interesting that despite all your e-protestations, someone pointed out that the real reason bdesh won't let the rohingya in is because they would all support the right-wing islamist parties. Pathetic really.

As for some of the other confused people, even Indians; we've moved on from totalitarian government. These fresh riots show that there is no 'hidden hand' at work behind the scenes instigating the situation, atleast not from the Burmese side. It is largely out of the hands of the central government. This is a sectarian problem stemming from past unchecked immigration and it's very simplistic and facile to bring belief systems into its cause. But then the adherents of a universally mistrusted belief system are probably more prone to tarnish others as they themselves have been.

Here is a recent article showing that it's not all black and white up there.

Burmese security forces fire into Rakhine mob

One Rakhine man was shot dead and two were wounded by Burmese security forces on Tuesday as several thousand Rakhine natives moved toward a Muslim village, Radio Free Asia (RFA) reported on Tuesday.

The shooting at Kyauknimaw village in Ramree Township came as the UN and Asean issued warnings that Burma’s sectarian violence poses grave dangers for Burma’s democratic reforms and the wider region.

At least 84 people have died, 129 others have been wounded and 28,000 are homeless following a week of renewed violence between Muslim Rohingyas and Rakhines, according to government figures.

Some 4,600 houses have also been burned in the latest violence. In the earlier clashes, which started in June, at least 80 people died and 75,000 mostly Rohingyas were displaced and are now sheltered in refugee camps.

The UN said Tuesday that the area's refugee camps are now under great strain, and humanitarian workers are themselves being threatened by local agitators. Aid workers are prevented from reaching many areas, it said.

Local residents said about 6,000 to 10,000 Rakhines on Tuesday attempted to force out Muslim occupants in Kyauknimaw village, causing security police to open fire, RFA said.

An unconfirmed report said that local authorities have said they would move the Muslims out from the village within a week, RFA reported.

Speaking at a lecture series organized by Malaysia's Global Movement of Moderates Foundation in Kuala Lumpur on Tuesday, Asean Secretary-General Surin Pitsuwan said he was gravely concerned over the clashes in Rakhine State.

“It's not an issue of Muslims and Buddhists, that's only part of it,” he said. “It's an issue of constitutional structure, it's an issue of democracy, it is an issue of human rights, it's an issue of national reconciliation, and that issue can spill out very quick and very fast.”

“The situation is deteriorating and there is now a risk of a radicalization of the Rohingya. This would not be good for anyone,” he said. “This would have wider strategic and security implications for the region.”

Burmese security forces fire into Rakhine mob

At the end of the day, if the Arakanese don't want to co-exist with the Rohingya then no-one, not the Burmese, not the international community, can do anything about it. On the other hand, if the Rohingyas radicalise, as so many of you stupid people here would like them to and even wish for your government to aid them to that end, then the backlash will be heavy all across non-muslim SE Asia.

Bangladesh have a golden opportunity to defuse the situation by allowing your people back to their homeland but are letting petty politics get in the way. Sad really.
Bangladesh have a golden opportunity to defuse the situation by allowing your people back to their homeland but are letting petty politics get in the way. Sad really.



But myanmar will never do that as illegal Bangladeshi is myth, the only thing they do in front of Bangladeshi officials is promising to take Rohingyas back!!

But myanmar will never do that as illegal Bangladeshi is myth, the only thing they do in front of Bangladeshi officials is promising to take Rohingyas back!!

But the whole world is asking bingla to open its borders.
But the whole world is asking bingla to open its borders.

because they thought Bangladesh was civilized enough!! But now the whole world have realized that both Bangla and Burma are barbaric nations. btw not Bingla, its Bangla!!

But the whole world is asking bingla to open its borders.

because they thought Bangladesh was civilized enough!! But now the whole world have realized that both Bangla and Burma are barbaric nations. btw not Bingla, its Bangla!!
On the other hand, if the Rohingyas radicalise, as so many of you stupid people here would like them to and even wish for your government to aid them to that end, then the backlash will be heavy all across non-muslim SE Asia.

These Myanmar fundamentalists forget two of the largest countries in SE Asia are Muslim dominated. Myanmar being in isolation for ages, don't know about outside world and what went on in last 10-14 years. If unleashed even Myanmar army would not able to deal with these forces. But fundamentalist mind never can see through clearly and act rationally.
Sad that we are Burma's neighbour, its a failed country.

See it makes international news for negative reasons - Riot, killing, Dictatorship.. this was published today in the independent, uk

The poppy harvest: Burma's boom industry

Ongoing ethnic conflicts in Burma are undermining efforts to tackle opium poppy production in the country, which has recorded its sixth consecutive increase in cultivation. The latest finding from the UN suggests claims by the Burmese authorities that cultivation will be eradicated within two years will prove false.

Although unprecedented efforts to destroy poppy fields resulted in almost 60,000 acres being ripped up last year, the amount of land under cultivation still increased by around 17 per cent. Burma is the world's second-largest producer of opium, after Afghanistan.

Officials from the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) said cultivation had increased most sharply in Kachin and Shan states, where government troops are involved in ongoing and bloody clashes with ethnic fighters. Many of the farmers producing opium poppies have inadequate access to the land and are often short of food. They can earn almost 20 times as much growing poppies as they can producing rice.

Jason Eligh, the Burma country manager for UNODC, said in a statement: "Eradication alone is not an effective response to reduce opium poppy cultivation. We must remember why farmers grow poppies. In most cases it is because they need cash to buy food to feed their families."

The UN body said that a full 90 per cent of Burmese opium poppy cultivation took place in Shan state, with most of the remaining 10 per cent being grown in Kachin.

"In areas of instability like Shan and Kachin states with poor access to markets, there are few employment alternatives to poppy," added Mr Eligh. "A sustainable long-term solution can only come through significant investment in stability, the rule of law and alternative development."

The issue of opium production is a challenge for the nominally civilian government of President Thein Sein. He has been able to reach ceasefire agreements with some, but not all, of the ethnic groups that have been fighting for autonomy from the government for many years. Reuters reported that, in February this year, Thein Sein's legal adviser, Sit Aye, said they wanted to eradicate poppy production by 2014.

At the launch of the UNODC report in Naypyidaw, Burma's deputy minister of home affairs, Maj Gen Kyaw Kyaw Tun, also said that eradication programmes could only be part of the solution.

"Burma did a lot of poppy eradication last year. This shows that law enforcement can have a significant impact on opium cultivation," he said. "However, effectively to reduce opium cultivation we need to do a lot more alternative development, including strengthening the livelihoods of opium farmers."

The minister, who is also the country's police chief, added: "We invite donors and the international community to help us reduce opium cultivation and production – which is not only a Burmese problem, but a global concern."

The UN body estimates that Burma will produce around 690 tonnes of opium this year, up from 610 tonnes. This represents about 10 per cent of all the opium produced in the world. Afghanistan produces around 90 per cent. Burma's opium production is largely driven by demand from China, which accounts for around 70 per cent of the heroin consumption in East Asia and the Pacific.


The poppy harvest: Burma's boom industry - Asia - World - The Independent
These Myanmar fundamentalists forget two of the largest countries in SE Asia are Muslim dominated. Myanmar being in isolation for ages, don't know about outside world and what went on in last 10-14 years. If unleashed even Myanmar army would not able to deal with these forces. But fundamentalist mind never can see through clearly and act rationally.
you forget that there india in between pakistan and mynamar...and anyways i hardly think bangladesh alone will ever attack myanmar.....dont forget it is china's close ally.....and they won't take your intrusion lightly
These Myanmar fundamentalists forget two of the largest countries in SE Asia are Muslim dominated. Myanmar being in isolation for ages, don't know about outside world and what went on in last 10-14 years. If unleashed even Myanmar army would not able to deal with these forces. But fundamentalist mind never can see through clearly and act rationally.

No country in the world other than USA can dare mess with Myanmar, not even India. They are China's closest ally, taking on Myanmar would pretty much mean taking on China, and India definitely cannot afford to that. Perhaps these other SE Asia countries and Bangladesh can form an aliiance of sorts and pressure China or take on Maynmar, I duno...
High time for multi-party talks on Myanmar crisis

Myanmar’s quasi-civilian government has reportedly rejected an initiative of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations to open tripartite talks involving the ASEAN, Myanmar and the United Nations to quell the deadly communal violence in the country, claiming that it was an ‘internal matter’ of the country.

While we are strongly opposed to the idea of the external with the internal affairs of any country, Myanmar’s claim in the present case is absolutely baseless, at least as far as Bangladesh is concerned. In the Rakhine state of Myanmar, by all standards, the Muslim minority community has been exposed to racial cleansing by the chauvinistic Buddhist majority community, causing violent murders of, according to an AFP report printed by New Age on Wednesday, at least 180 people since June.

Besides, the sectarian violence in the Rakhine state has caused, according to a recent UNHCR statement, more than 28,000 people to flee their homes in October. Notably, Myanmar illogically refuses to accept some 800,000 Rohingyas, a Muslim minority community of the country, as its citizens, obstinately claiming that they are illegal immigrants from Bangladesh! What is surprising, as well as disturbing, is that authorities in Myanmar do not at all look serious about containing the violence. The spokesman of the Rakhine government reportedly said on Tuesday that they ‘do not know’ as to how long the violence would continue. It could go on, said the spokesman, ‘for about a month or two… even… as long as a year or two.’ Any reasonable person can imagine what would happen to the minority Rohingya people, who already are, according to the United Nations, ‘one of the most persecuted minorities on the planet,’ if the violence against them continues for ‘a year or two.’ Some of them would become refugees in neighboring countries and the rest will just perish in their own country. Is this what the Myanmar authorities are paving the way for?

While there are Americans and Britons in Washington and London protesting against the violation of human rights by their respective governments, Indians in Delhi fighting against the persecution of Muslim minority by Hindu fundamentalists, Bangladeshis in Dhaka protesting against government inaction regarding sectarian violence against minority Hindu and Buddhist communities, it is shocking to see that no Buddhist, including Nobel peace laureate Aung San Suu Kyi, living in Myanmar has so far been heard protesting against the sectarian violence against the minority Rohingya Muslims. It seems that either the incumbents are too undemocratic to tolerate any protests or the Buddhist monks have transformed the non-violent Buddhism to a violent religion. Neither of the phenomena can do good to the people of Myanmar, let alone the rest of the world.

It is, therefore, high time international democratic communities, committed to humanities, came forward to effectively pursue the Myanmar authorities to sit for a multi-party dialogue to end violence against the Rohingyas. The United Nations must come forward and Dhaka has to be made a party to the talks for Bangladesh has been bearing the brunt of looking after more than three lakh Rohingyas, now in various camps in Cox’s Bazar and beyond, for quite some years now. The sooner the talks, the better it is for all concerned.

New Age | Newspaper
Dead bodies floating in sea near Maungdaw south

Dead bodies were floating in the sea near Udaung Village of Maungdaw south on October 28, at about 4:00 pm, according to a villager from Udaung, who denied to be named.
Demands by Buddhist monks staging anti-Rohingya demonstration in Rangoon today.- Drive out the 'Bangali Kalar Dogs

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