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BSF plans using drone on Indo-Bangla border

We are willing to provide Anzas if you are willing to shoot them down.

Please explain why would they shoot them if they are flying inside indian territory...... Btw they have been flying on a daily basis on the boarder we share how many times did you shoot them down (i am aware of 1 being shoot down because it was deep inside your territory)..... Read the purpose behind this... there is nothing much to spy inside their boarder but to have better boarder management to stop infiltration and illegal immigrants...
We are willing to provide Anzas if you are willing to shoot them down.

Are you the official spokesperson of Pakistan govt.? If yes please give them the anzas. Then our dalals would transfer the tech to us :bounce:
Wouldnt static observation balloons with high resolution cameras be a more cost effective option? experts @Abingdonboy @Skull and Bones @Dillinger @sandy_3126

No, cost effective option would have been to mine the entire border, but no one listen to me these days. :(

Imagine the psychological effect of the survivor, when he'll see his fellow illegal immigrant mate blowing up. I'm sure he'll tell the stories to his fellow villagers and family with equal horror. That will serve our purpose of indirect mouth to mouth advertisement of the ramifications of illegally crossing the border.
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nice.... the USA also doesn't need to have UAVs then.... they have more powerful satellites.... UAVs are just a waste of money.... damn UAVs!!

usa use drones for target killing and signal intelligence. india doesn't need neither of this in india-BD border
Lot more goes on that border. Nothing wrong in keeping an eye.

My a$$ going on at the border other than cow chasing.

usa use drones for target killing and signal intelligence. india doesn't need neither of this in india-BD border

USA has predator not the toy UAV that India going to use which is available in any superstore in Bangladesh. If BGB wants they can always buy some from nearby store and fit them with remote control camera.
Every Country in Asia is doing something Illegal against The Most Naive Country "India".
Seriously man,your attitude is becoming more and more like USA(Police Inspector of World). Any thing happens any where in this world and it directly threatens the "National Security of USA".

Are you on drugs? These is not about some random place but about security of our own border.

Illegal migration from Bangladesh is one of biggest problem in India so if we are talking care for this then how this is related to attitude of USA?
I dont think drones with high res camera designed to see realtime video from above 12000 ft(or 3.5 km) will really be able to see something 107 km away... you need much more sophisticated heavy equipment for that.

drones are designed to look directly below.

Typically you would use aerostats for that. But, the main objective is never area coverage. There are 4 steps in surveillance

1. Monitoring
2. Detection
3. Tracking
4. Solution

For each you may use different mechanism or same. Depends on terrain, purpose, environmental conditions, etc etc. For border surveillance (non maritime) would need a range of 500 mts in starlight conditions. For this, you need a 'system'. Camera is just one part of the puzzle.
UAVs are a cheap alternative to real time observation & intel gathering.

It replaces more than 100 men placed on the ground and is all weather. Over the years we seem to have developed a mind set thanks to how they have been employed on the Easter Borders of Pakistan that these are essentially offensive resources.

I dont see the concern here. Imagine controllers seeing & recording real time infringements along a border - its way better than ' I saw' or ' I felt'.

If the BSF were to use them it would provide a great deal of objectivity in the Control & reporting systems.

Not really. uavs are not the best for surveillance of a border like Bangladesh. In fact, usage of a uav require prior intelligence. The better option would be to go for ground based imaging systems or high res cameras deployed on aerostats. But, the problem with aerostats is that, the area is susceptible to storms.
Don't mind if I go a bit technical to find out the horizon in BD that Indian drones will observe.

Equation: D = square root of (h^2 + 2*R*h)


D= Horizon both in India and BD = ?
h = Height of the Drone from the Earth surface = 10,000 -12,000 feet = 3048 - 3657.6 meters
R = Average Radius of the Earth = 6365 kilometer = 6365000 meters
1 meter = 0.001 kilometers
1 feet = 0.3048 meters


D = square root of (h^2 + 2*R*h)
D = square root of (3657.6^2 + 2*6365000*3657.6)
D = square root of (13378037.76 + 46561248000)
D = square root of (46574626037.76)
D = 215811.55 meters
D = 215.81 Kilometer

Now, if a Drone hoveras just 12,000 feet above the border, then they will observe D * 0.5 = 215.81 * 0.5 = 107.90 Km inside BD territory with zooming facility.


Bro, we already have satellites which can even take high resolution pictures during night..Then why do we need these uavs to spy your country..?

Bro, we already have satellites which can even take high resolution pictures during night..Then why do we need these uavs to spy your country..?

How may spy sats do you have, do you want them busy for just for few illegal migrant? lol

why India is going to use drone?

1. To test the performance of its drones, as India knows BD will not do anything, just take photograph.
2. Cheap option instead of Satellite to monitor and give early warning
3. To assess how BD reacts
4. To show off
5. To keep BD in pressure
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