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BSF plans using drone on Indo-Bangla border

You Indians have a strange concept of what militarized means ...

Educate us think tank jee, these drones are deployed on our side of the border to help block illegal pole vaulting, I don't see any reason why you guys should be concerned, unless of course you do support illegal pole vaulting.
where r ours ******* SAMs . Im ordering now to BAF that all of our SAM keap hot & ready and put them into Indo-bangla border .

Sam's? u gonna shoot uav flying in Indian airspace ? Or u don't know UAV can monitor the border without crossing the international border ?
It will be a lot of fun, our journalists will go at the border, take photographs of orange drones.

I may also go there, really I HAVE NEVER seen any real drone with my own eyes!!!
Bangladeshis complains about our troops in border, they complain about mining our border, they complain about shooting their pole vaulters, they complain about electric wiring our border and now UAVs. They complain anything which can stop their country from entering our Country. And they says that bangladeshis doesn't want to enter India.
It will be a lot of fun, our journalists will go at the border, take photographs of orange drones.

I may also go there, really I HAVE NEVER seen any real drone with my own eyes!!!

we have green ones too. We sent them to Pakistan time to time. if u want I can talk with MOD.
remember we saved you from getting exterminated by pakistanis.
bangladeshis are ungrateful people

Sorry, the return favor has been given duly by our BAL govt by giving India many favors like business, political....... now the quota is over now.
do not worry, SAM system is getting ready. Even if the drone come over no mans land (which is illegal), will be shoot down, so cheers :D:tup:

chance of violation of Bangladesh Air space.

Ha ha ha ,that's what I am wishing for.and these Indian flying troll will do just that,you can count on it.:sniper:
Why all the Hype
This will help in curbing Smuggling & other Illegal activities
Which will help Improving Indo-Bangla Relations

Also what will happen when BJP-BNP combination will come up in India & Bangladesh

Do you think military people give a damn about all those petty smuggling? Their preference is to watch over other country's military activities. India is using a lame excuse to spy over our entire military from the sky. India has raised its stake against BD. BD must reciprocate in kind.
If India do so, then how Pak-Bd will respond. Can this finally re-unite(NOT one nation) former Pakistan against Indians?

India plans to deploy drones on Bangla, Pak borders

Tuesday, 10 September 2013


DHAKA, SEPT 9: The Border Security Force (BSF) of India is planning to deploy unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV or drones) along the border with Pakistan and Bangladesh, the Indian Express reported Monday.
Quoting senior Indian officials the report said, a standard operating procedure is being drafted with the Indian Air Force (IAF) to finalise the modalities of using the UAVs. “We will soon deploy unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) along the border with Pakistan to maintain heightened vigil, said a senior officer”, the Indian daily reported in its online edition.
“The plan to deploy UAVs is picking up pace... We are actively pursuing it and would like to use them not only on the western border but also on the eastern border with Bangladesh," said BSF DG Subhash Joshi.
The surveillance machines, which will be flying at an altitude of 10,000-12,000 feet, will capture images and relay real-time information on the movement of infiltrators, if any, anywhere near the border, said the officer.
"They will be flying at a high altitude, and we will have to keep the airspace restrictions in mind. That is why the IAF has been roped in," said Joshi.
While UAVs are currently being used in Naxal-hit areas, the thick forests there have hindered operations. An officer said the UAVs may prove to be more useful in the border area.
India is already using Long-Range Reconnaissance and Observation System (LORROS), Battlefield Surveillance Radar (BFSR) and night vision devices to enhance surveillance capabilities of the border troops. The BSF had suggested the use of UAVs to the Ministry of Home Affairs last year.

India plans to deploy drones on Bangla, Pak borders
If India do so, then how Pak-Bd will respond. Can this finally re-unite(NOT one nation) former Pakistan against Indians?

India is already using drones in the Pakistan border....Pakistan doesn't seem to give a damn about it!
Do you think military people give a damn about all those petty smuggling? Their preference is to watch over other country's military activities. India is using a lame excuse to spy over our entire military from the sky. India has raised its stake against BD. BD must reciprocate in kind.

What kind of nonsense is this
We have Unmatched Satelite capability in South Asia
Why will we use Drones to spy on the mighty BD armed forces
This is not 60s dude or even the 70s
& we also have spy satelites

& post some sense
No problem we will shoot them down if try to violate Bangladeshi airspace .
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