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BSF plans using drone on Indo-Bangla border

The 5th May Massacre was something that occurred this year. A Islamic group called the Shibir, they are a student wing of a political party called Jamaat e Islam. The shibir had demonstrated peacefully in a place called Shapla Square. While the Shibir were sleeping as this was a overnight demonstration the Awami League, a party known to lick Indian *** had made orders to deploy government agents, police authority which had open fired and bombed the Shibir while they were asleep. I know this from this from 1st hand as I know people down there on the day it happened. The brothers I know reported that around 1000-2000 were killed and put in wagons and dumped in the river. The police and what was reported Indian agents had come in and started firing live ammunition as well rubber bullets, gas, etc. How cowardly is it to open fire on unarmed peaceful protestors?

Welcome to Bangladesh, the land of dirty politricks and hartal.

About 200 Jamat Islami and Shibir workers died during demonstrations against the court verdicts before May. Many thousands were imprisoned, tortured and killed by security forces. The May 5 incident is related to Hefazat e Islam not Shibir:
Hefazat-e-Islam Bangladesh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Officially 50 died, but unofficially no one knows how many were killed.
Welcome to Bangladesh, the land of dirty politricks and hartal.

It's worse than that.

I'd say that the Pilkhana tragedy and the Hefajot massacre are the darkest hours in the nation's history. This country is passing through a very difficult time with a volatile future.

Er....might have to close this thread at some point.

Anyhow, nighty night.
By setting an India puppet govt, India will enjoy the strategic and business advantage and dominance from BD. INDIA definitely has a huge business in BD and India is desperate to set a BD govt here which would care more about India than BD.

Actually, you are not aware of India's plan in BD. May be you will know if you give time into BD section, but I know that's not important to you.

Your last sentence changed my mind.
How can it be when 89% of the country is muslim,there is a so called ''puppet of India''government?
You have like Pakistan,good relations with China and the US.
Do you think China to whome Bangladesh is of strategic importance will just allowe India to keep its influence in Bangladesh?
Ever think of that?
I see cooperation with China on military issues(Nay beeing upgraded by China).
Explain the worries,the future looks bright as long as you have diverse relations(China,India,USA).
The only thing you need is good diplomats,use all the contacts without choosing one side.

The 5th May Massacre was something that occurred this year. A Islamic group called the Shibir, they are a student wing of a political party called Jamaat e Islam. The shibir had demonstrated peacefully in a place called Shapla Square. While the Shibir were sleeping as this was a overnight demonstration the Awami League, a party known to lick Indian *** had made orders to deploy government agents, police authority which had open fired and bombed the Shibir while they were asleep. I know this from this from 1st hand as I know people down there on the day it happened. The brothers I know reported that around 1000-2000 were killed and put in wagons and dumped in the river. The police and what was reported Indian agents had come in and started firing live ammunition as well rubber bullets, gas, etc. How cowardly is it to open fire on unarmed peaceful protestors?

Welcome to Bangladesh, the land of dirty politricks and hartal.

Why dont people stand up and fight?
Is there no unity of the opposition?
What is a pagan?(i really dont know).

Generally denoting a follower of a non-abrahamic religion.

Still going strong with India wanting to annex BD, one wonders- for what joy and purpose? To have a 180 million enraged people pushing back at us? :laughcry:
Generally denoting a follower of a non-abrahamic religion.

Still going strong with India wanting to annex BD, one wonders- for what joy and purpose? To have a 180 million enraged people pushing back at us? :laughcry:

India have no plans to annex Bangladesh, those who think that they do are delusional. India does not want more Muslims in their land, they want to flush out all the Muslims they already have.

What India wants is to keep Bangladesh as a vassal state, as it currently is, using Awami League as their proxy agent. And Awami League uses India to keep themselves in power, with rigged elections.
India have no plans to annex Bangladesh, those who think that they do are delusional. India does not want more Muslims in their land, they want to flush out all the Muslims they already have.

What India wants is to keep Bangladesh as a vassal state, as it currently is, using Awami League as their proxy agent. And Awami League uses India to keep themselves in power, with rigged elections.

You've implied as much that India wishes to invade you ergo rationalizing the pursuit of nuclear armaments.

Internal affairs of BD and its politics are another issue, we have no hand in propping up governments. We simply chose to deal with AL since they are moderate as opposed to the extremist JI and BNP.
Your last sentence changed my mind.
How can it be when 89% of the country is muslim,there is a so called ''puppet of India''government?
You have like Pakistan,good relations with China and the US.
Do you think China to whome Bangladesh is of strategic importance will just allowe India to keep its influence in Bangladesh?
Ever think of that?
I see cooperation with China on military issues(Nay beeing upgraded by China).
Explain the worries,the future looks bright as long as you have diverse relations(China,India,USA).
The only thing you need is good diplomats,use all the contacts without choosing one side.

Why dont people stand up and fight?
Is there no unity of the opposition?

Opposition is united, lets see what happens in the next 3 months, if Awami League can stay or not, whether our people rise up and get rid of these terrorists.

US is Islamphobic and Zionist lovers, so they are fine with Indian abuse of Bangladesh. China is Missing in Action in Bangladesh, I don't think China truly cares. My real hope are not with Chinese, but other nations who may take an interest, lets see how it turns out. We have fertile land and we have 160 million people, so we are not totally useless, we have potential. Only we have yet to find our true friends and allies. May be it will be GCC states, Turkey, Japan, Korea, Indonesia etc.
Opposition is united, lets see what happens in the next 3 months, if Awami League can stay or not, whether our people rise up and get rid of these terrorists.

US is Islamphobic and Zionist lovers, so they are fine with Indian abuse of Bangladesh. China is Missing in Action in Bangladesh, I don't think China truly cares. My real hope are not with Chinese, but other nations who may take an interest, lets see how it turns out. We have fertile land and we have 160 million people, so we are not totally useless, we have potential. Only we have yet to find our true friends and allies. May be it will be GCC states, Turkey, Japan, Korea, Indonesia etc.
The first thing you need to do is something against those floods.
You've implied as much that India wishes to invade you ergo rationalizing the pursuit of nuclear armaments.

Internal affairs of BD and its politics are another issue, we have no hand in propping up governments. We simply chose to deal with AL since they are moderate as opposed to the extremist JI and BNP.

Show me where I implied India wants to annex? Invade and massacre Muslims? Yes you guys can do it, but annex more Muslims? That is a big no. I know you guys would love to take the land, but not the Muslims living on it.

Indians and their two faced lies, BNP and JI extremist? Since when? I know that is your line of lying and the US believes it, so carry on. I am just hoping our true allies will not believe your lies and deception. Awami League is your baby, without them you are lost in Bangladesh, admit it. They are the biggest "secular" terrorist in Bangladesh, even doing false flag terrorism against our own Hindu's, just so they can blame it on BNP and Jamat-e-Islam.
Your last sentence changed my mind.
How can it be when 89% of the country is Muslim,there is a so called ''puppet of India''government?
You have like Pakistan,good relations with China and the US.
Do you think China to whom Bangladesh is of strategic importance will just allow India to keep its influence in Bangladesh?
Ever think of that?

Our populace is divided into two ideologies. One is Indian version of secularism, another one is moderate Islamic country that actually we have been from the inception of the BD's existence. India thinks if we remain moderate Islamic country, it can not exploit BD well. And India thinks if BD becomes a secular country like India {although India is not, its a Hindu supremacy country}, BD people will not mind BD being exploited.

For example: India wants to use BD corridor with no/insufficient annual fee. The secular Bangladeshis will not mind it, because they would think, India is like our brother. On the other hand, believers of moderate Muslims Bangladeshis will mind it, as they do not perceive India as Brother, plus, secular Bangladeshi are less Nationalist, than the Moderate Muslims Bangladeshis when the context is India. That is why India wants to get a govt that would represent the secular Bangladeshis more who think India as brother. And therefore, we have a national division between Secular Bangladeshis and Moderate Muslim Bangladeshis based on the perception difference towards India. And today BD populace is divided.

China is not an aggressive country, do you see China to interfere into any country's affair directly?.... No!
We have good relation with China, we need China, but China does not need us that much. That is why China is indifferent to us. But it is our necessity to seek China's interference into BD against India.

Generally denoting a follower of a non-abrahamic religion.

Still going strong with India wanting to annex BD, one wonders- for what joy and purpose? To have a 180 million enraged people pushing back at us? :laughcry:

India has no plan to invade BD by the means of war or arms, but ideological, cultural, political, strategical and business/
Indians and their two faced lies, BNP and JI extremist? Since when? I know that is your line of lying and the US believes it, so carry on. I am just hoping our true allies will not believe your lies and deception. Awami League is your baby, without them you are lost in Bangladesh, admit it. They are the biggest "secular" terrorist in Bangladesh, even doing false flag terrorism against our own Hindu's, just so they can blame it on BNP and Jamat-e-Islam.

There is no coherency here. Nor are there any secular terrorists in BD. As far as Al is concerned, it is a political party ruling BD by the mandate of the people of BD, if they elect AL again then it shall be there choice and if not then that too shall be their choice.

As far as your opinions on the BNP and JI our concerned they are irrelevant to how the GOI perceives them, as far as India's policies are concerend that's all that matters.
What is the ratio between the two groups?
China needs you more then you think.
Did China ask for a navy port yet,if not they will in the future.

There is no coherency here. Nor are there any secular terrorists in BD. As far as Al is concerned, it is a political party ruling BD by the mandate of the people of BD, if they elect AL again then it shall be there choice and if not then that too shall be their choice.

As far as your opinions on the BNP and JI our concerned they are irrelevant to how the GOI perceives them, as far as India's policies are concerend that's all that matters.
Why is India considerd the bad guy here,there must be a reason dont you think?
The first thing you need to do is something against those floods.

Yes, they are a problem, but not a show stopper. Bangladeshi people by now learned to live through these disasters and it will only get better with time. But India is damming up more of the common international rivers, using water in dry season and releasing them in monsoon, causing more severe floods. So this Hindutva terrorist nation is terrorizing our people with these rivers as well.
What is the ratio between the two groups?
China needs you more then you think.
Did China ask for a navy port yet,if not they will in the future.

Why is India considerd the bad guy here,there must be a reason dont you think?

Plenty of reasons, this thread sheds light on one.

My answer to the question would be biased. If you wish to
know what the issue is in proper terms then you shall have to collate the relevant info yourself.
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