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Brussels Jewish Museum Shooting Suspect Arrested


Nov 18, 2010
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PARIS (AP) — A suspected French jihadist arrested over killings at a Belgian Jewish museum had traveled to Syria and claimed responsibility for the shootings in a video, prosecutors said Sunday.

Fears have been mounting in European countries that the hundreds of European radicals who are joining the fight in Syria against President Bashar Assad could stage attacks when they get home.

Police in the southeastern French city of Marseille arrested the suspect, Mehdi Nemmouche, on Friday after he arrived on a bus from Amsterdam, Paris Prosecutor Francois Molins told reporters. The suspect had an automatic weapon like that used in the Brussels attack, and ballistics analyses were under way to determine if it is the same weapon, Molins said.

It was not immediately clear what Nemmouche was doing in Syria, but the suspect's gun was wrapped up in a white sheet scrawled with the name of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, an extremist group fighting in Syria, Molins said. He said the suspect had spent about a year in Syria.

Molins also said that Nemmouche, a 29-year-old from northern France, had a criminal record, with seven convictions for crimes like attempted robbery — but nothing related to terrorism.

At a separate and nearly simultaneous news conference in Brussels, Belgian federal prosecutor Frederic Van Leeuw said the suspect had tried to film the killings on May 24, but his camera failed. A video found after his arrest shows his weapons and clothes, and includes his voice claiming responsibility for the attack, Van Leeuw said.

Belgian police carried out raids in case in the Courtrai region of Belgium on Sunday morning, where the suspect is believed to have spent time, and are questioning two people there, Van Leeuw said.

"The new elements in this investigation draw attention once more to the problem of the 'returnees' —in other words the people going to Syria to participate in combat and return afterward to our country," he said. "All European countries are confronted at this moment with this problem."

The Brussels killings, which came on the eve of European parliament elections in which far right parties had a strong showing, led Belgian officials to boost their anti-terror measures, and raised fears of rising anti-Semitism.

Two Israeli citizens and a French citizen were killed. A fourth victim remains hospitalized between life and death, the Belgian prosecutor said Sunday.

Video of the attack showed an athletic man with cap walking determinedly into the small Jewish Museum. The whole assault took a minute at most.

The suspect has been handed to anti-terrorist investigators and could be held at least through Tuesday under French counterterrorism law.

French President Francois Hollande promised Sunday to "fight" homegrown radicals who come home from Syria with violent plans.

Hundreds of people have left from France alone to fight in Syria's 3-year-old civil war with Islamic extremists. The French government recently introduced new measures to try to stop disaffected youth from leaving in the first place, and better track those who go to Syria and come back.

Hollande said those efforts would be "amplified" in the coming months, without elaborating.

"The whole government is mobilized to follow the jihadists, and prevent them from being able to cause harm" especially when they come home to France or elsewhere in Europe, Hollande said on an official visit to Normandy.

Brussels Jewish Museum Shooting Suspect Arrested
France and Belgium have a big problem with brainwashed salafis they need to really step up and do something about it!
France and Belgium have a big problem with brainwashed salafis they need to really step up and do something about it!

I think it has gone beyond just salafis...

My Jihadi brothers are making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Try someone else.
bad news then for you---you will have to wait on your suicide vest a bit longer
I think it has gone beyond just salafis...

Belgium in particular has a worrying salafi problem, I was watching a docu on this but yeah the mentality is taking hold in quite a few countries. This is why Europe is becoming drawn to the far right because of degenerate scum like this and that Lee Rigby killer.
France and Belgium have a big problem with brainwashed salafis they need to really step up and do something about it!

Considering what's going on around the world, this is hardly a concern. If Jews piss people off, a tiny minority of the population will take action. Most of the people are scared, and some are resorting to constructive criticism. I don't think you're aware of how many people oppose international Jewry, very few of them are Muslims. Most are non-Muslim westerners.

I think it has gone beyond just salafis...

bad news then for you---you will have to wait on your suicide vest a bit longer

Ha Ha. Good one.

You degenerate low-life pathetic loser. :lol:
Considering what's going on around the world, this is hardly a concern. If Jews piss people off, a tiny minority of the population will take action. Most of the people are scared, and some are resorting to constructive criticism. I don't think you're aware of how many people oppose international Jewry, very few of them are Muslims. Most are non-Muslim westerners.

People in the west are against Israel building settlements in the west bank but not against the state of Israel and Jewish people in particular. The building of settlements is one of the key issues because a 2 state solution will not be viable if it continues.
Considering what's going on around the world, this is hardly a concern. If Jews piss people off, a tiny minority of the population will take action. Most of the people are scared, and some are resorting to constructive criticism. I don't think you're aware of how many people oppose international Jewry, very few of them are Muslims. Most are non-Muslim westerners.

Ha Ha. Good one.

You degenerate low-life pathetic loser. :lol:

spoken like a true islamofascist...

People in the west are against Israel building settlements in the west bank but not against the state of Israel and Jewish people in particular. The building of settlements is one of the key issues because a 2 state solution will not be viable if it continues.

You are speaking to a guy who glorifies terrorists...you are too cerebral for him
People in the west are against Israel building settlements in the west bank but not against the state of Israel and Jewish people in particular. The building of settlements is one of the key issues because a 2 state solution will not be viable if it continues.

You're confusing two situations. There are activists in the West who oppose much more than just Israeli settlements, since the human rights violations of the occupation go way beyond just that. These people support all just causes around the world and raise awareness. All through popular support and peaceful campaigns.

Then there are some people(Muslim or not) who have a personal grudge against the Jewish people. Not about Israel. Although the larger portion comes from the people who believe their culture is being attacked and want to preserve their identity which they see Jews de- legitimizing. They have some sort of ideological organization and are only growing in popularity. They explain on their forums why they hold some Jewish people accountable.

I believe this violence was related to the second group obviously. We can't draw parallel lines between Israeli Jews and European or whatever else Jews. They are two separate entities. If they do consider themselves European Jews then they should join them at home and leave Palestine to the Palestinians.

spoken like a true islamofascist...

You are speaking to a guy who glorifies terrorists...you are too cerebral for him

Watch your mouth and behave. This isn't a Zionist anti Muslim supremacist forum. We support freedom fighters of all kinds. There's a reason why you have negative 14 ratings.
You're confusing two situations. There are activists in the West who oppose much more than just Israeli settlements, since the human rights violations of the occupation go way beyond just that. These people support all just causes around the world and raise awareness. All through popular support and peaceful campaigns.

Then there are some people(Muslim or not) who have a personal grudge against the Jewish people. Not about Israel. Although the larger portion comes from the people who believe their culture is being attacked and want to preserve their identity which they see Jews de- legitimizing. They have some sort of ideological organization and are only growing in popularity. They explain on their forums why they hold some Jewish people accountable.

I believe this violence was related to the second group obviously. We can't draw parallel lines between Israeli Jews and European or whatever else Jews. They are two separate entities. If they do consider themselves European Jews then they should join them at home and leave Palestine to the Palestinians.

Watch your mouth and behave. This isn't a Zionist anti Muslim supremacist forum. We support freedom fighters of all kinds. There's a reason why you have negative 14 ratings.

14 ratings from the chinese is sign of pride... you are are terrorists wanna be...living off the welfare of america
You're confusing two situations. There are activists in the West who oppose much more than just Israeli settlements, since the human rights violations of the occupation go way beyond just that. These people support all just causes around the world and raise awareness. All through popular support and peaceful campaigns.

Then there are some people(Muslim or not) who have a personal grudge against the Jewish people. Not about Israel. Although the larger portion comes from the people who believe their culture is being attacked and want to preserve their identity which they see Jews legitimizing. They have some sort of ideological organization and are only growing in popularity. They explain on their forums why they hold some Jewish people accountable.

I believe this violence was related to the second group obviously. We can't draw parallel lines between Israeli Jews and European or whatever else Jews. They are two separate entities. If they do consider themselves European Jews then they should join them at home and leave Palestine to the Palestinians.

The far right in Europe see Islamic terrorism as more of a threat than Zionism, hence why so many Mosque and innocent Muslims were attacked after the killing of Lee Rigby sad but true. I do not recall a Jewish attack in Europe as witnessed in London, Madrid or Paris which was done by local Muslims. Sure there is some right wing Nazi groups which do not like Jews but they don't like anyone who is not like them and consider Turks, Indians, Blacks to be immigrants and not 'Aryan' blah blah racial crap.
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