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Brothers who raped 14-year-old girl in Pakistan go free after paying 1200kg of wheat

Okay..I see thanks..But how can they decide when the courts are there?
Because of various reasons,
1 - Our formal courts take ages to finish a single case
2 - Formal courts are expensive to deal with
3 - The fear of publicity is what makes some people go to panchayat or jirgas
4 - The elders are considered compassionate and all knowing so their rulings are accepted in Jirgas
Had it been any other province.. Minus S.P.. The jirga should have given em death..

But it's rural Sindh. Where the powerful rule..

I wonder what the counsels decision had been if their sister was raped ? Bastards.

Unfortunately this evil is spread all over Pakistan , from KPK to Sindh ... Including Punjab.. why you forgot Mukhtiaran mai case and even 50+ cases of jirga/panchayat in Punjab......few days before a girls was burned live on the decesion of jirga in KPK...... this all because judicial system is failed .. if you have more money you can easily goo free by courts, even evry one know that they are guilty.. but its is our system..
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Pakistani court system need to be trimmed down hand justice in 3 days or else the court and lawyers should all go home

Separate Courts Cases (3 days listen to arguments in 3 days and decide)
  • Criminal courts (killing, rape , theft , tax evasion , crime)
  • Family courts (Divorce , custody of child , property distribution etc )
  • Trade courts (Business related cases, registration , suing of business )


Killers , Rapist or molestoers or corrupt politicians kill them with 2 rupee bullet in head
no need to fill up prisons and feed them for 7 years or 15 years

  • Jirga
  • Local tribe council or what ever has to go

We live in 2016 not 1899 that we need these idiotic councils for justice

It is better people buy a weapon and get their own justice like in Iraq or Libya

It has been what 1-2 Months since Panama leaks came out our Prime minister is running around wearing Ray bans with the dirty DIESAL
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This doesn't set a good precedent, get away with rape in return for this. What an idiotic system/judgement.
The name (Miss R) indicates that the girl probably belong to a minority community, may be Christian or Hindu.....hence the judgement.
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Because of various reasons,
1 - Our formal courts take ages to finish a single case
2 - Formal courts are expensive to deal with
3 - The fear of publicity is what makes some people go to panchayat or jirgas
4 - The elders are considered compassionate and all knowing so their rulings are accepted in Jirgas
So do you not employ more judges in your country who can decide faster and people get justice. Poor and oppressed people should be supported by govt. Are there no volunteer lawyers? Yes nobody wants this kind of fame and shame attached to them for rest of their lives even in west. So my questions is this Jigras court is a legal entity? and not an extra or parallel system?
I haven't seen the news in local media .... and HRCP (hina jeelani, asma Jahangir) are serial liars.....

I am not dismissing the news .... but I am surprised why there is not a single word in 150 plus independent news channels in Pakistan?
strange that thread still running?
pdf does not believe that rape happens in pakistan, its a western(and eastern) propaganda.
So the wheat goes to the jirga or it goes to the victim?

Even more perplexingly, is the rate set at 1200 Kg per rape, or 600 Kg per rapist, by the arbitrating council? How do such sick minds work?
Even more perplexingly, is the rate set at 1200 Kg per rape, or 600 Kg per rapist, by the arbitrating council? How do such sick minds work?

I guess the normal way. Biologically there might not be anything wrong them.

Socio- Cultural norms in harder to reach geographies are formative for such a thought process. What might seem heinous to you and me might seem perfectly acceptable to a large section of people. Polygamous relations are an anathema in many societies but perfectly acceptable in others. Child labor which will make westerners queasy is considered socially acceptable and economically necessary in countries like India.

Good and Evil, Crime and Punishment and other moral theories are a product of societal constructs and no less arbitrary and as horrifying it might sound, it says something about we as a society when we don't blink when thousands die in Govt led pogroms but a mutually acceptable societal constructs like Jirga or Punchayat (which I might add only have legitimacy due to failings of govt systems) are criticised for imposing the democratic (in the truest sense) will of people.

@Joe Shearer @Solomon2 @Oscar
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