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Brother Islamic Country Iran : A must watch for Pakistani's

Oh okay. I've little knowledge of it. But to stay away from yemen war is much advised.
Koylay ki Dalali....
Yemen war is pretty much winding down now .All players r involve including Pak on the scene off the scene .
hence they expect more from pakistan

The cheapest sale ever made in history, cheaper than a drug crazed lady of the night makes was by Pakistan with the oil Arabs. What happened was the oil Arabs bought out Pakistan's elites for few dollars more and those miserable creatures prostituted a nation of 195 million for pennies.

That's why they come here and shoot everything in the sky, turned half of Pakistan into Salafi hell hole good for only killing on religious pretext and in the process turning a 8000 year civilization into a starved version of Saudia. They at least have the shine of wealth. Pakistan just picks up the bill for the crap. Result worse image in the world.

Nothing more demonstrates this by the fact that India earns 3 times more than Pakistan from oil Arabs yet Pakistani's think Arab's are doing Pakistan especial favour. It's madness. Fools will be fools I guess.
Quite dumb analysis because India is unable to honour the LNG contract with qatar and looking to reduction in all energy imports.! Beside oil can be supplied from multiple sources. India only stood up with iran because due to suspension of payment system it allowed India to negotiate barter trade forcing sub-standard indian goods on Iran in exchange of oil

India has $350 billion in forex reserves, and you say India was not able to honor the contact ???

And yes, oil can be supplied from multiple resource, that is the reason why Iran will have to compete with oil suppliers to supply oil to India. More suppliers, less will be the bargaining power of the individual supplier, and more will be the power of consumer.Simple economics.
Pakistan and Iran will never fire a bullet against each other, why should they? are their any disputes?Is their any hatred b/t the countries?
And also to some saying, No they will never support India against Pakistan.
Pakistan is their niegbhour not india, everything is not seen from money point of view unlike indians who think everyone is their ally as they have $2 trillion gdp for 1.5 billion people and in future Pakistan and Iran will have huge economical relations and through CPEC is a gateway for Iran to China.
As OP is saying, Iran will stand with India. The sole reason is trade.

Its pretty clear that you guys haven't learned your lesson and you still live in virtual reality requiring special glasses to look through it. Do you do more trade with Iran than the US? NO. So when it came to the F-16's, what did the Daddy Sam do? Uncle Sam said "eff off" to all the pressure and sold the jets based on their own policies and priorities, which don't include India and her "TRADE" in the mix for this specific situation. And now you think Iran will align with you against Pakistan?

Common man, get off the crack pipe. Enough of dreams have already been shattered with the 8 F-16 saga. You also forgot Russia and Europeans too (on GSP Plus)? Indians will never use common sense when it comes to Pakistan. Fake ideology of "the world revolves around us". You can pay your way in getting business through corrupt businessmen and politicians. But you can't buy a country's policies no matter how much trade you do. Modi can build a house next to Iran's leaders and go hug them twice a day, but Iran will never jeopardize the peace it enjoys with Pakistan.

There is a very well reason why Pakistan didn't join the KSA inside Yemen and Iranians know that. Also, outside of their air-defense systems, they don't have a potent Navy or the Air-force. Their modernization takes them to 2025 to be able to get close to where they were back in ancient times. So if you can't comprehend common sense, try not to jump in a topic and write tactless content please.

We can all share our dreams and wishes and that's not facts. Its just virtual reality and I'd rather play video games than writing a post to correct someone's imagination far, far away from the reality!!
Well I think its time for flag-waving slogan chanting Pakistanis to open their eyes and smell the reality...

Pakistan has the opportunity to join Turkey and Saudi Arabia and remove fanatic Ayatollahs from power in Iran. Iran is looking forward to Su-30s and S-400. Iranians people in general are not hostile toward Pakistan or other muslim countries but these Ayatollah control Iran is causing way too much hatred and bloodshed in the whole region. Strike it now, remove these nutjobs and return Iran to Iranian people. To Ayatollah every non-shia is a Yazidi. Today Pakistan worry about SU-30 from the eastern border, tomorrow Pakistan will worry about SU-30s flying in from Eastern and western border. At that moment, Saudis and GCC will tell Pakistan to fight you own war like you told us to fight our own war.

Good thing about Arabs, Help them and they will remember you.
The Kuwaiti newspaper printed this today.

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Its pretty clear that you guys haven't learned your lesson and you still live in virtual reality requiring special glasses to look through it. Do you do more trade with Iran than the US? NO. So when it came to the F-16's, what did the Daddy Sam do? Uncle Sam said "eff off" to all the pressure and sold the jets based on their own policies and priorities, which don't include India and her "TRADE" in the mix for this specific situation. And now you think Iran will align with you against Pakistan?

Common man, get off the crack pipe. Enough of dreams have already been shattered with the 8 F-16 saga. You also forgot Russia and Europeans too (on GSP Plus)? Indians will never use common sense when it comes to Pakistan. Fake ideology of "the world revolves around us". You can pay your way in getting business through corrupt businessmen and politicians. But you can't buy a country's policies no matter how much trade you do. Modi can build a house next to Iran's leaders and go hug them twice a day, but Iran will never jeopardize the peace it enjoys with Pakistan.

There is a very well reason why Pakistan didn't join the KSA inside Yemen and Iranians know that. Also, outside of their air-defense systems, they don't have a potent Navy or the Air-force. Their modernization takes them to 2025 to be able to get close to where they were back in ancient times. So if you can't comprehend common sense, try not to jump in a topic and write tactless content please.

We can all share our dreams and wishes and that's not facts. Its just virtual reality and I'd rather play video games than writing a post to correct someone's imagination far, far away from the reality!!

You have the habit of mixing so many things that it is really hard to answer any of your posts and many times you don't make sense at all. You bring in Uncle sam, F16, Modi, US-Iran relations, Russia, Europe, KSA, Yemen, Navy, Airforce and their modernization, ancient times and then video games just in one post.

I guess should learn the art of arguing. The first principle is 'stick to the topic'.
You have the habit of mixing so many things that it is really hard to answer any of your posts and many times you don't make sense at all. You bring in Uncle sam, F16, Modi, US-Iran relations, Russia, Europe, KSA, Yemen, Navy, Airforce and their modernization, ancient times and then video games just in one post.

I guess should learn the art of arguing. The first principle is 'stick to the topic'.

And you have a bad habit of thinking you own the world and that's it, this can easily be resolved if you take one pill a day to control the imagination in your head, referred to as Schizophrenia, which means you "imagine stuff" that doesn't exit, but you write about these grandiose things that others read and laugh at.

Let me put in my closing arguments ON the topic, the political humiliation you just suffered from the US on the F-16's, didn't teach you a lesson. No matter how much "TRADE" you do, you can't control or change another country's policies. This same embarrassment will be repeated if you ask Iran to help you against Pakistan, Period.

In fact, Iran is about to join the CPEC, which it knows is a LOT more important than the little "TRADE" she does with India, Guaranteed.
And you have a bad habit of thinking you own the world and that's it, this can easily be resolved if you take one pill a day to control the imagination in your head, referred to as Schizophrenia, which means you "imagine stuff" that doesn't exit, but you write about these grandiose things that others read and laugh at.

Let me put in my closing arguments ON the topic, the political humiliation you just suffered from the US on the F-16's, didn't teach you a lesson. No matter how much "TRADE" you do, you can't control or change another country's policies. This same embarrassment will be repeated if you ask Iran to help you against Pakistan, Period.

In fact, Iran is about to join the CPEC, which it knows is a LOT more important than the little "TRADE" she does with India, Guaranteed.

Again..how old are you?
Commenting on the title, Iran is no brother country of Pakistan that's for sure.

KSA is? The answer is NO.
Global interdependence is the reason all the countries look at each others. Else wise, none of the country is friend to the other country. It's all about the interests. So Pakistan should NOT keep its relation good with just one state. Yeah Iran ain't brother country, but still Pakistan should keep its relation healthy with it.
I think the time has come that India realizes that Pakistan has been her 4th largest donor of money. So the hostilities should end and peace should be established.You can read on the following link:

Pakistanis Remit $5 Billion to Help Relatives in India

@MastanKhan @Ammara Chaudhry @Desert Fox @Irfan Baloch : interesting read above.

I personally think good relations between Pakistan and India can give hard time to the other states. Unfortunately, India doesn't let go any of the chance to mess up with Pakistan. From the terrorism in Pakistan to putting the blame of everything on Pakistan. Even calling the pigeons Pakistani spy. :sarcastic:
Its strange , Saudi ideology has burnt Pakistani society to ashes and all know about that. Even then, we looking for someone to blame ???????.....Its Paksitan armed forces who hand over the security of Pak-Iran border to IRGC. That's why you never see any Pak army presence in the region. Pakistan has no resources to secure Iran border, Afghan border, Indian border, Kashmir border on top running full operation inside the country and war against terrorism. Imagine who is the beneficiary of terrorism in Pakistan, these gulf state, because all money and investor took their money outside Pakistan , specially in gulf countries. All development is dead in Baluchistan,KPK and rest of country because of these Saudi backed terrorist. I feel sorry for my countrymen who shoot on their own foot in the love of sectarianism......open your eyes and see who destroyed Pakistan in last few decades.....Pak has enough enemy , don't make more enemy in the love of Arabs. Keep good level of communication with both Arabs and Iranian and protect your own interest, because at the end of day, Pakistani will protect Pakistan...
How old are you? he makes alot more sense than you which is also visible from your 14 negative points

I am 25. 14 negative points on PDF doesn't mean I an idiot. I am a graduate of IIT Delhi and have got admits from NYU, and Georgia Tech -two of the top programs in US - for my MS programs and waiting for my admit confirmation from Columbia Fu School, an Ivy league University. I founded a data science company after my graduation which I am selling now to one of the largest eCommerce companies in India.

Sycophancy, nationality and other considerations is what gets you positive points on PDF. Not your postings. Similarly, if you post rationally or honestly, that doesn't conform to mods or TT thinking, you get negative points. Negative points doesn't mean anything other than that the TT in question didn't like you post.
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