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Brother Islamic Country Iran : A must watch for Pakistani's

Never in the past, Pakistan deployed a single troop on Pak-Iran border in times of war. Iran never backstabbed us in times of war. That border is already secured but with the growing US-Iran relations. We have to look after that border because a US supported regime in Iran will not be as trustworthy as revolutionary government or even US supported Reza Shah Pehalvi.

Iran was the first to accept Pakistan as a state. They helped us in 1965 war against India. These are some facts which should not be ignored but we have a tussle with Iran on economic front. Indian-Iran-Russian cooperation is old but we don't have to worry on that relationship because Pakistani Sunnis and Iranian Shias are both 'Hussainis' and we don't praise Yazeed so no worry of any "takfeeri" or "kharji" uprising in that region.
There is a lot about the situation in the Iran-Pak border that you do not seem to be aware of. It is just as volatile as Indo-Pak border and Durand Line.

Commenting on the title, Iran is no brother country of Pakistan that's for sure.
I am 25. 14 negative points on PDF doesn't mean I an idiot. I am a graduate of IIT Delhi and have got admits from NYU, and Georgia Tech -two of the top programs in US - for my MS programs and waiting for my admit confirmation from Columbia Fu School, an Ivy league University. I founded a data science company after my graduation which I am selling now to one of the largest eCommerce companies in India.

Sycophancy, nationality and other considerations is what gets you positive points on PDF. Not your postings. Similarly, if you post rationally or honestly, that doesn't conform to mods or TT thinking, you get negative points. Negative points doesn't mean anything other than that the TT in question didn't like you post.

Typical! Blame it on administration.
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Say @ito how is the real situation in Delhi right now. International media was going nuts, peeking into washrooms and all. Is it really that bad? Just wanted to know from someone on the ground.

Right now I am in Hyderabad. I will let you know if I go to Delhi.
There is nothing like brother and sister in statecraft,

for example relation of Arabs and Iran with India. Only GCC provide 5 million jobs to indian not anyother block provide that much jobs for indian (thristy for distruction of Pakistan) arabs alone contribute more then indian defence budget, same with Turks (NATO) and Central asian who are ally with Israel. same with us, we are helping Chinese againt CIA funded Uighurs Muslim rebels for our National interest.
Same with Iran who is involve in Syria not bcoz they love syria or hate terrorism, (why dont they send army for boko haram instead of syria?) its only bcoz they think saving bashar the dictator is vital for their national interests. Having relation with india is in their Interest.

Its time we Pakistani too realize what is going on. no one is our brother, No Chinese, Turk , Arabi, farsi.. but we Pakistanis are only brother of other Pakistani.

The only thing exist in statecraft in "National interest". no brother, no sister.

But then from what you say it also follows that apart from our relationship with China, no other foreign relations really affect or matter to Pakistan. Neither do the dynamics between different nations (e.g. india and Iran or GCC states) really matter or affect Pakistan either. The fact that we became a nuclear weapons state when we were completely isolated and denied by the world (bar the Great China) is a testament to this fact. Pakistan can achieve anything WHEN WE WANT TO OR ARE FORECED TO DO SO. The biggest danger facing Pakistan right now is the traitors within and the general lack of vision and proactiveness in EVERYTHING we do by ALL PAKISTANIS (normal civilians aswell as the government and military). Whichever side Iran chooses will ultimately have 0 affect on Pakistan. indian soothsayers have been making a lot of predictions about Pakistan since the day we were created, none of which have come true. Pakistan just needs to concentrate on CPEC and ourselves. If we do this everything else will be fine.
in Geopolitics there is no Brother brother relationships .. its just national interest that matters one way or another ..
i haven't seen the video but simple we can't mess with iran. with pro indian govt in afghanistan if iran also joins indian club we will be sandwitched between india and her allies. as far as arabs are concerned their days are numbered due to the monstrous mistakes they have made in ME
i haven't seen the video but simple we can't mess with iran. with pro indian govt in afghanistan if iran also joins indian club we will be sandwitched between india and her allies. as far as arabs are concerned their days are numbered due to the monstrous mistakes they have made in ME

Conversely do the Iranians really want to mess with us? Same things as the above and far worst have been said since the 14th of August 1947, none of which have really materialized. As Pakistanis we really underestimate ourselves and put others on an unwarranted pedestal. There is a STRONG reason why america attacked Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya but not Pakistan even though we were on the neo con hit list of nations like the ones just mentioned. The same reason why the indians havn't attacked us in 2001/2 and after mumbai 2008. Us Pakistanis really need to mature and repect ourselves more and be more confident in our race, culture and nation. Until we do that no one else will respect us and we'll never move foward either.
Could you do me a favor, and not quote me again.

That's going to be a bit hard buddy. When you are a part of the discussion and I am in it too, its natural to write about each other's stance on topics. But that stance doesn't need to be one way, showing one party be the "macho man".

Asking me to never quote you, is like me asking you to quit PDF because I am on here a lot :rofl: :angel:

Here's a better suggestion for you and it'll work for both of us very well. How about you don't malign certain cultures, religions and countries and show fake supremecy (like the Ivy league post of yours I obliterated). If we were to discuss like two civil mature people with mutual respect, I think our discussions would become very productive. What do you think?
This thread was made by a known anti Iran hate monger and agitator. The only reason we fail to develop a policy against wahabism and arab royals spreading it and takfir in our lands is because of sectarian chauvinists who cannot thin above their sect. They will continue to fight each other like rats while all of Europe and America unites.

Needless to say I don't see any country including Iran or Saudi as an enemy, only a partner with whom we can work together. Let us respect each other and develop stronger ties as muslims rather than be divided by the patheticism of sect.
Logic of some Pakistani Saudi apologists (unsurprisingly, @somebozo is just one of them, who tries to sugarcoat every single Saudi action and raising any anti-Iran BS content):

1- Iran has trade with India: Allahu Akbar, Iran has betrayed Pakistan and Ummah. It's conspiring with India to invade Pakistan. Let's send some troops to Yemen to die for Saudis so Iran knows who's the 'boss' around.

2- Saudi and GCC have also huge trade with India: Oh come one, they are brothers, they have every right to look for their interests too, they have helped us all the time (TTP being one of their generous gifts), so no problem with their relation with India.

3- Pakistan has trade with Saudi, USA: It's none of Iran's business, our country, our interests, our business.
Logic of some Pakistani Saudi apologists (unsurprisingly, @somebozo is just one of them, who tries to sugarcoat every single Saudi action and raising any anti-Iran BS content):

1- Iran has trade with India: Allahu Akbar, Iran has betrayed Pakistan and Ummah. It's conspiring with India to invade Pakistan. Let's send some troops to Yemen to die for Saudis so Iran knows who's the 'boss' around.

2- Saudi and GCC have also huge trade with India: Oh come one, they are brothers, they have every right to look for their interests too, they have helped us all the time (TTP being one of their generous gifts), so no problem with their relation with India.

3- Pakistan has trade with Saudi, USA: It's none of Iran's business, our country, our interests, our business.
There is also a huge population, over 2 Million Indians residing in Arab nations. Has there ever been a call to kick them out ad replace them with Pakistanis. These and other threads are childish. Diplomatic successes are created by focusing on the commonalities rather than differences.

No other sect is an enemy of muslims as is their lack of unity. Iran till recently was opposed to the US. Does any country in the muslim world have so much independence that it can argue against the world bully. Iran is also a safe place without bloodshed and terror. There are things we and many more can learn from Iran. Whether we like it or not Iran was the first country to accept our independence.
There is also a huge population, over 2 Million Indians residing in Arab nations. Has there ever been a call to kick them out ad replace them with Pakistanis. These and other threads are childish. Diplomatic successes are created by focusing on the commonalities rather than differences.

No other sect is an enemy of muslims as is their lack of unity. Iran till recently was opposed to the US. Does any country in the muslim world have so much independence that it can argue against the world bully. Iran is also a safe place without bloodshed and terror. There are things we and many more can learn from Iran. Whether we like it or not Iran was the first country to accept our independence.

Bro, Iran is still fully against US. Nuclear deal was just about taking some of our rights from the World's sole biggest bully, along with their minions. Even 'Muslim' nations were lobbying for more sanctions against Iran and even were ready to sleep with Israel to cooperate against Iran, you know what that means. But none of this means our policy towards U.S has changed even slightly. I can assure of that, as Iran's leader also said very loud and clear. If our stance towards U.S had changed, many other things would change.

Iranian nuclear deal won't change policy toward US, says Ayatollah Ali Khamenei | World news | The Guardian
Conversely do the Iranians really want to mess with us? Same things as the above and far worst have been said since the 14th of August 1947, none of which have really materialized. As Pakistanis we really underestimate ourselves and put others on an unwarranted pedestal. There is a STRONG reason why america attacked Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya but not Pakistan even though we were on the neo con hit list of nations like the ones just mentioned. The same reason why the indians havn't attacked us in 2001/2 and after mumbai 2008. Us Pakistanis really need to mature and repect ourselves more and be more confident in our race, culture and nation. Until we do that no one else will respect us and we'll never move foward either.
dear no one needs to attack us. we are on the self destruction path just like the pakistan batting line up which always destroys itself. there is not a single political leader in the country with sincerity and vision. the military's track record is also not very awesome. one true leader in 68 years. what will happen when raheel retires? after the abbotaabad incident americans admit that they were seriously thinking about invading pak but attacking a nuclear powered country needs lot of preparation, they admit. pak ran to china immediately and the statement form china's president saved pak from america. if you want to plan for defence of yourself always look upon you from the eyes of the enemy and then you will realize your weakness. and in the present time if i am indian i will never involve in conflict with pak. why to unite a divided nation.
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