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Brother is the brother! Economic difficulties, Pakistan cut 18 F16 but 250 Xiaolong a

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May 20, 2008
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:china:I like Pakistan, China in our difficult times, only Pakistan, the most friendly to us! I sincerely thank you!
Below this is from our part of the Forum on China me your evaluation! (Using a translation software, please forgive)


Pakistan Air Force FC-1 Xiaolong fighters publicity plans.


  美国国会于2006年批准向巴基斯坦出售36架F-16C/D Block50/52型战机,按照当时的说法,这笔合同的价值高达30亿美元(包括培训费用、零部件费用以及相关设备等费用),巴基斯坦还要求美方出售价值6.5亿美元的武器套件,这包括500枚AIM-120-C5型先进中程空空导弹,200枚AIM-9M-8/9(Sidewinder)型空空导弹,和500套联合直接攻击弹药的制导套件。

  但是美国国防安全合作局(DSCA)4月下旬表示,新合同价值只有4.98亿美元,另外18架F-16的出售完全泡汤;新的合同只包括18架F-16战机(12架F-16C Block52单座型和6架F-16D型双座战机),不包括零部件,也不包括附属设备。


English:A senior Pakistani officials by the end of April 08 to Jane's Defense Weekly revealed that the pressure on the budget cuts will force the Government of Pakistan from the United States bought new F-16 fighters, the number, but the Pakistan Air Force 250 Xiaolong fighter procurement plan will not Changes.

Pakistan-US bilateral agreement was initially reached, Pakistan to the United States purchase 18 F-16 fighters, while another 18 fighters can choose (to buy or not buy), when in December 2007 when the two sides signed the contract, Pakistan chose to give up another 18 procurement. The news is this year on April 23 revealed that the Pakistani media.

U.S. Congress in 2006 approved the sale 36 F-16C / D Block50/52 fighters, according to the statement at the time, the contract value of up to 3 billion U.S. dollars (including training costs, the cost of spare parts and related equipment, etc. ), Pakistan also demanded that the United States sold 650 million U.S. dollars worth of arms package, including 500 AIM-120-C5-advanced medium-range air-to-air missiles and 200 AIM-9M-8 / 9 (Sidewinder)-type air-to-air missiles, and 500 sets of Joint direct attack munitions guidance package.

However, the U.S. Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) 4 in late, said the new contract worth only 498 million U.S. dollars, and 18 F-16 sale of fully Paotang; new contract covers only 18 F-16 fighters (12 F-16C Block52 single-and six-seater F-16D fighters), not including spare parts, not including ancillary equipment.

Pakistan officials said that high international oil prices and domestic economic slowdown makes the final decision inevitable, "We have to stare at every opportunity to cut expenses."

However, he also said that the reduction of F-16 procurement will not affect the Pakistan Air Force 250 JF-17 thunder and lightning (FC-1 Xiaolong) fighter procurement plan.
[2楼] 作者:58.17.96.* 发表时间: 2008/05/19 10:57回复 修改 来源 删除
巴基斯坦是好兄弟! Pakistan is a good brother!
[3楼] 作者:58.217.214.* 发表时间: 2008/05/19 12:15回复 修改 来源 删除
永远记住兄弟! Always remember brothers!
[4楼] 作者:116.30.6.* 发表时间: 2008/05/19 12:56回复 修改 来源 删除
我们中国决不是忘恩负义之人!!! We are not ungrateful for the Chinese people! ! !
[6楼] 作者:yy3y 发表时间: 2008/05/19 13:03[加为好友][发送消息][个人空间]回复 修改 来源 删除
什么是全天候的伙伴 就是这样 好兄弟 中国人民不会忘了的
What is the all-weather partnership is so good brothers of the Chinese people will never forget the
[9楼] 作者:116.20.236.* 发表时间: 2008/05/19 13:50回复 修改 来源 删除
Pakistan is China's best brother Gemen
Long live Pakistan-China friendship
what is more.....what is more...
i must say sorry to all friends in pakistan...
maby in the past 20 years, the gov. of china did not give the most support to our best ally and brother pakistan. because china really need to develop, ignore some provocative of SOME countries. now it is the time for us to show the power of the friendship between pakistan and china, for the economic situation is better and better.
pakistan and china can develop more and more good weapon fires together like xiaolong!
china is the a friend for how long? u see how they treat muslims and buddhist in china haha

Ajay please put your indian flag up because we all know you are indian, even if you are living in uk you should put atleast one flag of ur origin.

BTW, we all know how jealous indians are of this valuable friendship we have with China.


china is the a friend for how long? u see how they treat muslims and buddhist in china haha

China is friend till next Friday, 4:41:32 pm, after that they will be The Best Friend :bunny:

How do they treat Muslims and Buddhist? You show me how You guys treat Muslims in Abu-Ghraib in Iraq and I would show you Chinese treat Muslims and Buddhist in their country. :bunny:
China is friend till next Friday, 4:41:32 pm, after that they will be The Best Friend :bunny:

How do they treat Muslims and Buddhist? You show me how You guys treat Muslims in Abu-Ghraib in Iraq and I would show you Chinese treat Muslims and Buddhist in their country. :bunny:

ajay26uk is Indian, check his name, Ajay..a typical Indian name.

Ask him how he treats Muslims in Gujrat especially in 2002.
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So Only F-16 are coming. No AIM-9M and AIM-120C5... What is point of this deal then?
ajay26uk is Indian, check his name, Ajay..a typical Indian name.

Ask him how he treats Muslims in Gujrat especially in 2002.

Yes I have noticed this now.. and he is not the only Indian who could not own his National flag. Tch! :undecided:
we Just need the packaging, we'll put Chinese products in them ;)

Do u think integration is that simple with Chinese missile on US planes and would US allow this to happen. I still think Missiles and spare are also part of deal otherwise these F-16 will be white elephants for PAF.
well first of all government should make sure the finalization of F-16 block 50-52 purchase. Equipments or ammo could be purchased in future...however my personal opinion is that despite of investing this huge amount of money on old used F-16 we should develope one more fighter jet by our own or with china, that would be more better as if it is good then many countries would also buy it from us and we could make the profit from that.
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