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Brother is the brother! Economic difficulties, Pakistan cut 18 F16 but 250 Xiaolong a

Just came to know in first post of this threat.:blink:
Not true..
We have ordered
18 F-16 blk52+. 500 AIM-120C5s, JDAMs, Link 16, JHMCS, Sniper (ex-Pantera) targetting pod, AIM9-8/9s, CFT etc. etc.. MLU'd F-16s will also get JHMCS and the same V9 radars as the blk52+ to be acquired.
im pretty much confused do we buy those 18 f 16 yes or no if we r buying recently we got 4 out of those 18 than we still have to get 14 f 16 what news on them and do they look like greece f 16 which is also block 52
Do u think integration is that simple with Chinese missile on US planes and would US allow this to happen. I still think Missiles and spare are also part of deal otherwise these F-16 will be white elephants for PAF.
Ya i agree, Yankees will be jumping with itch if a Chinese even touched the vipers forget about the missiles and stuff. Yankooz still blame Pakistan in J-10B project saying Pakistan illegally provided China with F-16s it operates to improve the design so......................forget about it. We could buy Grippen NG man they are so flexible look
The race for an Indian Air Force (IAF) order for 126 combat jets in a deal worth $10 billion just got more interesting with Swedish plane maker SAAB offering an advanced version of a state-of-the-art radar with its Gripen fighter and also the wherewithal to enable its programming here.

"What we are offering is a second generation AESA (advanced extended search array radar) that incorporates a swishplate that enables it to rotate and considerably enhances its capabilities over the existing radar," Gripen International's India director Eddy de la Motte told reporters Wednesday.
"The radar will come with its software source code."

The software source code has been a sticky point, with at least two of the six manufacturers in the race for the IAF order, which could go up to 200 planes, expressing reservations on transferring this to India.
Without the code, the IAF would be dependent on the manufacturer who is selected for the order for programming the radar, thus impinging on the country's national security, a defence analyst pointed out.

Listing the other advantages of the single-engined Gripen, whose IN version is currently on offer to be followed by the NG (next generation) version, de la Motte pointed to its low lifecycle costs, quick turnaround time, quick engine replacement time, advanced avionics and the fact that the IAF could install a weapons suite of is choice on the aircraft.

"In terms of costs, including the life cycle cost, the Gripen is 50 percent cheaper that the other single-engined aircraft (in the fray) and 25 percent cheaper that the double-engined aircraft (in contention)," the SAAB official pointed out.

While the IAF has already begun its flight evaluation trials of the six jets in the running, it is yet to resolve the contentious issue of whether it wants a single-engined or a twin-engined aircraft.

When the IAF first floated its Request For Information (RFI), it was looking for a replacement for its aging Soviet-era Mig-21, a single engined fighter.
Of the six aircraft now in contention, only two - the Gripen and the Lockheed Martin F-16IN Super Viper - are single engined. The other four - the Boeing F/A-18 Super Hornet, the French Rafale, the Eurofighter Typhoon built by a European conglomerate and the Russian Mig-35 - are twin-engined.

The SAAB official pointed out that the Gripen was the only aircraft that provided the IAF the opportunity to select the weapons of its choice.

"With the other manufacturers, the IAF will have to take the weapons the aircraft comes with. With the Gripen, the IAF can chose from the best that is available in the international market," de la Motte maintained.

The flight trials, being conducted in humid conditions in Bangalore, desert conditions in Jaisalmer and high-altitude conditions in Leh, will conclude in March 2010. Thereafter, the field will be narrowed down to two or three aircraft, after which the price negotiations will begin, with the first of the planes arriving in 2012-13.

Eighteen of the aircraft will be purchased in flyaway condition and the remaining will be manufactured by state-owned Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) under a transfer of technology agreement.
So Only F-16 are coming. No AIM-9M and AIM-120C5... What is point of this deal then?

if the F16 come then these missiles will also come along for sure!
it may not be mentioned in the article but this do not means that they are gone. sit tight and keep praying that the package is deleivered!!
F16 is a product that we can not celebrate until it is in PAF colors with a PAF pilot inside flying in Pakistan airspace!!:lol:


Now thats good to know!!!!

China & Pakistan Are Like Brothers!!
Their Brotherhood, Friendship & their people may eternally prosper
May their Love be forever


they reason being that they have never betrayed, not even in the worst of scenarios!!

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