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British woman jailed for 8 years over bomb plot

She is of Pakistani heritage...and doesn't look Anglo-Saxon to me.

Don't blame a whole religion for what is statistically a small amount of arseholes. By the way....My dog preaches peace to all those that throw her a bone.
I hope harsh Punishment Is Meted Out to these Retards.

Once they go jail they will be targets, look what happen to this terrorist

In July 2007 Barot was admitted to Newcastle's Royal Victoria Infirmary for five days after being badly injured by fellow inmates at HMP Frankland. For security reasons a news blackout of the incident was imposed while he was receiving treatment.[18] It was later reported that Barot was treated for burns after two attacks. In the first attack boiling water was poured onto his back and a fight ensued, in the second attack another prisoner poured boiling oil over his head.[19] Such attacks are called 'juggings'
What's that got to do with anything? Europeans established the United States...not Indians. Kinda like some guy saying he is Turk...and I say he isn't cause he aint Greek. So what? The Byzantines didn't found Turkey. She isn't Anglo...saying I'm not Soiux or whatever changes this not one wit.

It has got everything to do with your argument..
People change countries and make a new place their home..
Same as your european forefathers may have done..
These brits are second or third generation born and brought up in britain....
So by your definition only whites cam be called americans? Tell this tp a black guy and you may end up with a black eye.
Ummm... so only Anglo-Saxons can be British?

Tell that to the people who naturalise them then.

Pakistani roots? Anything to prove she received her training in Pakistan, paid by al-Qaeeda, forced to do this by Pakistanis?
Didn't say she wasn't "British"...it was in answer to the guy who said she was British period. If that Is so then Many of the so called Pakistanis here should British, American, or Canadian...period.
Buddy if you get arrested of terrorism out of a domestic dispute,,you may look the same..

I dont think she was arrested for just a domestic dispute. She would not have been arrested without prima facie evidence.

Didn't say she wasn't "British"...it was in answer to the guy who said she was British period. If that Is so then Many of the so called Pakistanis here should British, American, or Canadian...period.

Tell them that boxer Amir Khan is a British.period. and they would stress he is a British Pakistani Muslim Punjabi Rajput.
I dont think she was arrested for just a domestic dispute. She would not have been arrested without prima facie evidence.

Tell them that boxer Amir Khan is a British.period. and they would stress he is a British Pakistani Muslim Punjabi Rajput.

I will keep this noted for all those 'indian american' did this and that threads.
its insane how paranoid the world has become..
We are back to the witch burning days when any weirdo found with a chicken bone in her house could be easily convicted of witchcraft..
They too used to have courts...

A hairdresser has to have peroxides in her use,and the incriminating evidence was 'a bag of christmas lights'.
Driving in 'jewish areas' isnt illegal,and there are no sighn posts saying 'jewish area begins' or any sane muslim wont go anywhere near that area due to current paranoia...
Myself living in manchester has no idea which areas are jewish and which arent...

To top it up...the arrest was made weeks ago and in this short time all the evidence has been conclusively examined.. Chicken theft incident takes longer to investigate,this is about the life of an innocent woman.
Agreed but are you questioning the investigation and judicial system of UK.

You are right, many American and UK people watch these videos as they are posted all over the net. They have easy to make bomb material with detailed instruction available on net how to make bomb.

But don't you think if a person in your neighborhood talks about watching these shows, showing extremist ideology make a prime suspect and potential harm to your family, you won't ask the authorities to look into the matter. And what will you want them to do if there are enough evidence to charge and penalize them for it.

There is a thin line between cautious and paranoia.

In this case I think its the first. Better safe than sorry.

The reason word Pakistani is used in first line is very much a common notion these days. Anything related to Pakistan is terror material, with that I agree with you. Pure stereotyping and generalization. This is irresponsible media.

I like Indian print media especially coz they don't disclose the religion or ethnicity will reporting any crime even a riot. This avoid unwanted trigger happiness.
Agreed but are you questioning the investigation and judicial system of UK.

You are right, many American and UK people watch these videos as they are posted all over the net. They have easy to make bomb material with detailed instruction available on net how to make bomb.

But don't you think if a person in your neighborhood talks about watching these shows, showing extremist ideology make a prime suspect and potential harm to your family, you won't ask the authorities to look into the matter. And what will you want them to do if there are enough evidence to charge and penalize them for it.

There is a thin line between cautious and paranoia.

In this case I think its the first. Better safe than sorry.

By that standard anybody watching mythbusters is a potential terrorist.
I will keep this noted for all those 'indian american' did this and that threads.

Actually I am for celebrating/taking pride the Indian roots of people. You are the one arguing against that just because a Brit of Pakistani descent has been caught in a terror case.

I'm not insecure much to be hypocritical about celebrating Indian roots one time and disowning them other time...People of Indian Origin worldwide have not let us down or ashamed us anywhere for us to disown them...anyway I'm getting offtopic.
Why the hell its British citizens of Pakistani roots always getting caught in terrorist activities . Why not Indians , Bangladeshi , Iranians , Turks , Egyptians etc etc etc . Instead of throwing a Tantrum it should be discussed what is alienating British Pakistanis and how can they be assimilated before they are finally booted out of U.K. for their Over obsession with terrorism .
they also carried out reconnaissance missions on possible targets, including a synagogue

She only got 8 years is a crime itself!

Police raided their house and found DIY bomb-making gear, including ground-up fire lighters, safety goggles, a funnel, needles and syringes, electrical wires, Christmas tree lights, bulbs and a battery.
Why the hell its British citizens of Pakistani roots always getting caught in terrorist activities . Why not Indians , Bangladeshi , Iranians , Turks , Egyptians etc etc etc . Instead of throwing a Tantrum it should be discussed what is alienating British Pakistanis and how can they be assimilated before they are finally booted out of U.K. for their Over obsession with terrorism .

Offtopic - but even Brits of BD origin have been caught recently on terror charges.
Actually I am for celebrating/taking pride the Indian roots of people. You are the one arguing against that just because a Brit of Pakistani descent has been caught in a terror case.

I'm not insecure much to be hypocritical about celebrating Indian roots one time and disowning them other time...People of Indian Origin worldwide have not let us down or ashamed us anywhere for us to disown them...anyway I'm getting offtopic.

In Lancashire they live like cows,being herded and kicked around by whites since they arrived in the 70s..
That cow mentality does keep indians out of trouble....no denying that.
Same cant be said for Pakistani origin brits.

they also carried out reconnaissance missions on possible targets, including a synagogue

She only got 8 years is a crime itself!

Police raided their house and found DIY bomb-making gear, including ground-up fire lighters, safety goggles, a funnel, needles and syringes, electrical wires, Christmas tree lights, bulbs and a battery.

So a normal household doesnt have these items?
If they were that smart arse terrorists...there is street view available on google for whole of UK,why expose themselves by going there?
If they were that dumb that they exposed themselves i dont think they could ever have made a bomb out of 'chapati flour' and christmas lights.
The biggest UK jihadi was a Gujarati Hindu convert to Islam he was the highest ranked al qaeda scum in Europe who even fought in Kashmir.

The 7/7 bomb plotters had links to Pakistan and went there for jihadi training, still some in UK like Sharia4UK is wanting to create a Islamic state in Britain this is creating many social problems in towns like Luton and North of England.

In Lancashire they live like cows,being herded and kicked around by whites since they arrived in the 70s..
That cow mentality does keep indians out of trouble....no denying that.
Same cant be said for Pakistani origin brits.

So a normal household doesnt have these items?

Not really I dont keep funnels in my house or syringes & electrical wires nor do I do recon on Jewish temples.
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