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British woman jailed for 8 years over bomb plot

They don't have any shame? Country which feeds you, giving you better life, opportunity than their origin country and you want to destroy it, want to kill its citizen. Such low life people. They don't deserve to live. Their very existence is shameful.
They started reading and listening to extremist Al Qaeda-inspired media in November 2010 and behind the apparent normality of daily life, the couple believed in and supported an extreme ideology of jihad or holy war against the ''enemies of Islam'' -especially Jewish people.

Later the couple drove to Prestwich where he directed her to a Jewish temple and observed worshippers arriving and leaving. Whilst there Khan said: "We must kill them all."

Between March and July 2011, the couple began to access online bomb-making manuals and acquired everyday household items from supermarkets and high street retailers which could be used to construct a DIY device.

But the plot fell apart after Shasta's brother, Ibrahim, identified Khan as a ''home-grown terrorist'' and that when police spoke to her, she spilled the beans on her husband's activities. She was then arrested herself.

In her defence Shasta said she had been frightened of her husband and denied wrongdoing. She described her husband as 'racist', telling the jury he said she did not believe in Allah because she mixed with white people.
Asked if she had a problem with Jewish people, she said: "No. I have friends in Prestwich. I used to live there.''

'Homegrown' British terrorist bride jailed over Jewish plot - Telegraph
Guys, the main culprit is the 'white converted guy' not the lady.
Why highlight her pakistani heritage when she was not the one doing the brainwashing.
Anything new? From Spain to England to US to India to china.. Many Pakistani or Pakistani origin extremists have been caught!
They started reading and listening to extremist Al Qaeda-inspired media in November 2010 and behind the apparent normality of daily life, the couple believed in and supported an extreme ideology of jihad or holy war against the ''enemies of Islam'' -especially Jewish people.............
Aren't these seriously alarming indicators to take action against. But media should have avoided usage of nationality....increases paranoia of the western people. What about the doubts will people have regarding other Pakistani citizens?
In Lancashire they live like cows,being herded and kicked around by whites since they arrived in the 70s..
That cow mentality does keep indians out of trouble....no denying that.
Same cant be said for Pakistani origin brits.

Ofcourse ...the brave mard-e-momin mujahids kicking *** everywhere.

No wonder they are being treated the way they are now..:)
Actually I am for celebrating/taking pride the Indian roots of people. You are the one arguing against that just because a Brit of Pakistani descent has been caught in a terror case.

I'm not insecure much to be hypocritical about celebrating Indian roots one time and disowning them other time...People of Indian Origin worldwide have not let us down or ashamed us anywhere for us to disown them...anyway I'm getting offtopic.

roots? I think history lesson needs to be taught to those indians who see them selves as better than the pakistan's. We all seem to forget that we all came out of the same pot ORIGINALLY. It just now we are known as pakistanis and indians.

Guys, the main culprit is the 'white converted guy' not the lady.
Why highlight her pakistani heritage when she was not the one doing the brainwashing.

Well said! He was a convert an idiot who did not know Islam was, She was a gulliable cow who wanted her 3rd marriage to work,

MEN Who Flippins Needs them Those who don't have a brain think they do!
roots? I think history lesson needs to be taught to those indians who see them selves as better than the pakistan's. We all seem to forget that we all came out of the same pot ORIGINALLY. It just now we are known as pakistanis and indians.

Well said! He was a convert an idiot who did not know Islam was, She was a gulliable cow who wanted her 3rd marriage to work,

MEN Who Flippins Needs them Those who don't have a brain think they do!

Many of your Pakistani brothers elite members , think Tanks ,etc will disagree with you .
they also carried out reconnaissance missions on possible targets, including a synagogue

She only got 8 years is a crime itself!

Police raided their house and found DIY bomb-making gear, including ground-up fire lighters, safety goggles, a funnel, needles and syringes, electrical wires, Christmas tree lights, bulbs and a battery.

Firelighters- who does not have some of them lying around the house, so you can whip them on a sunny day to do a barbacue?:argh:
Safety Goggles- Handy men or any one who does DIY make sure you don't leave them lying around
Funnel - got one in the house for putting oil in the car!!
Needles- for sewing DUH!!
Syringes- to give my little mite calpol
Electrical wire-- lots lying around from odd diy jobs
Christmas lighting---You can't have THEM in your house cause you are a MUSLIM BRo!!!
Bulbs -- for the lights in the houses DUH!!
Batteries -- Now tell me you have got any of these lying around your house


Many of your Pakistani brothers elite members , think Tanks ,etc will disagree with you .

They can disagree as much as they like but this is a undeniable Fact.

Many have links back to India, Roots as they call them and many don't even know!
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