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i believe at least in British rule no one is forcing these women to wear burqa.If they dont want to wear burqa then they should not wera it.
But why forcing others (who want to wear burqa) not to wear burqa, by making a law against it.
Then these people are extremists on their own part and call others extremists and fundamentalist . The only difference is: these liberals are extremists on other side.
how is it against gender equality if the woman chooses to wear it???

burka has nothing to do with islam…… but i am against any law that takes a persons freedom away unnecessarily….i mean if they are banning burkas then they should ban ski masks, and scarfs that cover your face as well…… if you catch my drift…
this is against democracy and human rights…. the only law that should pass is a law on stopping people from forcing somebody to wear the burka….. idk why there so many double standards for freedom….. remember that those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither….

It does not matter whether it has something to do with Islam or not. Those laws itself are a problem.
Isnt the burqa meant to hide a womans body because it is considered to make men do "evil" things ?

If so, why dont men have to hide their attracting body parts?

And yes, walking around with masks is forbidden in several countries. If a cop tells you to uncover your face in the UK, you have to comply.

And any shop owner can deny you access if you enter with a covered face, due to security reasons.
110% support for banning, not only banning but kicking out the ones caught wearing burqa with family.
send them back to the cave land they came from
i believe at least in British rule no one is forcing these women to wear burqa.If they dont want to wear burqa then they should not wera it.

I think you're wrong here. In some conservative areas women are under incredible pressure by their local communities to wear it- if they don't, some of the backward community 'talks'.

That is the fine line. I know its their choice. But you can't cover your faces all the time while you are using public transports, airport, or going in banks or in government buildings. Its a security threat no thanks to some retards in Muslim communities.
Please try to understand British culture too. British people are generally very liberal but there is a limit to being a liberal. No one wants to see minorities making ghettos and breaking the law. There are some mosques and some preachers here who teach hatred against the majority White British people. So please try to think from their point of view.
People living in Pakistan need to stop worrying about Muslim in UK. Muslims are treated better here then in Pakistan. There is no fear of being killed by a suicide bomber or a mob coming to kill you because you belong to different Sect. We are allowed to build mosques, worship freely and preach too. So its about time Muslim community give something back to the society and one of them is stop acting like a gang. Stop extremists ideologies being spread in Mosques.

100% agree.

To those who think there's nothing wrong with the burqa:

1) Increased risk of Vit D deficiency leading to osteomalacia/rickettes and osteoporosis
2) Many women are forced into it- either directly, or through cultural pressure
3) Unfair on local white population. British people have been very accommodating with Islam. You can't expect them to suddenly change their values and traditions so that it is in line with arab countries.
4) It is a security risk. With respect to ski masks, scarfs, hoodies (if covering the face)- these have to be removed before entering most shopping centres
5) Human rights: see point 2

For all the idiots who think it's a great idea because it discourages adultery- men should be able to control themselves. By that same logic men should be covered from head to toe as well. It works both ways.

off to sign petition.
Its not about the article of clothing ,its all about what it represent.
burqa represents conservatism and you cant outlaw conservatism. Its usually first generation immigrants from north africa/ ME who wear it, and I dont think their children will wear it. Its a non issue in UK.

@qamar1990 burqa wearer should be required to reveal face at airport, banks and any place where you are not allowed to wear helmet/balaclava.
Nope. Although for drivers licenses and other I.D. a burqa wearer should have to show their face. Burqas' are stupid but there isn't a law against stupid.
this is what i love about america….. we don't have to debate about passing stupid laws on what people could and should wear….
fucking europe man…. such a a hypocrite continent…

@qamar1990 burqa wearer should be required to reveal face at airport, banks and any place where you are not allowed to wear helmet/balaclava.
all private properties that have such rules are fine….and some public including police stations or airports ect…
but to even debate about such a law is against human rights out of al people i see pakistanis supporting such a law how pathetic… while you guys (indians) are against it mostly lol

It does not matter whether it has something to do with Islam or not. Those laws itself are a problem.
Isnt the burqa meant to hide a womans body because it is considered to make men do "evil" things ?

If so, why dont men have to hide their attracting body parts?

And yes, walking around with masks is forbidden in several countries. If a cop tells you to uncover your face in the UK, you have to comply.

And any shop owner can deny you access if you enter with a covered face, due to security reasons.
kookie your getting more stupider by the day or at least I'm just coming to realize that your always been stupid….
do you have any commonsense bro???
just read what you said and tell what part of your statement is logical….
the debate is to ban the burka altogether or not…. and i said it shouldnt be….
if a cop needs to see somebodys face then they should comply…. if businesses refuse people to entry their store with burka thats completely fine as well.. but the government passing such laws is utter bullishit anybody supporting such laws is basic human rights…
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There is nothing Islamic about Burka/Niqaab. A simple Hijab meets the recommendations of Islam and Sharia.

In today's environment Niqaab or covering of complete face is a Security issue.

It really does us and our image bad to import this kind of alien and brand all Muslims alongside it.

One of the biggest reasons for paranoia against Muslim communities in the UK is the fact that every time a White British man walks into a street in a an area with an immigrant population he sees this completely alien looking burqa.

Damn you , are you Muslim :mad:

Yes, we are. And we're tired of seeing stuff like this being associated with us and Islam in general.
Burqa shouldn't be banned, but Muslim women here really shouldn't be wearing it.

When in Rome do as the Romans do.

If a Western lady walked the streets of a Muslim country wearing a mini skirt, she will get a lot worse than cold stares.
this is what i love about america….. we don't have to debate about passing stupid laws on what people could and should wear….
fucking europe man…. such a a hypocrite continent…

all private properties that have such rules are fine….and some public including police stations or airports ect…
but to even debate about such a law is against human rights out of al people i see pakistanis supporting such a law how pathetic… while you guys (indians) are against it mostly lol

kookie your getting more stupider by the day or at least I'm just coming to realize that your always been stupid….
do you have any commonsense bro???
just read what you said and tell what part of your statement is logical….
the debate is to ban the burka altogether or not…. and i said it shouldnt be….
if a cop needs to see somebodys face then they should comply…. if businesses refuse people to entry their store with burka thats completely fine as well.. but the government passing such laws is utter bullishit anybody supporting such laws is basic human rights…
I used to oppose burqa but changed my mind recently.. when I thought about it from wearer's point of view... lolz. :)
When I was in Dubai, I had a discussion with guy there about the burqa. He said that it is necessary in Arab countries due to the heat and that it actually protects women. Perhaps a good invention would be an air-conditioned burqa. It may inspire western women to use a burqa instead of those micro minis they use during their summers :D
It makes sense to wear burqa in Arab countries due to heat & dust. So there is a scientific reason behind wearing one. However, I was utterly shocked to see a lady wearing a shuttle cock burqa at Tescos last evening. Normal burqas are quite common & the veils could either be up or down. But what I saw yesterday is first in UK. Proper Afghan style. No wonder ordinary liberal Muslims are feeling the heat.
Everybody here is calling burqa against human rights and forced upon women.
By making law what are u so called "MODERTE" people doing: forcing those who want to wear burqa, not to wear it.
I can understand the women u know dont want to wear burqa or any kind or veil at all, but everybody is not like u those women.
and if u call it gender discrimination, do u know how much pain it causes the mother to give a birth. the pain of child birth is equivalent to 47 human bones broken simultaneously. Why only women should bear this pain.
If some day, somebody called it gender discrimination and said "Men should give birth as well"..
What will your "MODERATE" thinking will suggest.
What a joke.

Let women wear whatever the fcuk they want.

Western World should not dwell back to its barbaric existence of intolerance and hate...

The only thing barbaric is that tent upon a woman.Freedom of expression,rights,don't mean you're free to bring the Middle Ages back in modern day Europe.We have the right to ask immigrants to respect our values.
The only thing barbaric is that tent upon a woman.Freedom of expression,rights,don't mean you're free to bring the Middle Ages back in modern day Europe.We have the right to ask immigrants to respect our values.

Middle Age? LOL...

Here's how you look when applying the same logic to europeans from the perspective of civilized cultures of Islam

The other side of the coin is that women running around in two-piece cloth and almost completely naked is even beyond barbarism. It is going back from the stage of civilization to the stage of humanoids when humans did not even have developed-enough brains and were running around naked or with bunch of leaves on with no regards to the concept of privacy and decency of putting clothes on.

Moreover, behavior of animals---that is publicly start licking each other without disregard to the surrounding and privacy--when practiced by certain cultures also show the primitivity of respective cultures who aren't evolved enough to adapt the superior human civilization beyond the animistic urges of our species.

You see how utterly stupid you look while adapting your twisted logics?

Women have right to wear whatever they want to wear...or whatever they don't want to wear. This is civilization. The main thing here is choice. Government has no right to dictate someone's personal choices...

But then again, I don't expect much better. Afterall, Switzerland banned minaretes of Mosques because it scares them :rofl::rofl:
this is what i love about america….. we don't have to debate about passing stupid laws on what people could and should wear….
fucking europe man…. such a a hypocrite continent…

all private properties that have such rules are fine….and some public including police stations or airports ect…
but to even debate about such a law is against human rights out of al people i see pakistanis supporting such a law how pathetic… while you guys (indians) are against it mostly lol

kookie your getting more stupider by the day or at least I'm just coming to realize that your always been stupid….
do you have any commonsense bro???
just read what you said and tell what part of your statement is logical….
the debate is to ban the burka altogether or not…. and i said it shouldnt be….
if a cop needs to see somebodys face then they should comply…. if businesses refuse people to entry their store with burka thats completely fine as well.. but the government passing such laws is utter bullishit anybody supporting such laws is basic human rights…

Well all my points were in accordance with the topic.

But I will start from the beginning:

This is not acceptable for some governments like the French one and for me personally:


-Because it tries to hide the female body and even the face as something that needs to be covered for nonsensical and borderline gender offensive reasons
- It violates the law. Covering your face in public like this is forbidden and a security threat.
- Conservative morons forcing their daughters, sisters or wives wearing this in a modern democratic country is simply unacceptable.

Hijabs are another case of course.

Middle Age? LOL...

Here's how you look when applying the same logic to europeans from the perspective of civilized cultures of Islam

The other side of the coin is that women running around in two-piece cloth and almost completely naked is even beyond barbarism. It is going back from the stage of civilization to the stage of humanoids when humans did not even have developed-enough brains and were running around naked or with bunch of leaves on with no regards to the concept of privacy and decency of putting clothes on.

Moreover, behavior of animals---that is publicly start licking each other without disregard to the surrounding and privacy--when practiced by certain cultures also show the primitivity of respective cultures who aren't evolved enough to adapt the superior human civilization beyond the animistic urges of our species.

You see how utterly stupid you look while adapting your twisted logics?

Women have right to wear whatever they want to wear...or whatever they don't want to wear. This is civilization. The main thing here is choice. Government has no right to dictate someone's personal choices...

But then again, I don't expect much better. Afterall, Switzerland banned minaretes of Mosques because it scares them :rofl::rofl:

Strange why you and millions of others still try everything to move to those "immoral and barbaric" nations...

Anyways, whats the problem if women wear shorts in summer? Whats the problem with women wearing bikinis when going to take a swim?

I mean men basically go swimming in underwear as well... but I can hardly hear anyone crying about that.

This kind of twisted logic is simply straight out of the stone age.

And funny how people from third world countries describe first world countries as "barbaric"...... I have not heard about thousands of people getting killed in Europe because of religion and other communal issues.

I have not heard about so called "honour" killings committed by native British people.
This is the actual step backwards in the evolutionary process..... killing each other about religious issues!?

Inequality between men and women? Seeing women as a source of "immoral" thinking!? :lol:
Thats a disgrace to human civilization.

And yet, you live in a nation that sees itself as the leader of the Western world :lol:
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