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Feb 21, 2014
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British Muslims have launched an official petition to ask parliament to debate banning the burka. If 100,000 people sign, the House of Commons will be obliged to hold a debate on whether Britain should introduce a French-style ban on full-face coverings.
The campaign has been set up by imam Dr Taj Hargey of the Muslim Educational Centre of Oxford, who in a recentarticlefor theDaily Mail, called the full-face veil an "ugly tribal contraption" and "alien cultural monstrosity".

Accordingto the Times, the petition states: "Many Muslims have been misled by bogus propaganda from fundamentalists that the burqa/niqab is integral to Islam. This is untrue. It is a tribal cloth that is pre-Islamic, non-Qur’anic and un-Muslim. Female public anonymity is an imported Saudi-Afghan fad.

"The burqa/niqab must be resisted for compelling theological, social, health, security, gender equity and patriarchal reasons so that Britain’s traditional character is preserved. We must oppose this salvo from theological extremists seeking to impose their warped version of Islam."

There is, however, an opposing petition, which currently has more signatures, that says women should be able to wear full-face veils because "British women should have the right to choose how they dress".

The Department for Culture, Media and Sport is also opposed to a change, saying: "If Britain’s political establishment do not tackle and defeat Islamic religious fanaticism now, it will become impossible to do so when Muslims become a bigger proportion of British society."

Dr Hargey remains determined to ban the garments, however, saying: "In the past, only rightwing groups wanted to proscribe the burka and niqab. The difference now is that progressive and integrated Muslims are in the forefront of this extraordinary endeavour.

"If Britain's political establishment do not tackle and defeat Islamic religious fanaticism now, it will become impossible to do so when Muslims become a bigger proportion of British society.

British Muslims Ask for Support in Banning Burka
What the hell problem with the others. Let people practice what ever they want? If some Talib support forcefully Burka or beard, that is known as Extremism. What to call these people who want forcefully to stop what others are practicing? Yes, they are also extremists as equal to same Taliban
Only reason I can think of banning is security. Other than that, what anybody wears is their own wish, whether for religion or fashion. Religion is interpreted differently by different people, so you cant force people not to wear them.
It truly is a monstrosity and will be banned.

You can't take away someones identity. In extremest countries they do this to cover the women so men don't get any wrong ideas. Perhaps in these countries they should make laws so men behave rationally rather than putting a bed sheet on a person in public.
Why is Burka seen as a sign of becoming a better Muslim? Why are Pakistanis becoming so Arabised? Burka is dress for Arab women not Pakistani. You don't have to wear burka to be a better Muslim woman. Although if one wears one then they need to know that they are living in Europe where the culture is different. Specially UK where facial expressions is part of holding conversations.
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good to know that the british muslims are now a step ahead of extremists
The wearing of Niqaab was a tribal tradition in Arab lands prior to advent of Islam. Niqaab is not a requirement of Islam.

Infact, wearing of Niqab is not allowed during Hajj or Umra after donning Ihram, although some tribal Arab women still follow their traditions.
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One Canadian province has banned the Burqa for years (Quebec). More need to follow and in fact, the federal government should ban it nationwide. I saw a woman in a burka the other day and I had a mild heart attack first and then puked in my mouth a bit. This is not human behavior. It's just wrong, period.
Not a credible source ... they should band it on nuns as well ... imagine nuns in biknis
When I was in Dubai, I had a discussion with guy there about the burqa. He said that it is necessary in Arab countries due to the heat and that it actually protects women. Perhaps a good invention would be an air-conditioned burqa. It may inspire western women to use a burqa instead of those micro minis they use during their summers :D
What the hell problem with the others. Let people practice what ever they want? If some Talib support forcefully Burka or beard, that is known as Extremism. What to call these people who want forcefully to stop what others are practicing? Yes, they are also extremists as equal to same Taliban


to start with, a legal ban is not the same as putting a AK round into ones brain because you think its "immoral"

Secondly, ask yourself what the purpose of the Burqa is. And why only women have to wear it.

Then ask yourself if it complies with the basic fundamental principles of modern democracies.
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