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British Muslim Zionist pulls no punches

Real Jews Against Israel - YouTube

I suppose according to solo man these Jews are anti Semitic??

Zionism and Nazism: Zionist Nazi analogy

In what way do you think this video answers the question I put: Do Pakistanis need to champion Israel even more than Jewish Americans like me do?

zionist arrogance, thinks the world revolves around him -you have posted this before...
Yes, to a hammer every problem looks like a nail. So can you tell me whether I am seeing a nail here or not?

Does that not defy the concept of the ummah that they preach? Most of these ideologies that scream "Muslims are being oppressed" are nothing short of propaganda.
Maybe not:
Having a muslim name doesn't make some one a muslim. In Islam we have a term call "munafiq" i.e hypocrites who outwardly practices ISLAM but in reality is actually a disbeliever.
If Muslims aren't perfect are they still Muslims? If not, how do they know they have the correct concept of ummah?

What is there to respond to? It's his opinion and, although born out of ignorance of history, he is entitled to it.
In the U.S. a famous senator said people are entitled to their own opinions but not their own facts. As far as I can tell many Pakistanis and other Muslims have trouble with facts. It is not a matter of opinion whether or not your wife is pregnant, is it?

also let's not forget, there is $$$$$$ to be made by being a "zionist Muslim"
Oooh, details, details! I want in! Share!

A lot of people are in favor of religious harmony and for the Jewish people to live (somewhere) in peace, but that does not change the facts of what happened in Palestine leading up to 1948 and how wrong it was.
You see, I don't believe you have a good grasp of the facts at all, nor even of right and wrong. That's the trouble: to be anti-Israel you have to believe twenty impossible things before breakfast! I hold that Pakistan is a case study that this belief, carried through the educational system for generations, distorts ethics and reason. The eventual product of such a system are Talibans and coup-seeking generals, not citizens and responsible government.
Just check the amount of countries Israelis have privileges in compared to that of Middle Easterners or even you guys. BTW I meant all the relevant countries with which Israelis can benefit. Foreign Policy 101: No use of relationship with a country that offers nothing. Do the math please.

Dear me you are epically misguided.

So now it's not the majority of the world that support Israel but only the White western world......and a few Indians, that's what counts right, lol, you not only backtrack but make an extra fool of yourself along the way!!!

And a picture if Putin shaking hands is proof of what??
Yes, to a hammer every problem looks like a nail. So can you tell me whether I am seeing a nail here or not?

If a tree falls, but there is no one there to see it does it make a sound?
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas should be facing war crimes charges at the International Criminal Court at The Hague, he said.
Anti-Zionism is code for antisemitism, he said.

What is new in this apart from the routine packaged 'facts' about Zionism? I take issue with the above quotes.
This guy got 'inspired' from Alan Dershowitz's book, which was rebutted as plagiary and a fraud or at the least for its distortion of facts. He should learn to research more before taking up any advocacy.
British Muslim Zionist pulls no punches

The Islamic concern for Jerusalem is purely political, he said. Until the creation of Israel, Jerusalem was unimportant to most Muslims.


This just tells you what an uneducated zionist this idiot is.

Unimportant to muslims, go and read a book on the crusades son. He should work out what al-quds is and who salahuddin was.

Guarantee you when he gets more $$ from the zionists he will claim to be an ex muslim and spent time in tora bora and then he went with humpty dumpty doo and scooby doo to terrorist training camps in Pakistan and then he renounced terrorism and will become a "SPECIALIST" in his field of anti terror activities/ zionsist support.

No one gives a sh1t what he thinks, he is a nobody. Zionism is a plague, the quicker it is eradicated the more peaceful the world will be.

I have no hatred for jews as jews, i am anti zionist.

Mr Muslim Zionist there you go one of your key points has clearly been refuted anti zionism DOES NOT equal anti semitism.

PS Arabs are more semite than Benjamin Netanyahu (i can start a full debate on this if you like).
In the U.S. a famous senator said people are entitled to their own opinions but not their own facts. As far as I can tell many Pakistanis and other Muslims have trouble with facts. It is not a matter of opinion whether or not your wife is pregnant, is it?

My statement explicitly asserts that his opinions are based on ignorance of history. The historical facts of Israel's creation are not a matter of debate. They have been documented quite well and no guilt-trip is going to whitewash the Zionists' crimes.

Like I wrote, we all acknowledge the crimes against the Jewish people but that does not excuse what Israel is doing. As Ahmedinijad said, the Holocaust was committed by Europeans -- why not go and demand a piece of land from Europeans? Why take out your anger on the Palestinians?
People who have followed my post know that I have always objected blind Israel bashing and supported the two state solution.

But when you have people claiming anti-zionism is anti-semitism, then we have a problem here.

That is like claming being anti-Islamists is anti-muslim or anti-hindutva is being anti-Hindu. It is just not true.

Zionism is born out of the politicisation of Judaism just like political Islamist ideas or political Hindutva ideas are born out of the politicisation of their respective religions.

Ofcourse you can have secular Zionists who basically talk about religion in cultural terms and are humanist in their outlook. Sarvarkar who coined the word Hindutva was not a religious Hindu, ate beef and opposed Hindu rituals. David Ben Gurion called himself a secular Jewish nationalist. Jinnah is an example of a Muslim version of the same mould.

But this philopsohy leads to slippery slope of extremism and fanaticism. So you have the Jewish grou Irgun drawing inspiration from Zionism to launch terror attacks and an insurgency against the British in the then Palestine mandate.
In Egypt, after the more peaceful Muslim Brotherhood group which follows the political Islamic philosophy was supressed and pushed underground, a more radicalised spliter groups led by Zawahiri and other came up that assasinated Anwar Sadat and later collected themselves in Afghanistan. And post the Soviet "Jihad" such radicalised groups have gone further in their expertise to be able to even launch international terrorist plots.

The thing with these philosophies is that they all preach a beautiful utopia under Judaic, Islamic or Hindutva domination as well as the simultaneous fear mongering of how everyone else is out to destroy them. And because religion is used, they will begin to justify any path to reach political power no matter how abhorrent it is because of the religious justifications attached to it.

Currently, the political landscape in Israel is dominated by right wing groups like Shas party that would rollback the secular vision of David Ben Gurion if given half the chance. In Pakistan, Jinnah's ideals have been lost and despite no support to religious parties from the eletorate, militant groups that promise the Islamotupia under sharia law keep multiplying and have caused havoc there certainly contributed by the states own tacit involment in supporting such groups for their own objectives. Even in India we see groups like Ram Sene or Tagodia from the VHP who try to distort the polity with their views of how Hindus are being destroyed not just by non-Hindus but by Hindus who don't agree with their conspiracy theories.

I think we can all agree that mixing politics with religion is bad, it applies to all religions throughout. We have seen the mess it has caused with the Euripeans in the middle ages although the Republican party seems to have forgotten those lessons. In the Muslim world as well, these ideas first propunded by Syed Qutub in the 20th century is an anamoly and is being increasingly rejected and refuted. Isn't it time to differentiate between being anti-Zionist and anti-semite then? Why is it wrong to support that the Jewish majority areas of mandate Palestine to rightly belong to the state of Israel (particularly if you are a Pakistani since this was made on the same principle) and that Arabs were wrong in not accepting it but at the same time oppose the politicisation of Judaism like I do the politicisation of Islam or of Hinduism.

Apart from that, the statements attributed sound a lot like the those people who have joined the lucrative bussiness of "fake ex-terrorist".
People like Walid Shoebat, Kamal Saleem, Wafa Sultan e.t.c. have been exposed by mainstream news networks like CNN but there is an extreme fringe where these people can sell want they want to hear and make money in that process. I wouldn't be surprised if this person was also pulling a speakers fee for his speech.

In any case, I have read the case for Israel by Derwoshitz who lives in one of the most pro-Israeli academic environments in the world. So it would be worthwile to read a book by another jewish author whose parents actually survived the Holocaust Beyond Chutzpah: On the Misuse of Anti-Semitism and the Abuse of History which is in many ways a response to the book.

Alan's problem is that he blames everything on the Palestinians while Israeli mistakes are minor or inconsequential. He even considers settlement building as not an obstacle to peace when that is the primary issue resulting in the break down of the peace process and every country in the world including the US opposes the settlements. And I won't even go into the huge Plagiaraism controvery that came with his book.
Ofcourse, the opposite of balming everyting on the Israelis is also wrong but reading both books would help the "British Muslim Zionist" getting some correct prespective on the issue. That is ofcourse if he is genuine and not out to swindle money.

If anyone does want a good book on Israel or Zonism, I would recommend
The Crisis of Zionism by Peter Beinhart where he basically discussed the radicalisation of the Zionist philosophy from its liberal origins, somewhat like the strory of the Jinnahesque political Islamic ideology to what we see in Pakistan today.

and the ICG report
Identity Crisis: Israel and its Arab Citizens by Daniel Levy. Daniel was a top negotiater from the Israeli side on the Palestinian issue so he brings some really good insights and does a fair assement of what Israel faces today and how it is integrating or trying to intergrate its Arab citizens.
ALL JEWS are not with Israel many are against creation of Israel many because of some religious issues and even in Israel their is a great division between those who have came from west and those who were living al ready their and also between rich and poor so what they do is constantly teach their people about their enemy so focus of local population on their enemy
115 readers, one thank you, no replies. Do Pakistanis truly think that they can accomplish something positive by remaining silent?

Keep up the being muslim and being terrorist logic and continue to receive the smirks of this population. You come and post an article by a guy who couldn't debunk Alan Dershowitz’s book?? Maybe he needs to roam around a little more outside of Ben Gourian airport to see how many coffee and pastries have been distributed to date to other "going to be terrorists". Propaganda on both sides is just tough to swallow and this "ready to be a terrorist" guy has got you all hot and bothered by jumping the fence.
This guy got 'inspired' from Alan Dershowitz's book, which was rebutted as plagiary and a fraud or at the least for its distortion of facts.
It sounds like you don't know anything about the rebutting of Dershowitz from your own knowledge but are relying on an unnamed source or maybe just an unfounded rumor. "Learn to research more before taking up any advocacy," yes?

My statement explicitly asserts that his opinions are based on ignorance of history. The historical facts of Israel's creation are not a matter of debate.
You have exposed yourself as a dishonest or self-deceiving interlocutor here: you want to place the facts you prefer beyond debate.

we all acknowledge the crimes against the Jewish people but that does not excuse what Israel is doing. As Ahmedinijad said, the Holocaust was committed by Europeans --
Doesn't sound to me like you've acknowledged the possibility of any crimes against the Jewish people committed by non-Europeans, nor that the establishment of the British Mandate with the express purpose of restoring Palestine as the Jewish National Home followed World War I, not World War II.
It sounds like you don't know anything about the rebutting of Dershowitz from your own knowledge but are relying on an unnamed source or maybe just an unfounded rumor. "Learn to research more before taking up any advocacy," yes?
I have done my research Sir. The source is well known and you should know the name of the guy who rebutted Dershowitz's book.
I've visited more countries around the world than you possibly have heard off, kid. Don't play smart with me. You will only embarrass yourself.

You must have visited the moon I presume , or Mars!!!
Arabs especially Saudi's do treat Pakistani's with discrimination. It doesn't matter how the relations are between the governments of Arab states and Pakistan, but it's a well established fact, that they don't respect people of Pakistan. If i go to KSA as a doctor from UK i'll get more pay and respect than i'll get working there as a doctor who graduated from Pakistan. This Zionist fella is absolutely right there.

It is probably because of biotechnology equipment the SA uses and you do not have experience with, ounce you get that experience , the pay should be the same.
Or you are probably just using a false pretext to hail a Zionist, so sorry to tell you that you are a false flag bearer and a fraud .
In what way do you think this video answers the question I put: Do Pakistanis need to champion Israel even more than Jewish Americans like me do?

Yes, to a hammer every problem looks like a nail. So can you tell me whether I am seeing a nail here or not?

Maybe not:
If Muslims aren't perfect are they still Muslims? If not, how do they know they have the correct concept of ummah?

In the U.S. a famous senator said people are entitled to their own opinions but not their own facts. As far as I can tell many Pakistanis and other Muslims have trouble with facts. It is not a matter of opinion whether or not your wife is pregnant, is it?

Oooh, details, details! I want in! Share!

You see, I don't believe you have a good grasp of the facts at all, nor even of right and wrong. That's the trouble: to be anti-Israel you have to believe twenty impossible things before breakfast! I hold that Pakistan is a case study that this belief, carried through the educational system for generations, distorts ethics and reason. The eventual product of such a system are Talibans and coup-seeking generals, not citizens and responsible government.

It seems that you have made Pakistan or Pakistanis you target, I think you have to believe 25 000 impossible things before getting up from you bad (I mean while you are still dreaming) to achieve that.
Real Jews Against Israel - YouTube
I suppose according to solo man these Jews are anti Semitic??
Zionism and Nazism: Zionist Nazi analogy

So according to you, this guy is real jew??? what about these ppl?? are they fake jew???


I hate this certification programs, Real jew, true Muslim and blah blah.. Grow up kid(s).

Shall I post a video in which Indian Muslim (Like Abdul Kalam Azad) debunked creation of Pakistan and give it a title "Real Muslim against Pakistan"???
Zionist or Taliban same to me both kill people , Occupy others land and bully others , these religious ideological fights never gona end , am outa these stupidities.

"people of GOD" blah blah blah .........

First of all they occupied land of poor Palestines and now they butcher them daily ,
Harsh reality of the day is that the nation who is weak will always be humiliated by other arabs are weak nation keeping defence prospective in mind so they have no chance against ISREAL.

We Pakistan are a strong nation world super powers ever America and Russia don't dare to bully us , we have fought for it and earned it. Though we have many internal problems but they are not impossible to solve , am hopeful that they will be solved sooner.
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