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British Girl cleaning Garbage in India.

In subcontinent it means Clean your house and throw the garbage in street in front of others' doors.

Same is the situation in Pakistan
Damn we have daily exchange harsh words with the samnay wali aunti :angry:

I had arguement.eith my next door aunti because she drops the garbage bag from the second floor on the street, sometime the bag rips and garbage is splashed all over of the place :angry:
I had arguement.eith my next door aunti because she drops the garbage bag from the second floor on the street, sometime the bag rips and garbage is splashed all over of the place :angry:

Lazy people, lethargic to move the body parts as well, when two steps can lead to the Garbage Bin outside the house.

Ohh I forgot!! This is South Asia, probably there's no Garbage Bin at all!!
This is a serious problem of India. We don't know how to keep our country clean. We should learn from US and Europe.

Or Japan and Korea.

On my first visit to Japan, I was awed by their sense of cleanliness.

Their roads were as though one could pick up a fallen burger on the streets and safely eat it without worrying for germs or diseases.

But that is because their national character is too high and too good.

In our country it has to be enforced on people for at least next 20 years with severe punishments for dirtying.

Once an entire generation gets disciplined, the next generation will automatically follow.

For that you need accountability, which the government servants have none.
Or Japan and Korea.

On my first visit to Japan, I was awed by their sense of cleanliness.

Their roads were as though one could pick up a fallen burger on the streets and safely eat it without worrying for germs or diseases.

But that is because their national character is too high and too good.

In our country it has to be enforced on people for at least next 20 years with severe punishments for dirtying.

Once an entire generation gets disciplined, the next generation will automatically follow.

For that you need accountability, which the government servants have none.

I know!! Have heard of Japan being very clean.
Mind set does need to change but hefty fines do act a deterrence.. People do not have to look far as Japan or Singapore.. Colombo Sri Lanka can be taken as an example.. Hefty fines and public perception have changed in the last two years to make the city comparable with those in developed countries.. Any Indian or Pakistani that have travelled recently will attest to that
I had arguement.eith my next door aunti because she drops the garbage bag from the second floor on the street, sometime the bag rips and garbage is splashed all over of the place :angry:

That's the freaking problem of our region dude.

Our people just don't understand the true concept of loving our countries.

We think that by waving flags, we love our nation.

That is actually a farce.

The real love is when we keep our nations clean, our streets shining and value the beauty of our countries.

That's what Japanese and Koreans do. They really love their country.

Not just for fines but it is in their ethics to keep their country clean.

Except maybe Sri Lanka and Bhutan to some extent, there is no cleanliness in the subcontinent.

I won't boast but my state has a much better sense of hygiene than most of north, south and east Indians do. For example in entire Gangtok city, you will find very little amount of trash on the streets. Our state government encourages cleanliness since we are a major tourist spot.

Sometimes, I see fellow Indians from other parts the country coming here as tourists and throwing waste papers, candy wrappers, chips packets, spitting pan etc. It is very very annoying.

Mind set does need to change but hefty fines do act a deterrence.. People do not have to look far as Japan or Singapore.. Colombo Sri Lanka can be taken as an example.. Hefty fines and public perception have changed in the last two years to make the city comparable with those in developed countries.. Any Indian or Pakistani that have travelled recently will attest to that

I agree.

I travelled to your country and gotta say that you guys along with Bhutanese have a very good sense of hygiene.

Colombo is probably the cleanest capital in entire South Asia followed by Thimphu.

I know!! Have heard of Japan being very clean.

Clean is an understatement.

They are obsessed with cleanliness.

Just visit Japan and visit even the tiniest of their cities like tier 3 or tier 4.

They are thousand times ahead of even the cleanest of our cities.

Meanwhile you can forget about places like Shinjuku district in Tokyo. It is at least 500 years ahead of any Indian city.
South India is generally a lot more cleaner than others regions in India
They come and insult us like this. Our land, our ways. How about we go to britannia and teach them to respect their elders?
South India is generally a lot more cleaner than others regions in India

Been to many places in south man. The cleanest cities by and large is central Bangalore and Hyderabad to some extent. That's all. Chennai was clean 15 years ago but its now very bad. The cities in Kerala, if we ignore the scenic beauty, are also now not as clean as they used to be a decade ago.

But compared to the north, it is much cleaner I must admit.

Dear north Indians, please guys; you need to change your perception towards city and state cleanliness.

We all do but you seriously need it big time.

Without feeling offended, please realize the message behind this.

The national capital is in your region which is supposed to be the role model.

And er one more thing... do something about those rapes too.

They're ruining the image of the entire country.
This is her website. Great human being.

Our Founder | Jodie Underhill | Mountain Cleaners | Tashi Pareek | Cleaning India

Hope we all read her website and the following is her love for India.

"I am married but to my work! Waste Warriors is not a job, it’s a way of life and there is not a man in this world that would tolerate the amount of time that I put into it. If I had children I would want to commit myself to them so it makes no sense to have them. Instead of having children of my own I’d rather improve the lives of the millions of children that are here already and the ones that are yet to come. I want my work and ultimately a cleaner India to be the legacy I leave behind."
They come and insult us like this. Our land, our ways. How about we go to britannia and teach them to respect their elders?

How about we take the positives from them and make ourselves even better?

This stupid ego is the freaking problem of South Asians.

Get rid of it and we might have a chance of becoming cultured + developed in the future.

Respecting elders is in our cultures... how about adding cleanliness to it? :pissed:
Been to many places in south man. The cleanest cities by and large is central Bangalore and Hyderabad to some extent. That's all. Chennai was clean 15 years ago but its now very bad. The cities in Kerala, if we ignore the scenic beauty, are also now not as clean as they used to be a decade ago.

But compared to the north, it is much cleaner I must admit.

Dear north Indians, please guys; you need to change your perception towards city and state cleanliness.

We all do but you seriously need it big time.

Without feeling offended, please realize the message behind this.

The national capital is in your region which is supposed to be the role model.

And er one more thing... do something about those rapes too.

They're ruining the image of the entire country.

There should be hefty fine for anyone found littering
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