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British Girl cleaning Garbage in India.

How about we take the positives from them and make ourselves even better?

This stupid ego is the freaking problem of South Asians.

Get rid of it and we might have a chance of becoming cultured + developed in the future.

Respecting elders is in our cultures... how about adding cleanliness to it? :pissed:

Cleanliness is there. Apathy is our problem. We are apathetic causing us to have no civil sense. That mindset we share is just fine. we cannot will not be baastied by a gori or a cheena or anyone
This is a serious problem of India. We don't know how to keep our country clean. We should learn from US and Europe.

Sir Do you know how much is the fine for littering in US?

Its a $1000.

No wonder no one litters in US :P

Or Japan and Korea.

On my first visit to Japan, I was awed by their sense of cleanliness.

Their roads were as though one could pick up a fallen burger on the streets and safely eat it without worrying for germs or diseases.

But that is because their national character is too high and too good.

In our country it has to be enforced on people for at least next 20 years with severe punishments for dirtying.

Once an entire generation gets disciplined, the next generation will automatically follow.

For that you need accountability, which the government servants have none.

The Japanese are not of this world. I mean no can compare to them including US or Europe in civic sense and cleanliness. We should first aim for the cleanliness level of White Man.
addressing , how the amount of garbage is generated is first step towards finding a great solution ...a wise initiative by a british to end what started by imperial thieves long back in the name of industrialization ..hope she made a point among indian intellectuals.
I had arguement.eith my next door aunti because she drops the garbage bag from the second floor on the street, sometime the bag rips and garbage is splashed all over of the place :angry:
yuck! Man...I know I have seen people bringing their large rubbish bins onto a street near their homes and dumping it but dumping it out the window :sick:

They come and insult us like this. Our land, our ways. How about we go to britannia and teach them to respect their elders?

Lolzz...that was actually funny!
Been to many places in south man. The cleanest cities by and large is central Bangalore and Hyderabad to some extent. That's all. Chennai was clean 15 years ago but its now very bad. The cities in Kerala, if we ignore the scenic beauty, are also now not as clean as they used to be a decade ago.

But compared to the north, it is much cleaner I must admit.

Dear north Indians, please guys; you need to change your perception towards city and state cleanliness.

We all do but you seriously need it big time.

Without feeling offended, please realize the message behind this.

The national capital is in your region which is supposed to be the role model.

And er one more thing... do something about those rapes too.

They're ruining the image of the entire country.

Rapes happen all over India. Just check the latest news reports . New Delhi gets more attention because of being the national capital .

The most recent major rape case is that of a National Law School Bangalore girl who was gang raped in Karnataka.

Almost all the recent rape cases of foreigners happened in other parts of India and not in Delhi.

As far as cleanliness is concerned , Mumbai is far more filthier than Delhi.

In fact, Delhi is probably the only city in India taking the rape issue seriously as you saw during the Anti rape protests in December 2012.

Yet , Delhi is the favourite punching bag of other Indians . Wonder what the complex is.

One step closer to white slaves in 2030!

If you haven't noticed , she is the one cleaning our garbage :lol:

P.S- I am just trolling with the troll. God bless the girl.
Cleanliness is there. Apathy is our problem. We are apathetic causing us to have no civil sense. That mindset we share is just fine. we cannot will not be baastied by a gori or a cheena or anyone

Apathy is a result of uncaring attitude and a medieval mindset when it comes to state cleanliness.

Under our kings and princes, we were serious about it because as a single man rule, the regulations were harsh for violating the law. Whereas the mindset was not changed. When we moved into a democratic republic, there was no accountability for people which is why people also litter around like crazy.

First of all, that gori is doing something positive. She's taking the initiative to clean because it is a pilgrimage site.

You are living in Canada right?

Tell me how do you live there?

Do people there litter everywhere, **** everywhere and spit everywhere?

Do people throw their home waste on the streets?

I am shocked you talk like this, living outside India.

East Asians or people of the orient like Japan, Korea, Taiwan and even China now, have a culture of rigidly following customs which makes them answerable to themselves if they didn't follow a specific rule. So the fine culture is not required to that extent while westerners are basically aggressive and need strong civil laws.

However, over all these years, they have also learned to discipline themselves.

But where are we?

We as a nation lack basic etiquette to cleanliness today.

While our ancestors were cultured, clean and disciplined, too much non-answerability has spoiled our minds and we tend to take everything for granted.

We forget that every little freedom to do ANYTHING, has a great value to it and we should never misuse it.

A harsh law for littering like say INR 5,000 levied would keep people from littering. Bribing here can be curbed if the havaldar has a legal share in that fine. For example, in Dubai the traffic police gets an 8% share of the fines they issue, therefore incentivize them to do their work loyally and with devotion rather than accepting bribes.

Fines should automatically be trebled is the person caught threatens of having political connections and quadrupled if he's related to any politician or minister.

That is only possible when state police is centralized within each state i.e. separated from any authority of any politician like how the Army is at national level.

This gives a blanket protection to policemen from corrupt politicians manhandling them and at the same time gets the job done.

But who will do it?

That remains to be seen.
Rapes happen all over India. Just check the latest news reports . New Delhi gets more attention because of being the national capital .

The most recent major rape case is that of a National Law School Bangalore girl who was gang raped in Karnataka.

Almost all the recent rape cases of foreigners happened in other parts of India and not in Delhi.

Being the national capital, it should be an example to the entire nation, not 'one of the rest'.

It should be the role model on which other cities should be built.

Rather it is the worst metro city today because of the attitude of people there.

As far as cleanliness is concerned , Mumbai is far more filthier than Delhi.

Mumbai is thrice as densely populated as Delhi is with a smaller available land area. Also the overall population of Mumbai is more than Delhi with no further land available to expand.

What do you expect?

Tell me something; was Mumbai this dirty 20 years ago? Yes it was dirty but compared to Delhi it was still cleaner even then.

In fact, Delhi is probably the only city in India taking the rape issue seriously as you saw during the Anti rape protests in December 2012.

Are you kidding me? :rofl:

Dilli police lathi charged women, beat up innocent young people and watercannoned dozens of the protestors in the peak of winter with many falling ill.

If this is the state of law and affairs in the state and you call it concerned, heavens knows what unconcerned would be.

Also, keeping barbaric rapists like those of that girl nirbhaya in jail where they commit suicides won't help. They should be awarded capital punishment regardless of what Human Rights scum say.

The irony is that Delhi's chief minister is a woman and still all this happens.

Yet , Delhi is the favourite punching bag of other Indians . Wonder what the complex is.

Dude, I have spend majority of my childhood living in both old and new parts of Delhi.

So save this self-assurance 'others have a complex' thing.

There is an attitude problem in Delhi and being a Dilliwala-by-residence-of-past, I admit it.

It is time you guys also admit this and move forward to change for better.

If you say that Delhi has progress and this and that, it is because its national capital. If even this would not have been done, then it would been shameful.

Face it mate; dilliwalas have an attitude problem. I don't know why but they do.

Chandigarh, Shimla, Nainital and Jaipur as cities of the north have a far, far better attitude than anybody in Delhi.

I won't mention UP at all because even Delhi looks 10 times better in front of the entire state.
Being the national capital, it should be an example to the entire nation, not 'one of the rest'.

It should be the role model on which other cities should be built.

Rather it is the worst metro city today because of the attitude of people there.

Mumbai is thrice as densely populated as Delhi is with a smaller available land area. Also the overall population of Mumbai is more than Delhi with no further land available to expand.

What do you expect?

Tell me something; was Mumbai this dirty 20 years ago? Yes it was dirty but compared to Delhi it was still cleaner even then.

Are you kidding me? :rofl:

Dilli police lathi charged women, beat up innocent young people and watercannoned dozens of the protestors in the peak of winter with many falling ill.

If this is the state of law and affairs in the state and you call it concerned, heavens knows what unconcerned would be.

Also, keeping barbaric rapists like those of that girl nirbhaya in jail where they commit suicides won't help. They should be awarded capital punishment regardless of what Human Rights scum say.

The irony is that Delhi's chief minister is a woman and still all this happens.

Dude, I have spend majority of my childhood living in both old and new parts of Delhi.

So save this self-assurance 'others have a complex' thing.

There is an attitude problem in Delhi and being a Dilliwala-by-residence-of-past, I admit it.

It is time you guys also admit this and move forward to change for better.

If you say that Delhi has progress and this and that, it is because its national capital. If even this would not have been done, then it would been shameful.

Face it mate; dilliwalas have an attitude problem. I don't know why but they do.

Chandigarh, Shimla, Nainital and Jaipur as cities of the north have a far, far better attitude than anybody in Delhi.

I won't mention UP at all because even Delhi looks 10 times better in front of the entire state.

Don't disagree with your point that attitude of Delhi people is a problem.

But these facts you can't deny , Mumbai is dirtier , yes it is more densely populated but you can't say that Mumbai people have cleaner habits than Delhiites.

Secondly , when I said Delhiites are taking the problem seriously , I meant the protestors who were all Delhiites mostly not the police. Are you telling me those thousands of protestors were not Delhiites ?

Btw, most lower level cops in Delhi are not from Delhi but from rural areas of neighbouring states.

Delhi civil society is taking the rape problem much more seriously then any other city.

Rape again in Mumbai: Four-year-old raped in school bus by cleaner

I didn't see any outrage in Mumbai after this ^^^ incident.

Also all the foreign women rapes happened in cities which are not Delhi including the Scarlett Keeling murder case which happened in Goa.

The latest Irish woman rape happened in Kolkata.

The recent Swiss woman rape case was in Madhya Pradesh.

The recent American woman gang rape was in Himachal Pradesh by 3 Nepalese truckers.

It is cases like those that give India a far worse name.

You also can't deny that Delhi gets special media attention which other cities don't get.

Yes , there is an attitude problem in many Delhiites. I have to live with it everyday so I know.

But there is also a hidden complex that people have against Delhi. What else could be the reason that a thread that has nothing to do with Delhi turns to Delhi bashing for no reason.
This is a serious problem of India. We don't know how to keep our country clean. We should learn from US and Europe.

Nothing is wrong with India as a country, and nothing is wrong with its people. But, there has go to be a problem with your politicians.
Hope the cops are with her all the time like on the picture above.....

She is not that ugly. The cops really need to stick around her. and female cops only please. Otherwise, she is even in danger from the cops.


She is doing social service, giving back to society - something we Asians cannot comprehend .

Speak for yourself. Taiwan do not have this problem as Taiwan do not aspire to become a superpower with white servants by 2030.

I know!! Have heard of Japan being very clean.

Have you heard of Singapore and Hong Kong?
That's the freaking problem of our region dude.

Our people just don't understand the true concept of loving our countries.

We think that by waving flags, we love our nation.

That is actually a farce.

The real love is when we keep our nations clean, our streets shining and value the beauty of our countries.

That's what Japanese and Koreans do. They really love their country.

Not just for fines but it is in their ethics to keep their country clean.

Except maybe Sri Lanka and Bhutan to some extent, there is no cleanliness in the subcontinent.

I won't boast but my state has a much better sense of hygiene than most of north, south and east Indians do. For example in entire Gangtok city, you will find very little amount of trash on the streets. Our state government encourages cleanliness since we are a major tourist spot.

Sometimes, I see fellow Indians from other parts the country coming here as tourists and throwing waste papers, candy wrappers, chips packets, spitting pan etc. It is very very annoying.

I agree.

I travelled to your country and gotta say that you guys along with Bhutanese have a very good sense of hygiene.

Colombo is probably the cleanest capital in entire South Asia followed by Thimphu.

Clean is an understatement.

They are obsessed with cleanliness.

Just visit Japan and visit even the tiniest of their cities like tier 3 or tier 4.

They are thousand times ahead of even the cleanest of our cities.

Meanwhile you can forget about places like Shinjuku district in Tokyo. It is at least 500 years ahead of any Indian city.

Sir Lanka is quite impressive! An realistic model for South Asia
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