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Britain would fight another war with Argentina to keep the Falkland Islands

I'm wondering if U.S, Canada and Australia will just sit idlely if any eventual war? Indeed logistic support will be pain in the A$$ for U.K to run 12k km but they will get international support especially these three and from Europe nations either vocal our some sort of under table assistance...I don't believe the pure neutrality on this issue, I guess Argentina is well aware of this too
I had answered this in my Post, think again, all Latin American countries speak either Spanish or French, how come Falklands are the only exception that speak English?? Massive migration has taken place from Britain to Falklands that have resulted in making the local population a minority, no wonder the people of Falklands support UK:


There was no local population the Falklands were uninhabited when the British arrived there in 1690 the population are decended from the English( plus a few from Spain and France), speak English and want to be English even the sheep are from England.

Colonialism is a relationship between an indigenous (or forcibly imported) majority and a minority of foreign invaders

If no one lived there then its not colonialisim. Its just a group of Poms living on a previously uninhabited rock that 150 years later Argentina decided they wanted.

The people of the Falklands were given a choice which nation they wanted to be a part of and they chose England, some Argentinian politician trying to make a few brownie points by craping on how she is going to take them back is falsifying history and Argentinas military capability.
Ḥashshāshīn;3774452 said:
Kohinoor was found in Andhra Pradesh which is part of India now...

It was last in Lahore when stolen which is a part of Pakistan now... :whistle:

I'm wondering if U.S, Canada and Australia will just sit idlely if any eventual war? Indeed logistic support will be pain in the A$$ for U.K to run 12k km but they will get international support especially these three and from Europe nations either vocal our some sort of under table assistance...I don't believe the pure neutrality on this issue, I guess Argentina is well aware of this too

All the countries you mentioned will support England in some way, France will play both sides like they did in the last war.
Gone are the days when Britain was a world power..Its a small island with trillions of debts and an economy on the verge of collapse..
David camerron talks from his rear end,and this one is another brainfart from him..
British soldiers are rented out to USA to fight their war,and fighting on Amrica's behalf using their gear...
Which long range Bomber Britain has now to Bomb Argentina? None...Vulcans have been retired long ago...The only way for Britain to attack Argentina is by sea,and that is very risky as Argentinians have enough Anti ship Missiles...Britain might send her Submarines with Cruise missiles in the first wave of the attack to destroy Argentina's defenses but i am not sure how the are going to gain control of the island after that.
Even if the Argentinian defenses are destroyed,they will have enough foot soldiers available to swamp the island and not let any British Soldiers come inland...
Eventually within a week the war will be so expensive that either Britain will go Bankrupt or will have to surrender...
Colonial mentality still thrives. As we say in urdu 'Chor chori say jaye, per seena zori say na jaye.Falklands belong to Argentina. Period

Argentina's claim to the Falklands is as ludicrous as China's claims in the SCS.

Gone are the days when Britain was a world power..Its a small island with trillions of debts and an economy on the verge of collapse..
David camerron talks from his rear end,and this one is another brainfart from him..
British soldiers are rented out to USA to fight their war,and fighting on Amrica's behalf using their gear...
Which long range Bomber Britain has now to Bomb Argentina? None...Vulcans have been retired long ago...The only way for Britain to attack Argentina is by sea,and that is very risky as Argentinians have enough Anti ship Missiles...Britain might send her Submarines with Cruise missiles in the first wave of the attack to destroy Argentina's defenses but i am not sure how the are going to gain control of the island after that.
Even if the Argentinian defenses are destroyed,they will have enough foot soldiers available to swamp the island and not let any British Soldiers come inland...
Eventually within a week the war will be so expensive that either Britain will go Bankrupt or will have to surrender...

All Britain has to do is invoke NATO defense clause and they will win, easily. Even without invoking said clause it is a stretch to think Argentina can defeat Britain one on one, the RN is no pushover.
As a Pakistani? doubt it, 99.9% of Pakistanis never heard of falkland, heck even I didn't know what it was untill i googled it few minutes ago and we shouldn't go around sticking our noses around in other countries business. Let britian and argentina figure it out.

Pakistanis should support Britain because their claim is actually legitimate and the Argentinians are just being greedy for more territory, also Argentina never wanted any type of vote just a straight island handover so they are just being clowns.
Argentina's claim to the Falklands is as ludicrous as China's claims in the SCS.

All Britain has to do is invoke NATO defense clause and they will win, easily. Even without invoking said clause it is a stretch to think Argentina can defeat Britain one on one, the RN is no pushover.

Economy of Scale is the keyword here...
Even at its prime when Britain Fought her first war of Falkland,by their own admission if Argentina had continued for another week,Britain had to Retread and end the expedition due to being fat too expensive..
Anything that Britain will do,Argentine will do at 100 times less cost,or less.
I am not in Favor of Mr.cmarron's dick measuring contest with Argentina...as situation at home is critical..People are about to lose National Health Service which has been there for a 100 years..With NHS gone most people simply cant afford going to doctors and civil unrest will follow..
Camerron should lose that rock island 10,000 miles away and save NHS in same money...

Last time Margeret Thatcher fought this costly war as a vote winning stunt,and 30 years on the bills are still to be paid by taxpaying Public..
Big no to another expensive war...
in 2014 Britain will break anyway as Scotland will vote for freedom,so whats the point in going after an island thousands of miles away...
Pakistanis should support Britain because their claim is actually legitimate and the Argentinians are just being greedy for more territory, also Argentina never wanted any type of vote just a straight island handover so they are just being clowns.
Pakistanis should stay away (no need to become international police of the world :usflag:) and focus on their own problems which are much much more important :)
Pakistanis should stay away (no need to become international police of the world :usflag:) and focus on their own problems which are much much more important :)

You can support a position without getting involved. :coffee:

Economy of Scale is the keyword here...
Even at its prime when Britain Fought her first war of Falkland,by their own admission if Argentina had continued for another week,Britain had to Retread and end the expedition due to being fat too expensive..
Anything that Britain will do,Argentine will do at 100 times less cost,or less.
I am not in Favor of Mr.cmarron's dick measuring contest with Argentina...as situation at home is critical..People are about to lose National Health Service which has been there for a 100 years..With NHS gone most people simply cant afford going to doctors and civil unrest will follow..
Camerron should lose that rock island 10,000 miles away and save NHS in same money...

Last time Margeret Thatcher fought this costly war as a vote winning stunt,and 30 years on the bills are still to be paid by taxpaying Public..
Big no to another expensive war...

If it is that bad in England, they should just sell the island to the Argentinians.
You can support a position without getting involved. :coffee:

If it is that bad in England, they should just sell the island to the Argentinians.

Actually it is bad for UK,but English cockiness cant see that..
David has failed miserably in his all election pledges and his popularity is down in the dumps..
Eventually as a last resort to win back Popularity he will go to war with Argentina,same as Margeret Thatcher did...This war will happen next year,sometime before elections...
Argentina's claim to the Falklands is as ludicrous as China's claims in the SCS.

Try to get it right, we claim Islands in SCS not SCS. As for falklands, when England claim an Island 12k km away from it homeland, we're interesting to see American gorverment reaction and Interpretation of this issue :coffee:
But considering Falkland near argentina, i think they will have a lotta firepower compared to britain this time.

Argentina's military declined since the defeat, all it can do now is go to the UN or keep making statements that the falklands is their.
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