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Britain will have to choose on China


Nov 4, 2011
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Britain will have to choose on China

Macron drew opprobrium over his recent visit to Beijing, but the time will come when Britain will have to decide its stance
TELEGRAPH VIEW18 April 2023 • 10:00pm

French President Emmanuel Macron shakes hands with Chinese President Xi Jinping

French President Emmanuel Macron shakes hands with Chinese President Xi Jinping

China’s post-Covid economic rebound has surpassed market expectations, with a 4.5 per cent expansion in GDP in the first quarter of the year. Strong growth in exports and infrastructure investment, as well as a rise in retail consumption and property prices, is driving the recovery after the economy was hit by a forlorn effort to eradicate the coronavirus.

The Chinese government missed its own target of 5 per cent growth but economists expect the pace of recovery to pick up over the rest of the year. In normal circumstances, this would be considered a fillip to global economic growth to counter persistently high inflation, rising interest rates and sluggish expansion in the West.

But the world has moved on from the days when developed countries relied on sucking in vast quantities of cheap Chinese imports to fuel consumption. Xi Jinping’s effective presidency for life has been accompanied by a far more aggressive foreign policy that vies with America for superpower status.

China has long thrown its weight around in Africa but has recently sought to broker a new relationship in the Gulf between Iran and Saudi Arabia. It is acting as a bulwark for Russia against criticism over the Ukraine invasion in exchange for cheap energy, which is fuelling its recovery.

Construction projects built under the Belt and Road initiative have established Chinese influence in Europe, where there is an unwillingness to follow the United States into a trade war. Emmanuel Macron drew opprobrium over his recent visit to Beijing, but he is effectively positioning France where David Cameron sought to place the UK 10 years ago with talk of a new “golden age” in Sino-British relations.

Where does this leave Britain now? Rishi Sunak has called Beijing a threat, but he is treading a fine line between avoiding uncoupling entirely from China while keeping the Americans on board when they want a tougher response, as with banning Huawei. The Prime Minister sees this as a pragmatic approach that defends the UK’s interests while focusing on a new post-Brexit trade pivot to the Pacific.

But France and other EU nations appear to have made up their minds that China remains an important trading partner and show no signs of following Washington’s lead. There will come a time when Britain will have to decide which side to take.

Britain will always remain a little loyal lapdog of the US.

Not necessarily. Alliances can change overnight. Iran used to be pro US in the 70s. Now it is hostile to the US. Poland used to be pro Russia in the 70s. Now it is hostile to Russia.
Not necessarily. Alliances can change overnight. Iran used to be pro US in the 70s. Now it is hostile to the US. Poland used to be pro Russia in the 70s. Now it is hostile to Russia.
Yes necessarily. Because it's not truly alliances, it's empire and vassals states with the fake name of" alliances".

All key persons in foreign American influenced states are well bribed and ready to obbey orders against their own people interests, in favor of USA.

Ukraine war is the prove of that

The changes you said about Iran and Poland, it was due to Iran revolution, and USSR break up. It was needed something huge and violent to change little corrupt vassals.
Yes necessarily. Because it's not truly alliances, it's empire and vassals states with the fake name of" alliances".

All key persons in foreign American influenced states are well bribed and ready to obbey orders against their own people interests, in favor of USA.

Ukraine war is the prove of that

The changes you said about Iran and Poland, it was due to Iran revolution, and USSR break up. It was needed something huge and violent to change little corrupt vassals.

No vassal lasts forever. After aliens come to Earth, nations bullied by America ally with aliens just like nations bullied by Aztecs allied with Spanish to topple Aztec hegemony.

No vassal lasts forever. After aliens come to Earth, nations bullied by America ally with aliens just like nations bullied by Aztecs allied with Spanish to topple Aztec hegemony.

Extraterrestrials will only come to Earth and make first Contact after Zefram Cochran conducts his warp flight test.

The Vulcans will be in our star system observing Earth, but not making contact because Earth was a pre-warp society.

However, once they see that Earthlings break the warp barrier, they will make contact.
Who needs the evil crafty Brits on one's side, one day they are your friends, the next moment they will shoot you from the back, they can stay forever as Yankees' lapdogs.
UK's contribution to global growth will be less than that of Bangladesh. UK is doomed. They will just die being US's lapdog.
Britain has been reduced to a little pathetic fish and chips island. These Brits are proud of their fish and chips...
Britain will choose to remain an American lapdog.

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