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Britain is STILL the world’s second most powerful nation!

1956 (Suez) is widely accepted as the year Britain's role as a global power greatly diminished. It is of course still a major power but it is really pushing it to declare the UK the second most powerful country in the world. Henry Jackson Society is a British think tank and will as such have a bias towards their home country. However this is taking it too far. Britain's best bet at remaining a major influenser was in conjunction with the EU. With Brexit it will stand further isolated, and even more reliant on Washington.
I am talking about a conventional warfare scenario.

With nukes no one wins.

In conventional war the British & Russian army do not count. It boils down to power projection. The Russian air force & navy are quite poor at that.
In conventional war the British & Russian army do not count. It boils down to power projection. The Russian air force & navy are quite poor at that.
Russian air force has powerful bombers like tu160s which british not possess and more number of submarines and hypersonic cruisemissiles launched from air currrently kalbir cruisemissile with 4500km and above range is underproduction and it can be launched from sea using ships and submarines and will have payload of one tonne and above of nuclear warheads
Russian air force has powerful bombers like tu160s which british not possess and more number of submarines and hypersonic cruisemissiles launched from air currrently kalbir cruisemissile with 4500km and above range is underproduction and it can be launched from sea using ships and submarines and will have payload of one tonne and above of nuclear warheads

in a conventional war tu-160s have limited utility. Russian air force has 20 Tu-160s. the whole point of the tu-160 is to launch nuclear warheads with cruise missiles. british carrier borne fighters will shot down these large bombers.
in a conventional war tu-160s have limited utility. Russian air force has 20 Tu-160s. the whole point of the tu-160 is to launch nuclear warheads with cruise missiles. british carrier borne fighters will shot down these large bombers.
Tu-160 launching cruise missile will give fast response precision strike global projection. It's global reach cannot be denied. Same as China H-6K bomber
Tu-160 launching cruise missile will give fast response precision strike global projection. It's global reach cannot be denied. Same as China H-6K bomber

it boils down to how poor the quality of the Russian military is

British navy has two aircraft carriers to project naval air power. With 20 Tu-160s there is only so many cruise missiles you can fire at UK. The Tu-160s are sitting ducks to f-35s if the f-35s ever get in range
it boils down to how poor the quality of the Russian military is

British navy has two aircraft carriers to project naval air power. With 20 Tu-160s there is only so many cruise missiles you can fire at UK. The Tu-160s are sitting ducks to f-35s if the f-35s ever get in range
Russia tu160 are supersonic bombers and recently russia has designed stealth coating for them these bombers can launch cruisemissiles from 5000kms away from target due to induction of new airlaunched cruise missiles with 5000km range so two aircraft carriers can be easy to sink by using zircon missiles which are very difficult to get intercepted due to hypersonic speeds .Russia will not only use tu160s but su57 and su35 and other fighters will also be used which can easily sink u.k aircraft carriers
Actually RN would be able to beat the Russians out in the open ocean and that is the only realistic scenario likely.
UK has better SSNs, destroyers and frigates and so Russian numerical superiority would not help them that much.

Russian airforce would be no match for RAF as their Migs and Sukhois would be eaten alive by the Meteor equipped Eurofighters.

Only area that Russia would beat UK is in Army but that is not realistic scenario as the two do not share a land border.
I understand your point about UK having better military technology, but i worry technology doesnt guarantee a win in a war. Look at US and Israel. Technology isnt going to save US in Afghanistan.

My point is- Russians seems more willing to fight than Brits. How is the morale of British soldiers? If Britain was that strong, i dont think Iran would have seized those sailors some years ago. Iran seized them, and UK didnt make much of a fuss. That was enough for me to know Iran doesnt even fear UK in the middle east. Russia violates UK airspace because Russia doesnt fear UK that much. I guess UK has to "reassert" herself internationally for some adversaries to fear her again. I dunno
Britain fought Russia to a standstill in Crimea. While Americans may talk tough, America is one of the very few countries that never fought Russia. Sweden did. France did. Italy did. Germany did. Britain did. Japan did. Hell, even China did. America never fought Russia and likely never will. Action speaks louder than words, and to this end Britain > America.

Russian air force has powerful bombers like tu160s which british not possess and more number of submarines and hypersonic cruisemissiles launched from air currrently kalbir cruisemissile with 4500km and above range is underproduction and it can be launched from sea using ships and submarines and will have payload of one tonne and above of nuclear warheads

Tu-160 shoot 5000 km range Kh-101. There's practically no way to counter Tu-160 unless you are America.

british carrier borne fighters will shot down these large bombers.

British fighter jets can't even get Tu-160. Tu-160 shoot 5000 km range Kh-101. They'll be way out of reach of fighter jets and they'll be very heavily guarded by AWAC, fighter jets, SAM and all that.

I understand your point about UK having better military technology, but i worry technology doesnt guarantee a win in a war. Look at US and Israel. Technology isnt going to save US in Afghanistan.

Germany counted on Me 262 to dominate the world and they weren't able to. Technology is an advantage, but by no means decisive.
I guess UK has to "reassert" herself internationally for some adversaries to fear her again. I dunno

By doing what?

Russians didn't enter UK airspace by any means.

Just because fear mongers are telling that they entered UK airspace, doesn't make it one if you see the EEZ of UK. Close to UK airspace? Maybe true, but still is international airspace. The VVS has as much right to fly in neutral international airspace without permits as much as RAF does in the same.

Realistically speaking, UK just needs to stop asserting itself and amalgamate itself to the new geopolitical realities. If it continues to be USA's military herald in the new world, it will have to one day face off against countries that can show it, its new place with force.

This isn't the 1800s where RN will call all the shots.

While UK has full rights to defend its territorial waters and its own safety, it has no right to threaten anyone else. Asset for asset and tactic to tactic, UK would be flattened in any modern combat with either Russia or China, if it fights alone.

It may hold out long on its own, but there is simply no comparison. China is no Argentina and Russia is only second to US in military might.
Whoever wrote the article OP posted is clearly delusional. UK is no match for chinese military by any means and certainly is nowhere near russia in terms of technology.

UK should open it's eyes and recognise its place in the new world order.
Britain fought Russia to a standstill in Crimea. While Americans may talk tough, America is one of the very few countries that never fought Russia. Sweden did. France did. Italy did. Germany did. Britain did. Japan did. Hell, even China did. America never fought Russia and likely never will. Action speaks louder than words, and to this end Britain > America.
usa beat russia in the cold war
it was a decisive win if u ask me
BRITAIN has maintained its position as the world’s second most powerful nation, according to an annual global league table published today.

In a rebuke to gloom-laden Brexit forecasts the Henry Jackson Society Geopolitical Index brands the UK as “a truly global power”.

The study ranks the UK ahead of both China and Russia; despite both regimes’ expansionist foreign policies.

It says Britain has a “military might” greater than China and a technology prowess “far in advance of Russia”.

The study attributes much of the UK’s comparative power to its diplomatic, financial and cultural capabilities and links around the globe as well as its recent boost in overseas investment, aid and military.

Only America finished above Britain in the league table of powerful nations. But the analysis warns that Britain’s second place is under “serious threat” from China due to its economic growth and naval investment.

The rankings find Britain has retained its unique capacity to “project and extend itself around the world” and the audit also says Britain’s fundamental capacities have faced no “discernible impact” from Brexit.

The audit’s chief analyst James Rogers said:“The pervasive spread of neo-declinism in Britain is wholly without foundation.

Brexit has had no discernible impact on the UK’s fundamental ability to apply itself around the World.

Although the UK is likely to retain its leadership role in Europe, it is also increasingly wedded to the so-called ‘Anglosphere’ - further investment in groupings like the Five-Eyes could help cement its successes.

China’s rapidly expanding geopolitical capacity poses a serious challenge to the West. Over the past year, China has added tens of thousands of tonnes to its Navy and if current trends continue – it will overtake Britain as a global power by as soon as next year.

If the rules-based order is breaking down, the UK should urgently invest in its armed forces’ projection capacities forward basing – not least in the Indo-Pacific region – if it seeks to halt this shift.

Urgent remedial action is also required – in 2019 – to secure Britain’s continued economic, industrial and technological leadership.

Without significant new funding for Research and Development, the UK risks falling dangerously behind in the new technological race.”

I suppose the most powerful nation is India.
usa beat russia in the cold war
it was a decisive win if u ask me

False. Russia became far more efficient after dissolution of USSR. USSR could not have been dissolved without the help of Russian nationalists such as Boris Yeltsin who restored the Russian tricolor.
Lol, the Sun is a newspaper only in circulation because they put a nice set of tits on page 3 every week.

Second most powerful country...lol
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