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Brig Imtiaz reveals CIA plots( Pak Nukes)


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Brig Imtiaz reveals CIA plots
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
Brig Imtiaz reveals CIA plots
By Ansar Abbasi

ISLAMABAD: Former spymaster Brigadier (retd) Imtiaz Ahmad, whose recent statements caused ripples in the country’s political arena, now talks of a much serious issue ñ Pakistan’s nuclear programme. He claims to have foiled two American CIA plots to sabotage the country’s nuclear programme.

While serving for the ISI, he recalled, he had conducted the operation ‘Rising Sun’ in 1979 that successfully thwarted a CIA plot to target Pakistanís nuclear programme. The operation concluded with the arrest and conviction of a Pakistani CIA agent, declaration of a few undercover CIA agents and US diplomats as personae non gratae and their return.

In the second case, Brigadier (retd) Imtiaz said, he, as the Intelligence Bureau chief, had discovered another CIA plot being operated through a third country mainly to hit the countryís nuclear programme.

Talking to The News here on Monday, Brigadier Imtiaz said that in the late 70s, the CIA spotted one Rafiq Munshi, a graduate of Karachi University, and took him to the US to be trained on nuclear technicalities and intelligence skills. Later, he got appointed in Kanup Karachi as an engineer.

It was in 1979 when he was launched back by the CIA with a mission to penetrate into the country’s nuclear network with two clear objectives. Firstly, to provide them (CIA) information about the nuclear programme’s development, security and protection measures for the nuclear installations and identification of nuclear scientists working on sensitive assignments. Secondly, he was assigned to create an opportunity, when given signal, for a technical sabotage of certain nuclear installations.

Imtiaz said that Rafiq Munshi was provided substantial financial aid and was made to operate in close coordination with a few special CIA operators, who were undercover agents and working under diplomatic cover in the US embassy in Islamabad and its consulate in Karachi.

Imtiaz said during those days he was posted in Karachi as a Lt-Colonel and the ISI chief in Sindh. After getting the clue of the plot and personally monitoring it for several months, he disclosed, he conducted the operation ‘Rising Sun’. He said that the operation was conducted in a very secret manner and it was only between him and the then DG ISI Maj General Riaz Muhammad Khan as to what was going on against the countryís nuclear programme.

“I fell impelled to pay greatest tributes to the then DG ISI Maj General Riaz Muhammad Khan, who not only encouraged me but also gave me complete authority to fearlessly conduct the operation,” Imtiaz said, adding that the operation that consumed 8-10 months finally ended up successfully with the arrest of Rafiq Munshi from Karachi while the undercover CIA agents were returned to Washington after being declared as personae non gratae.

According to Imtiaz, he was later summoned by the then ruler General Ziaul Haq, whom he briefed on the operation ‘Rising Sun’ and its outcome. “After hearing all the details, General Ziaul Haq immediately went to another room to talk to the US president. And what I assessed from his body language as soon as he returned after making the telephone call was a clear message that Zia had lodged a forceful protest with the Americans over its plot against Pakistan’s nuclear programme.”

Brigadier (retd) Imtiaz said that he was decorated with Sitar-i-Rasalat for foiling the CIA plot. However, he said, Rafique Munshi, who was sentenced to life imprisonment, was released during Benazir Bhutto’s first government and got closely associated with the Pakistan People’s Party.

Talking about the second CIA plot targeting Pakistanís nuclear programme that he had successfully foiled, he said that he did it during his stint as DG Intelligence Bureau in Nawaz Sharifís first tenure and at a time when tension between the then president Ghulam Ishaq Khan and PM Nawaz Sharif was at its peak.

Sharing the details of the plot, he said that he got a clue about an individual, who was in contact with an Islamabad-based ambassador of a European country, which was operating for the CIA as a third country. “I personally got in contact with the individual and made a concerted effort to motivate him to work in the national interest instead of becoming an agent of the countryís enemies.” Imtiaz said that he had succeeded in persuading the individual, who later agreed to work for Pakistan as a double agent and for the same reason, the ex-DG IB said, he was duty bound not to disclose his identity. The retired brigadier said that through briefing and debriefings of the same individual, who was nick-named as “Star”, he came to know about the details of the plot that was being hatched against Pakistan by the CIA.

Imtiaz disclosed that “Star” was taken to the US where he had received instructions as how he was supposed to operate. Heavily financed, “Star” when came back told the IB chief in his debriefing that he was assigned multiple tasks but the topmost assignment was to find out complete details of the deficiency in the security system of Pakistanís nuclear programme, the exact location of strategic arsenals and the nature of their security arrangements and weaknesses. “Star”, he said, was also asked to create a favourable lobby in the corridors of power to seek policy decisions on the Kashmir issue in accordance with the aspiration of Washington. Imtiaz said that “Star” was also asked to fuel regionalism with focus on the activation of the demand for the creation of a Seraiki province. In this regard, Imtiaz said, “Star” was to create an NGO based in Islamabad and having branches in Bahawalpur and Sindh.

Imtiaz said that one more assignment given to “Star” by the CIA was to weaken the extreme emotional attachment of the common Pakistanis with Islamic values. He said that his interaction with “Star” continued and the latter was successfully working as a double agent for Pakistan till the dismissal of the Nawaz Sharif government, which also led to his immediate resignation.

Imtiaz said that on the basis of his each and every interaction with “Star”, he used to make his hand written notes all of which were saved in the safe of the DG IB. Later, what happened to those notes, Brigadier Imtiaz does not know. He, however, said that “Star” later left Pakistan and got settled in a foreign country.

“Star”, according to Imtiaz, had offered his cooperation on the condition that he would never be handed over to any other IB operator.
I am important I am important, I am so competent, I have protected nuclear weapons, I have busted the conspiracy of Jinnahpur, I can malign anybody I want, I can protect whole country with my left hand, I am so great that I can defend whole country against Indian, Arabian, Chinese and even our own Armies Yay!!

I am Brig. Imtiaz! :bounce: I can bounce too, see?
I would like to hear comments on the reliability of the sources and the credibility of the claims. Though I have little doubt that intelligence is a game beyond me, certain aspects of the story make a lot of sense, and others seem fishy. If for no other reason, then simply to be informed of our national secrets, which the Americans believe is their god-given right, there must be some truth here. On the other hand, is it even possible for one man, "Star", to be assigned all these high-visibility tasks? The mighty CIA should definitely have no troubles developing assets and agents in Pakistan to do their dirty work, so why put all the eggs in one basket? Doesn't make sense.

This is certainly very interesting, but I don't know whether there is anything to be interested about.
i think this is pure rubish.Dr AQ Khan in an interview yesterday to AAJ TV refuted any such stories saying that if any such thing happened then it would be known to him .Dr Khan also said that he was in those days closely related to DG ISI Riaz Muhammad and he didnt know of any such incidents.

Many may differ with the Rafiq Safi’s style of politics, but the fact is that he was associated with the PPP, and was a prominent leader of the Karachi Electric Supply Corporation’s (KESC) trade Union, and was not working at Karachi Nuclear Power Plant (Kannup) as the retired brigadier had portrayed. Even otherwise, what has Kannup plant got to do with Pakistan’s nuclear weapons programme?

Brig Imtiaz is doing all this rubbish to take the nation's attention away from
1) Musharraf's trial.
2)Recent corruption scandals.
3)signing of rental power and sugar scandal.

Reportedly COAS is also concerned about this latest saga.
ISLAMABAD - Chief of Army Staff General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani hosted an Iftar-dinner in the honour of retired four-star generals on Monday, TheNation has reliably learnt. However, the ISPR denied that such an event had taken place at any official level in their knowledge.
Sources say that those attending included Former Chief of Army Staff Gen (retd) Jehangir Karamat, Former Vice Chief of Army Staff Gen (retd) Yousuf, former Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee and former DG ISI Gen (retd) Ehsan, former VCOAS Gen (retd) Ahsen Saleem Hayat etc.
According to sources, the event was arranged by the army chief for members of the old boys club in the back drop of selective leaks by some former intelligence officers geared against one political party and absolving another from many charges leveled against it in the past.
The allegations by several key former intelligence officials, which have been reverberating on the airwaves and print media for the last week or so, might have been uncomfortable for certain political heavyweights but also serve to provide a measure of discomfort for the armed forces themselves.
The sources further said the event was part of series of private level consultations the COAS was conducting to seek insight into the issue, which could have serious implications for the armed forces.
Some analysts are of the view that these concerted efforts by some former intelligence agencies officers were part of an international campaign by the US guarantors of former president General (retd) Pervez Musharraf on the face of growing political demand for his trial by invoking Article 6 of the Constitution. It was further learnt that several of the afore mentioned key former intelligence officials have assets and property in the US.
The information secretariat of the PML(N), which maintains that it is the victim of a smear campaign, has alleged that a network comprising of the Presidency, the MQM and former generals is conspiring not only to save the former dictator but also to drag down the popularity of their party. The party has given the government a 48-hour deadline to cease the smear campaign. The party is also expected to hold a consultative meeting today in the federal capital to chalk out a future course of action.

COAS throws iftar for retired generals | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online
They forgot to mention the biggest asset of international forces, the jihadi mullahs and their supporters. One command from mullah omar, osama or zawahiri and the mullah ghaddars would even blow themselves up.
very interesting article somethings are fishing about the agent "Star" and why is US has to put its nose on our Nuclear Programme US must know if they put thier nose in our Pakistan matters it will come out broken.
I must say that I am speculating only..... But I think if it is true than it can be part of Greater US heagemony plan...

1. First they tied India's Hand by doing civilian Nuclear deal ... by this they have an eye on Indian Nuclaer Assets....Now through FDi and FII window they have increased Holding in good Indian Assets( Not very significant Although)...

2. So might be they will try to " Neutralize" pakistan by ... either by securing ur Nuclear assets .... or ... increasing their special force Level in the region..

3.So now I think Both Pakistan and India should concentrate on Deveopments...

because of Strong US mmilitary presence in Pakistan..... Indian Attack is ruled out ...... and as we discussed on other thread tht .. they might not leave the Region Soon.........

May thts why Indian Military is prepering itself for china........ But From indian Point of View .... the Litmus test for the above assumption will if in .... atleast near future..... no Mumbai style attack take place from Pakistani soil.

and if tht holds true ..... then it is just time being tht ...... Ties will get normalize....

And Regarding Kashmir Issue....... I think the US and its allies are happy with present status que....

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