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Breathtaking images of MiG 29Ks, F/A-18 jets flying over INS Vikramaditya and USS Nimitz

I'm always an American. I'm not Chinese.

You probably assume that only Chinese or Pakistani have views that Indians brags too much from a millennium of humiliation. That Indians oppress its own schedule castes and tribes. That rape is an epidemic in India. But the truth is that the rest of world share these exact views about India.

So when I speak the truth about India, I do it as an American, not Chinese.

YOUR 100% A PAKISTANI "false flagger" I can smell million miles away
Indians view- World would be better with N korea.
Thats news for me...are you sure..hopefully you were being sarcastic!

Nimitz make Indian AC look so minute. It's a mini carrier.

If India acknowledges that it needs US protection to hold off China, than its in the correct mindset.
Ok!..off topic question..If China were to invade Taiwan and USA steps in to protect Taiwan..who would you support?
Thats news for me...are you sure..hopefully you were being sarcastic!

Ok!..off topic question..If China were to invade Taiwan and USA steps in to protect Taiwan..who would you support?

No I wasnt. it was a typo... Without* :P Edited now. Thanks for the notice.
I'm an American who was from Taiwan. I don't even know what they have. But why would Indians brag about being a superpower when it take forever to manufacture things. And the little it can manufacture, it's routinely rejected by its own military.

Trust me, I am not jealous of India. I feel pity for India
Funny you say this!..I am sure USA is also laughing at how mighty China (According to the Chinese)..is being taken to task by a gutless India..Also, they must be thinking...in Quotes"These little Chinese really want to take on the USA"....and then we hear a LOL.
Thats news for me...are you sure..hopefully you were being sarcastic!

Ok!..off topic question..If China were to invade Taiwan and USA steps in to protect Taiwan..who would you support?

I will always support USA. I'm an American. But I also believe in peace. And the best way to maintain peace is through strength.
Military, economic and political strength.

China will not invade Taiwan in the near future. South China Sea will have no problem as long as there is freedom of navigation. One place I do see conflict for China is with India. As you can see.
I will always support USA. I'm an American. But I also believe in peace. And the best way to maintain peace is through strength.
Military, economic and political strength.

China will not invade Taiwan in the near future. South China Sea will have no problem as long as there is freedom of navigation. One place I do see conflict for China is with India. As you can see.


Those cheap fake poor copies of western hardware will be badly exposed.

I will always support USA. I'm an American. But I also believe in peace. And the best way to maintain peace is through strength.
Military, economic and political strength.

China will not invade Taiwan in the near future. South China Sea will have no problem as long as there is freedom of navigation. One place I do see conflict for China is with India. As you can see.
India and China will never really have full fledged conflict!....For that matter, no Nuclear power nation will ever do so, except maybe NK...India and China are two big countries..yes Chinas economy is massive and India is not as massive while comparing to China, but it is a huge, when you consider the economy of any other country outside of USA and China....China is chasing the USA and India is Chasing China....Which ever nation fires the first shot will be taken to task by the world community, the world economy depends on peace to be successful.
Funny you say this!..I am sure USA is also laughing at how mighty China (According to the Chinese)..is being taken to task by a gutless India..Also, they must be thinking...in Quotes"These little Chinese really want to take on the USA"....and then we hear a LOL.

USA is not taking on China. We have issue with North Korea only. China is a trading partner. As I stated. America is the peaceful country. Without the 9-11 attack. US wouldn't be in Afghanistan or Iraq. We do have some warmongers but most Americans do not want war. However, I do believe in peace through strength and US should maintain the strongest military on earth. I do not want an American policemen and believe in this quote

"Peace, commerce and honest friendship with all nations; entangling alliances with none."

Thomas Jefferson

India and China will never really have full fledged conflict!....For that matter, no Nuclear power nation will ever do so, except maybe NK...India and China are two big countries..yes Chinas economy is massive and India is not as massive while comparing to China, but it is a huge, when you consider the economy of any other country outside of USA and China....China is chasing the USA and India is Chasing China....Which ever nation fires the first shot will be taken to task by the world community, the world economy depends on peace to be successful.

Indian Hinduvas cannot stomach Orientals, which are regarded as a schedule people, become successful. To Indians, its ok for Westerners to be successful. But not so for Orientals as this represents an existential threat to the caste system.
USA is not taking on China. We have issue with North Korea only. China is a trading partner. As I stated. America is the peaceful country. Without the 9-11 attack. US wouldn't be in Afghanistan or Iraq. We do have some warmongers but most Americans do not want war. However, I do believe in peace through strength and US should maintain the strongest military on earth. I do not want an American policemen and believe in this quote

"Peace, commerce and honest friendship with all nations; entangling alliances with none."

Thomas Jefferson

Indian Hinduvas cannot stomach Orientals, which are regarded as a schedule people, become successful. To Indians, its ok for Westerners to be successful. But not so for Orientals as this represents an existential threat to the caste system.
Excuse me!..I am offended by this thought process!...There is no such thing as Indians Hinduvas...(Now who is being a racist)...Indians/(Including me in the early 1990's) I know look at Japan and South Korea and really looked upto them people...Man, infact growing up one of my favourite books was "Made in Japan" Sony (Akio Morito). This book inspired me and the respect I had for the Japanese just doubled overnight...!
There is no such thing as Westerners, easterners, anymore my friend, its a global economy...My team here is 40 percent Asian (Korean/Chinese/Vietnamese/Indian and Srilankan) ... You say you are an American..but you just made a very un-American comment!

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