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Breaking: US to arm Ukraine with advanced antiship missiles, Harpoon and Naval Strike Missiles

US is playing dangerous game. If I were Russian, I would support Putin to nuke US. Nuke war would settle all problems Russia is facing once for all.

You will have your chance when Taiwan will be provided the same armaments.
Thanks to America, U.S dollar circulatory percentage has dropped by a dangerously significant amount. Inflation hitting 40 year high. Countries around the world are diversifying their reserves in other currencies.

The amount of Ukrainian tanks and IFVs destroyed, videos circulating is just beyond hilarious. In Mariupol, Azov Nazis are surrendering in the thousands.

Don't what fantasy world you're living in. But please continue to live in your fantasy world. Its hilarious how deluded some people are.
LOL! Thousands of Russian tanks destroyed or captured are beyond hilarious. Many Russians have surrender in the thousands. Why else so called retreat/feint from Northern Ukraine to Kharkiv? Please keep living in that fantasy world. Russians are not going to keep those territories for long as many thousands are getting killed each month. Can't even push towards Odessa anymore and had to retreat. Now only thing they committed to is Donbas region. And they are having a hard time doing that since the operation began in late February.
LOL! Thousands of Russian tanks destroyed or captured are beyond hilarious. Many Russians have surrender in the thousands. Why else so called retreat/feint from Northern Ukraine to Kharkiv? Please keep living in that fantasy world. Russians are not going to keep those territories for long as many thousands are getting killed each month. Can't even push towards Odessa anymore and had to retreat. Now only thing they committed to is Donbas region. And they are having a hard time doing that since the operation began in late February.

Well if you choose to believe that, then why does Europe or North America have to send $$$ billions worth of weapons to Ukraine if they're killing so many Russians.

Reality is that thousands of Ukrainian Nazi have surrendered as Ukraine has lost Azostal Steel Complex. As did Ukraine loose Mariupol. The Russian Forces are knocking hard on Severdonetsk now. Plus the Ukrainians got hammered to death by the Russian Forces when their idiot President ordered to assault Snake Island. Dozens of aircraft of Ukraine were shot down, dozens of Ukrainian Nazi soldiers were mown down by the Russian Forces in the absurd assault.

Problem with people who follow the West is that they are a prisoner of their own lies and hubris.

You believe what you want to believe, bud. Fact of the matter is that Western sanctions have been humiliatingly defeated by the Russian Federation. The USD slumped against the Ruble and is beatened down to 58.89/U$D
Well if you choose to believe that, then why does Europe or North America have to send $$$ billions worth of weapons to Ukraine if they're killing so many Russians.

Because the Ukrainians need more weapons to do more killing. Have you never think about the Soviet Union where the U.S. supported them with Lend Lease program?
Reality is that thousands of Ukrainian Nazi have surrendered as Ukraine has lost Azostal Steel Complex. As did Ukraine loose Mariupol. The Russian Forces are knocking hard on Severdonetsk now. Plus the Ukrainians got hammered to death by the Russian Forces when their idiot President ordered to assault Snake Island. Dozens of aircraft of Ukraine were shot down, dozens of Ukrainian Nazi soldiers were mown down by the Russian Forces in the absurd assault.
Thousands of Russians have surrendered and retreated from Kiev region as well as Kharkiv which they took earlier. Russians also got destroyed on Snake Island.

Problem with people who follow the West is that they are a prisoner of their own lies and hubris.

You believe what you want to believe, bud. Fact of the matter is that Western sanctions have been humiliatingly defeated by the Russian Federation. The USD slumped against the Ruble and is beatened down to 58.89/U$D
You believe in your own lies and hubris.
US is playing dangerous game. If I were Russian, I would support Putin to nuke US. Nuke war would settle all problems Russia is facing once for all.

Dangerous escalation by the USSA.

If I were Russian, I would be planning to back in Cuba with nuclear missiles. They only way they can understand is through back to the MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) doctrine.

You mean the Russians are stupid. Even one of the former Russian generals has mentioned how stupid it was to go invade Ukraine a month before it actually started.

There are American generals on Fox News saying that it was stupid of NATO to goad Ukraine and push for this war against Russia. So your point is?
Dangerous escalation by the USSA.

If I were Russian, I would be planning to back in Cuba with nuclear missiles. They only way they can understand is through back to the MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) doctrine.

LOL! We know about MAD since the Cold War days.
There are American generals on Fox News saying that it was stupid of NATO to goad Ukraine and push for this war against Russia. So your point is?
Push for this war? We have been trying to prevent war in the first place and warned Russia the consequences when Russia claims they want to Denazify and demilitarize which has nothing to do with NATO. So what is your point?
Push for this war? We have been trying to prevent war in the first place and warned Russia the consequences when Russia claims they want to Denazify and demilitarize which has nothing to do with NATO. So what is your point?

Not my point... Some American ex-Generals mefia interviews
NSM is a very potent weapon and will make RuN rethink their strategies. May even lead to removal of blockade.

I suspect those Stingers and Javelins will start appearing in unintended places very soon.
Well if you choose to believe that, then why does Europe or North America have to send $$$ billions worth of weapons to Ukraine if they're killing so many Russians.

Reality is that thousands of Ukrainian Nazi have surrendered as Ukraine has lost Azostal Steel Complex. As did Ukraine loose Mariupol. The Russian Forces are knocking hard on Severdonetsk now. Plus the Ukrainians got hammered to death by the Russian Forces when their idiot President ordered to assault Snake Island. Dozens of aircraft of Ukraine were shot down, dozens of Ukrainian Nazi soldiers were mown down by the Russian Forces in the absurd assault.

Problem with people who follow the West is that they are a prisoner of their own lies and hubris.

You believe what you want to believe, bud. Fact of the matter is that Western sanctions have been humiliatingly defeated by the Russian Federation. The USD slumped against the Ruble and is beatened down to 58.89/U$D
They’re sending weapons because Ukrainian arms industries are mostly destroyed and cant keep up. Ukraine recieving arms doesnt disprove the fact that Russia are loosing many soldiers. Right now its mostly ukrainians mobilized in the russian held territories that are sacrificed in mindless assaults against Ukraines defensive lines in the east trying find weak points. They are expendable and doesnt really count in russian statistics as casualties.

Reality is that ukrainian soldiers defending their country have surrendered in Mariupol. Labelling them “Nazies” doesnt change the facts. Its besides the point, but less than 25% of the defenders were from the Azov regiment - the usual russian scape goat.
It is beyond me why anyone outside the reach of the russian terror regime pretend to support the claim that Russia is defending itself. I guess youve bought into the story that Russia is defending itself against the west, by attacking and annexing territory in a neighboring country, and your enemys enemy is your friend.

And I cant believe youre talking about reality while posting the russian propaganda story about a ukrainian assault on Snake Island.. Btw, how is it even possible that Russia shot down dozens of aircrafts in this assault? Russia already claimed theyve destroyed the ukrainian air force a long time ago. They are spreading so many lies they cant keep track themself, and you blindly quote them.
we get harpoon , we get silkworm , we get c802 and we decide to work on c-802 to made our anti-ship missiles.
our experience with Harpoon against Iraq and USA, it sucks
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