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Breaking, Turkey shot down Russian drone

The tail was completly ripped off. It was cut off from the vulcan canon rounds and than without the stabilyzing tail it dumped to the ground.
Good job turkey.. Pakistan govt, please learn a thing of having guts from our brother country Turkey
Good job turkey.. Pakistan govt, please learn a thing of having guts from our brother country Turkey

Please don´t offend your own Country.

Your Prof. Dr. Abdül Kader Khan is my hero! He managed to build nuclear weapons like the excellent scientist he was. He is same Quality like Edward Teller or Werner Heisenberg.


Allahu Ekber!

On this Video footage this mountain is VAPORIZING!!! That dust is VAPOR not dust!!!
Please don´t offend your own Country.

Your Prof. Dr. Abdül Kader Khan is my hero! He managed to build nuclear weapons like the excellent scientist he was. He is same Quality like Edward Teller or Werner Heisenberg.


Allahu Ekber!

On this Video footage this mountain is VAPORIZING!!! That dust is VAPOR not dust!!!

Actually i am pissed off at our government for not shooting down US drones... Some say...tht it was allowed by our govt.. Even if thts true..thts even worse...
Unfortunately the vid link u shared doesnt open up..as its a youtube vid and youtubr is blocked here....About Dr Abdul Qadeer khan.. Well he is somewhat a controversial figure now in Pakistan..due to a controversy.. But whatever the truth is, yes like all Pakistanis, i am also proud of our all our scientists who worked to build nuclear weapons against heavy odds...they are our heroes... Shows how resilient and detmined we can be as a nation, if we decide on to achieve something ....despite world objecting to it........ But its our government, tht is sometimes too weak and not reflective of people's desires... I admire Turkey for having the guts to act in its national interest and not be afraid of anyone else's reaction
They contacted the ground Crew of the russkies.

russkies was unfortunatly sleeping on the console because of too much vodka. :tdown:
look, it is not easy to detect or communicate with ground crew of drone operators. Will u please provide more details if u have?
look, it is not easy to detect or communicate with ground crew of drone operators. Will u please provide more details if u have?
Don't take this guy for serious, he spreading false info everywhere in the forum.
look, it is not easy to detect or communicate with ground crew of drone operators. Will u please provide more details if u have?

Turks warned the russian Operators 3 times but they did not answer. Turkish F-16 Pilot engaged the drone and shot it down with Vulcan Canon.

get a grip and get lost you leftist vermin
Btw, why is there no trace of burned parts, 20mm gun or damaged parts by fire? It looks like it has crashed by itself.

That's what I think too. There is no damage to the fuselage only the wings have been damaged as it has crashed in a wooded area, so it must have clipped some trees. Such a small plastiky drone taking a hit from any AAA or cannon or missile would be shredded. And in all probability the crash is an old one. They just found the the wreckage and declared it as a "downing".

the official statement says it was shot down by fighters on CAP in the area.

It is extremely difficult if not verging on impossibility to shoot down such a small and slow moving target with a jet fighter. It just does not fit the bill.
Such a small plastiky drone taking a hit from any AAA or cannon or missile would be shredded. And in all probability the crash is an old one. They just found the the wreckage and declared it as a "downing".
Apart from you trying to show your baseless claims as truth. (You may have the title, but i know you from back and you have little military knowledge.)

It might be downed with a missile, missile doesn't need to explode on top if. It might explode somewhere near and blast effect sends the drone down.

Here goes your assumptions into trash bin.
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