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Breaking: Qassem Soleimani Confirmed Dead by Iraqi State Media

When US officials visit Norway. They shut down almost all roads in town, sky is filled with helicopters, roads are filled with police cars and military vehicles. Snipers are deployed everywhere. He should have had at least some protection, or the very least, not drive around in a civilian car right after arriving the airport

Putting 20 security guards around him wasn’t going to stop the missile from killing him.

It was a coward Mafia hit style assassination. Unless Iranians intelligence picked up chatter or Russians/Chinese picked up that trump had ordered a strike on Solemani there was nothing that would stop the events from occurring.

He was routinely in the green zone, he had no reason to believe that US would target him under dubious reasons.

US embassy is calling for US citizens to evaquate Iraq
You are confused as hell. What the F* do you think is going in the ME? Why you wouldn't link these two genius?

That is no business of Pakistan.

We deal independently with KSA, UAE, Bahrain overtures to Modi.

We deal independently to the likes of Qasem Solemani supporters of Modi and enemies of Pakistan.
When US officials visit Norway. They shut down almost all roads in town, sky is filled with helicopters, roads are filled with police cars and military vehicles. Snipers are deployed everywhere. He should have had at least some protection, or the very least, not drive around in a civilian car right after arriving the airport

US embassy is calling for US citizens to evaquate Iraq

Yeah when US officials visit Norway they don’t expect a Russian drone to fly overhead and attack their vehicle.

I mean what a dumb example. Solemani wasn’t killed by a suicide bomber he was killed by an aircraft (drone or helicopter) of another country operating in the same space as him.

Solemani was taking cities in Iraq from ISIS with US air support a few years ago. So if he was really worried that US would bomb him he would have cared then.

This strike likely went against all Pentagon and State Department recommendations because it achieves zero objectives and carries tremendous risk. No other sitting president would have authorized this.

So in the end destiny took its course. If US wanted Solemani dead, he would be dead. He wasn’t hiding under a rock and he has been in and out of Baghdad several times in the past month trying to break the parliament deadlock.
Yeah when US officials visit Norway they don’t expect a Russian drone to fly overhead and attack their vehicle.

I mean what a dumb example. Solemani wasn’t killed by a suicide bomber he was killed by an aircraft (drone or helicopter) of another country operating in the same space as him.

Solemani was taking cities in Iraq from ISIS with US air support a few years ago. So if he was really worried that US would bomb him he would have cared then.

This strike likely went against all Pentagon and State Department recommendations because it achieves zero objectives and carries tremendous risk. No other sitting president would have authorized this.

So in the end destiny took its course. If US wanted Solemani dead, he would be dead. He wasn’t hiding under a rock and he has been in and out of Baghdad several times in the past month trying to break the parliament deadlock.

I've been glued to my phone and computer for the past 5 hours man....This shit is exhausting.

Any thoughts on possible courses of action Iran can take? I'v been thinking that Iran should just **** off out of the JCPOA and NPT for starters.
After IRGC was officially declared a terrorist organisation, it's top General has been killed like a terrorist today.
Very dangerous move . iran consider Centcom a terorist entity since last year.
You can just except from now they receive treatment like MKO and Pejak and ISIS.
By the way IRGC top commander this morning issued a warning to usa to start buying coffins .
You see he didn't said coffin ,he said coffins.
America is pretty exposed in Afghanistan.

Possible Iranian assistance to the Taliban is still dubious at best though.
sir iran has many options in afghanistan . Northern alliance and talibaan 2 options
Trump is an inexperienced idiot....He wrote a book many years before becoming a President.

In his book he described----trade war with China, withdrawal from Afghanistan and Middle East, rants against Obamacare, Iran deal and NATO etc. And once becoming President he started implementing his stupid vision.

One thing he wrote in his book and constantly says in his speeches today is that other countries (Iran and Pakistan) don't respect USA and USA must force other to respect America.....He acts cocky to enforce respect for USA----but in the end he is an amateur, inexperienced moron who thinks world circles around USA.

One thing about Trump is--- that he says what he thinks---he says "take the oil" and keeps US troops occupying Syrian oil fields.----and he always calculates money---"we spend billion here and billion there"---"we have a huge debt"--"we spent trillion dollar"--"Syria is useless unprofitable desert"---so he is a businessman obsessed with profit---BUSINESSMEN OBSESSED WITH PROFIT LIKE HIM WILL NEVER GO TO WAR WITH IRAN IN THE PERSIAN GULF, BECAUSE IT WILL BE FINANCIALLY DEVASTATING TO US ECONOMY.

When US occupied Iranian consulate in Karbala in 2003, Iranian special forces responded by downing several Apache helicopters in Iraq, attacking US forces and kidnapping and killing several US soldiers

Now this is an escalation of huge proportions...Americans crossed the red line......This is like if Iran deliberately kills CIA director---and what will be US response?

This is like a declaration of war.......IF Iran will give no or little response-- it will be viewed in Washington as a sign of Iran's weakness and attempt to save face and US will continue crossing the red line.... If Iran attacks via proxies, Americans will respond by attacking Iranian proxies with airstrikes.

Iranian response should be of huge magnitude. US should know the price of crossing red lines

So what should be Iranian response? US crossed the red line and there is no turning back.

1) Withdraw from JPOA and expel IAEA inspectors, while remaining in NPT----this is just regaining Iranian sovereignty that was sacrificed due to the 2015 nuclear deal

2) declare mobilization or send armored divisions to the border with Kuwait and Iraq ---or both

3) prepare the Navy and missile forces

4) give a green light to the proxies for attacking all US troops in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and possibly attack US forces in Kuwait with PMU's ballistic missiles

And Trump will have to make a choice-----deescalate or go to needless costly devastating war which will destroy US economy and get them into never ending quagmire in the Middle East, thus giving time to Russia and China to expand in Europe and East Asia.
Pentagon say's Trump ordered this.

Historically, American Presidents who start wars get reelected to office so if anything this is Trump trying to save his presidency and get reelected because he knows Dems don't have the votes to kick him out and getting reelected will basically make his impeachment look more like a badge of honor!
Not when body bag start to return to mainland
Yeah when US officials visit Norway they don’t expect a Russian drone to fly overhead and attack their vehicle.

I mean what a dumb example. Solemani wasn’t killed by a suicide bomber he was killed by an aircraft (drone or helicopter) of another country operating in the same space as him.

Solemani was taking cities in Iraq from ISIS with US air support a few years ago. So if he was really worried that US would bomb him he would have cared then.

This strike likely went against all Pentagon and State Department recommendations because it achieves zero objectives and carries tremendous risk. No other sitting president would have authorized this.

So in the end destiny took its course. If US wanted Solemani dead, he would be dead. He wasn’t hiding under a rock and he has been in and out of Baghdad several times in the past month trying to break the parliament deadlock.

They don't expect Russian drones, but still they go extremely over whats necessary to protect their assets. No matter how you look at it. This was extremely poor, irresponsible and careless planning from our part. They should have taken the necessary precautions. Especially after US designated IRGC as a terrorist organization, and it's not exactly news that Trump is unreliable.
They don't expect Russian drones, but still they go extremely over whats necessary to protect their assets. No matter how you look at it. This was extremely poor, irresponsible and careless planning from our part. They should have taken the necessary precautions. Especially after US designated IRGC as a terrorist organization, and it's not exactly news that Trump is unreliable.

It's obvious Iran didn't expect America to go this far and kill Iran's literal top guy, at least symbolically top guy. What Iran needs to learn is that now the safety of its generals can no longer be taken for granted.
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