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Breaking News: Trump declares any Iranian Strike will mean WAR

I hope Iran has anti satellite capability. One of the first things Iran should do in the case of even a small sized conflict with US is wipe out as many of these American spy sats etc as possible, even destroying their communication satellites would be something to destroy.
People hype up China, fact is there armed forces have nice toys, but their soldiers are largely untested.

What makes the US military powerful is a steady stream of wars since 1960 that keep the fighting force in shape.

Iran has been fighting wars since 1980 (Iraq, Kurdish rebels, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen).

China hasn’t had a hardened fighting force since Korean War. China is all talk at this point.

The US army is also untested when it comes to fight those decently armed opponents.

The biggest challenge for them in the last three decades was Saddam's Iraqi armed force.

But Saddam's army was not self-sufficient, since they needed to import their weapons, also had zero experience when it comes to the cyber information warfare.

The first gulf war was revolutionary, because it was first time a fully mechanized superpower with the revolutionary information warfare to fight against a non-mechanized army with zero capability of information warfare.

The current US army is not groundbreaking compared to the US army of the first gulf war, and other nations have learned a lot how to deal with the current US army.

They are not that lethal anymore like it was three-two decades ago.
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Waiting for the facts on the ground and cloud of war to clear.

reports appear to be another minor rocket attack similar to yesterday. This time 3-4 rockets.

Again nothing major.
Your posts are pure comedy material. Keep it up. :tup:

World War 3 will not begin over this shit. Russia is not stupid.

And this time, other countries will respond to Iranian attacks. Patience for Iranian bullying is running thin now.

i don't want to talk about sectarian war or shia sunni.you can't kill a general and call him terrorists.this is disrespectful and completely illegal.
Pakistan should stay neutral and not take sides... I agree.

However, it would be naive to assume that Iran is sincere towards Pakistan or has Pakistan's best interest at heart. Iran is more aligned with India and facilities the terrorism in Balochistan at the behest Indian RAW.

Jadhav, a former Indian navy officer, was arrested by Pakistani authorities in the southwestern province of Balochistan was caught operating from Iran.

However, I agree an unstable Iran is not good for Pakistan. But a strong adventurous Iran also poses a threat. Perhaps a weakened Iran by not of our making works better. ... Just a thought.

Iran - Saudi - Turkey conflict has done more harm than good. Unfortunately, there seems to be no common sense all around...

The question is... How do we (Pakistan) make good of a bad (complex) situation... Sometimes the enemy of my enemy eliminates them both.. and all we have to do is stay out of the crossfire... It's a gamble...

TRUMP seems to have found his new escape from his domestic issues... Israel and the dumb naive Saudis cheer him on.

Iran cannot. If they manage to shoot something more easier, like a drone... America may flatten Tehran in retaliation.

America right now... Is being led by an unstable "genius"... Who will do anything to save face... Iranians know that... They will not provoke him.

i agree about kulbhushan and balochistan problem but we can't blame only iran for balochistan situation.they live in poverty.poverty and bad infrastructure in balochistan is not the gift of iran.it's our own weakness and we have to accept it.we have to improve conditions in balochistan.obviously hostile iran isn't good for pakistan.i don't think that iran wants to harm us.statements doesn't count.they aren't like india.they are facing border issues with us and you know how smugglers use iran pak border.

What if the attacks are in form of ballistic missiles?

end of world,most probably world war because russia will never allow any ballistic missile to land in iran.russia only have iran in this region.they don't have any other friend.

Proxy war between saudi and iran has li the region
Countries like lebanon syria iraq & yemen are on fire..

Countries like libya are on fire due to saudi lone proxy interfance...

In short iran wants to expand & grantee its minority protection in lebanon , yemen & syria by bringing them into power..this all started with iraq iran war

i completely agree but arabs now have powerful friend who is actually taking action and i can't believe that americans have targeted a general.iran america hate each other specially after passenger jet downing.
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