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Breaking News: Trump declares any Iranian Strike will mean WAR

TEHRAN (FNA)- Lieutenant Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps Rear Admiral Ali Fadavi said the IRGC will initiate action to avenge the assassination of IRGC Qods Force Commander Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani upon receiving the order.
"God willing, when the order is issued and when God wants, the IRGC can materialize the Supreme Leader's promise (to take a harsh revenge from the US)," Rear Admiral Fadavi said in Tehran on Saturday, addressing students who had gathered at the University of Tehran to emphasize readiness to take a harsh revenge from Washington.

He underlined that taking revenge from the US is not limited to Iran, and the whole geography of the resistance front will be involved.


TEHRAN (FNA)- Islamic Revolution Guards Corps Commander Major General Hossein Salami said Iran's reprisal for the US Friday terror attack on IRGC Qods Force Commander Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani will include strategic operations to be carried out in a vast theater with determining outcomes and throughout time
A full blown war/ground invasion is not gonna happen. Trump is not gonna risk his re-election in 2020 and another Iraq disaster. Iran is not gonna risk getting wiped off the face of the earth. War is not gonna happen. Period.

I want to believe, but I just don't know.

You're underestimating both Iranian capabilities and resolve when it comes to how hard Iran will fight against America.

That's all I have to say with all due respect.

A full blown war/ground invasion is not gonna happen. Trump is not gonna risk his re-election in 2020 and another Iraq disaster. Iran is not gonna risk getting wiped off the face of the earth. War is not gonna happen. Period. At most, a limited airstrike/missile skirmish might occur but a huge showdown, no.

Trump is being duped into believing he can have air war with Iran with no consequences.

But he just made the biggest blunder by setting a red line where Iran response = war.

And no one is talking ground war. That would take 12 months+ to bring enough troops and supplies and everything to be able to invade.
More Quds force operatives in America than Americans in Iran. Iran could easily take out US politicians and military leaders. May even Trump himself.
Your posts are pure comedy material. Keep it up. :tup:

america knows war tactics of iran and specially proxy tactics.this is not easy.iran is not a joke.they have powerful military and they will take this war to arab states and to israel as well.damage assessment is hard to predict but iran will not go down without a fight.world war 3 will begin if russia join iran.anyway no chance for truce.this is not easy.airstrikes can damage their assets but they can still repel ground invasion.you can't kill army chief of a country and call him terrorist.this is not a logic.i don't care what he did in the past but to assassinate him was a mistake by americans.
World War 3 will not begin over this shit. Russia is not stupid.

And this time, other countries will respond to Iranian attacks. Patience for Iranian bullying is running thin now.
I want to believe, but I just don't know.

You're underestimating both Iranian capabilities and resolve when it comes to how hard Iran will fight against America.

That's all I have to say with all due respect.
That's why I'm saying a full-blown war is high highly unlikely. In a full-blown war, Iran could indeed give America a bloody eye (just like in Korea, Vietnam, and the Iraq insurgency). But in the end Iran will be completely destroyed. In the process, there would be at least tens to hundreds of thousands of American casualties and probably millions of Iranian casualties, which is why America won't risk it.

Trump is being duped into believing he can have air war with Iran with no consequences.

But he just made the biggest blunder by setting a red line where Iran response = war.

And no one is talking ground war. That would take 12 months+ to bring enough troops and supplies and everything to be able to invade.
Trump doesn't have to invade Iran on the ground to constitute a war. He can launch bombings and airstrikes against strategic Iranian targets and that would be considered war. I think he or at least his admin is smart enough not to have a much bloodier repeat of Iraq.
I feel like iran will assassinate jared kushner.
That's why I'm saying a full-blown war is high highly unlikely. In a full-blown war, Iran could indeed give America a bloody eye (just like in Korea, Vietnam, and the Iraq insurgency). But in the end Iran will be completely destroyed. In the process, there would be at least tens to hundreds of thousands of American casualties and probably millions of Iranian casualties, which is why America won't risk it.

There is no weight to your completely destroyed Iran claim. Iran can whether the worst of American attacks and is ready to do so, the killing of American personnel and destruction of U.S. assets will come. The decision has already been made Figaro, whatever any of us say has no bearing on what will inevitably take place.

This was never in any of our hands, it is not a decision we can make nor have a say in.
Our dear Rasulullah ( pbuh) talked about the inevitable Muslim conquest of Rome. Here Rome actually meant the center of the west. It will happen for sure.
The difference between the military leadership of u.s and the iranian general is that the people in the middle east get ruled by people like me. They will always look up and see a face like mine looking down at them. That’s how the world works.

They'll be ruled by some fat greasy fvck who spends his free time on a random Pakistani defence forum? Hey maybe your some cocky general and we just don't know it, did you know that Trump is basically handing you over as a sacrificial lamb?
There is no weight to your completely destroyed Iran claim. Iran can whether the worst of American attacks and is ready to do so, the killing of American personnel and destruction of U.S. assets will come. The decision has already been made Figaro, whatever any of us say has no bearing on what will inevitably take place.
I'm sorry but define "weather". If you mean sustaining terrible casualties magnitudes worse than that inflicted by Saddam during the Iran-Iraq war then yes. The Iranians will undoubtedly fight very hard. Will there be a lot of American casualties? Yes. But Iranian losses would be way more severe. If there is or there is not war will be dependent on Iran's actions.
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