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BREAKING NEWS: Traced calls confirm RAW's involvement in Safoora Chowrangi massacre

Pakistan want Kashmir, Khalistan and many other states within India and i am asking to our intel agencies why they stop supporting them. Khair now onward they should start supporting them.

India teach us how to hate a neighbor when they occupy our Kashmir , so be patient and enjoy :pakistan::pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:

You have been doing that for decades !

This time around India has the edge to defend, but chinese factor also play along with external forces who are meddling here.

The region will heat up for sure and Pakistani establishment as usual will try to harm India.
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Oh please........ as if, recordings can not be made later for false flag ops......... now this doesn't mean that A Kassab wasn't involved, however, the deciphering, LOL, if you buy such shit of agencies! :D
rehne de bhai.....Mumbai 26/11 blew up on their face as did the "Terror boat" these guys have taken out the word "Shame" from their dictionaries ---- :D
RAW is definitey involved in these massacres , they are against the economic development and upheavel of Pakistan from Day 1. Pak-China deal cannot be digested by them so easily and they will carry out such attacks in the future as well.
Oh please........ as if, recordings can not be made later for false flag ops......... now this doesn't mean that A Kassab wasn't involved, however, the deciphering, LOL, if you buy such shit of agencies! :D
Well, we will buy if it comes from FBI, with technical evidences like sat tracking, etc along with the account of one captive terrorist who can identify those.

Again, no ISI, CIA RAW will talk online, but some brainless mulla handlers.

rehne de bhai.....Mumbai 26/11 blew up on their face as did the "Terror boat" these guys have taken out the word "Shame" from their dictionaries ---- :D

Yea even Pak denied the Musharaf recording during Kargil.
10 million or so people became refugees because of your interference in our internal issues.

OK now what is your justification for BLA and LTTE? Some other excuse?
yes ! We refused to make Mujeeb PM. We started operation Searchlight. We sent Tikka Khan to BD to kick the bengalis into sense.
We formed razakars and palnned and organized genocide of that scale. Oh the evil me and pious you!
Ok. I have to agree here. That 'terror boat' was one for the books! :D

rehne de bhai.....Mumbai 26/11 blew up on their face as did the "Terror boat" these guys have taken out the word "Shame" from their dictionaries ---- :D
LMFAO...... I almost died when I read "traced calls"........... the morons that actually buy such crap! :D

Indians shouldn't rejoice at my comments.... it's as moronic as India declaring, deciphering of calls when Mumbai attacks were taking place.....

Our people are such losers..... India and Pakistan BOTH!

Unfortunately the world we live in today is all based on perception.

India has been very successful in creating a narrative about Pakistan being the trouble maker. Now this is our turn to show the world the real ugly terrorist face of india.

It doesn't really matter how hard of evidence you provide to indians (and there has been more than plenty of it), they will always deny. That makes the real evidence irrelevant and leaves us with creating the narrative on whatever works to build it.

Let the media be loud to convey the message to indians that their policies of sabotaging Pakistan are very short sighted. They might work for the time being but will backfire massively in the mid to long term and will hurt indians really bad, if Pakistan decides to retaliate with similar tactics.

Lets just concentrate on that for now.
See instead of condemning that india has been training terrorists to spread cross-border terrorism in the neighborhood you are justifying it. That it is ok to train terrorists to take advantage of internal issues of a neighboring country.

This is the major and basic problem with you indians.

Don't think you can stay immune to it forever, at some point in time it is going to come back to bite you hard.
Relax.. all the Indians here are condemning terrorist attacks here, let me assure you. Probably you got in a wrong footing to being with. And some Indian members may be just sore, I have seen some irresponsible Pakistani members bring up score cards like why some 40+ Pakistanis were killed yesterday and only some 4 Indian casualties the next day.
Traced calls confirm RAW's involvement in Safoora Chowrangi massacre


KARACHI (Dunya News) – Intelligence agencies have obtained evidence regarding involvement of Research and Analysis Wing (RAW), India's top external intelligence agency, in Safoora Chowrangi massacre, sources told.

As per details, three calls have been traced in this regard and in one call a terrorist could be heard saying the “work is done.”

After finding the evidence, the law enforcement personnel have also arrested two key suspects.

Sources told that professional target killers were hired to kill 45 members of Ismaili community near Safoora Chowrangi who were travelling in a bus from Al-Azhar Garden to Ayesha Manzil.

Chairing a high level meeting at Governor House Karachi on Wednesday night, Prime Minister Nawaz said Karachi is economic hub of the country and therefore, anything happening there assumes greater importance.

He said Pakistan's economic development is not liked by its enemies whose agenda is to off-track the country from the path of progress and prosperity. We have to keep a vigil on such enemies.

Nawaz Sharif said all institutions responsible for countering terrorism should gear up to meet the challenges.

On the other hand, Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Raheel Sharif said that no efforts will be spared to apprehend and punish perpetrators of this terrorist act and their abettors.

This is really great. Now produce these proofs to International community and fix India.
10 million or so people became refugees because of your interference in our internal issues.

OK now what is your justification for BLA and LTTE? Some other excuse?

Your own government disagrees to that and that is very well documented too. Don't try to create wild theories, figments of your own imagination.
After a long time, someone with grey matter.

Now, let me add something to your post. Of course it's all about perceptions, and India is most definitely involved, however, what you need to ask yourself is, why is India involved in the first place, and how come, even Arabian camels can take advantage of our situation, and why in heavens sometimes the interests of these diverse group of foreigners intersect.

I'm betting that you have a good mind and will understand the gist of my post. No further conversation on this particular thread. Let the inferior intellects enjoy the usual suspects, and let us enjoy the comedy! :D

Unfortunately the world we live in today is all based on perception.

India has been very successful in creating a narrative about Pakistan being the trouble maker. Now this is our turn to show the world the real ugly terrorist face of india.

It doesn't really matter how hard of evidence you provide to indians (and there has been more than plenty of it), they will always deny. That makes the real evidence irrelevant and leaves us with creating the narrative on whatever works to build it.

Let the media be loud to convey the message to indians that their policies of sabotaging Pakistan are very short sighted. They might work for the time being but will backfire massively in the mid to long term and will hurt indians really bad, if Pakistan decides to retaliate with similar tactics.

Lets just concentrate on that for now.
It is clearly a failure of Pakistani establishment to stop crimes or find out the perpetrators of the crimes. So the easiest excuse is to blame the RAW and escape from the situation.

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