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Breaking news: Shahed 129 (Iranian UAV )

Stop living in your dreamworld. Terrain contour mapping is unreliable at best for use at high altitudes, due to cloud cover. And at high altitudes, you need huge, heavy, expensive cameras to see the ground in enough detail from over 25,000 ft. Huge heavy and expensive is not going to work unless you also have something huge heavy and expensive to carry it, like the global hawk you showed. FYI, that costs $220 million each.

In the end, conventional INS and GPS is a more accurate, lighter, cheaper, more reliable system.
Wrong , cameras are of past today you can use a microSAR radar and have all weather mapping system that is not heavy and is far more accurate than usual cameras .
the problem with contour mapping is not the reliability, it relay with the fact that you must have a map of the area ready before hand and preparing a detailed and accurate map is not easy or cheap .
Stop living in your dreamworld. Terrain contour mapping is unreliable at best for use at high altitudes, due to cloud cover. And at high altitudes, you need huge, heavy, expensive cameras to see the ground in enough detail from over 25,000 ft. Huge heavy and expensive is not going to work unless you also have something huge heavy and expensive to carry it, like the global hawk you showed. FYI, that costs $220 million each.

In the end, conventional INS and GPS is a more accurate, lighter, cheaper, more reliable system.

We just have to agree to disagree!

The Global Hawk I showed was for mapping not counter mapping for counter mapping you just send a beam down to update your INS as different intervals and unlike mapping you don't need a constant beam for a long periods that require heavier devices

MALE UAV's need to be caring a laser ranger finders anyway 10km = 32k feet is a pretty standard military grade laser range finder and if there are clouds you just dip below 25k to update your INS if & when necessary

Image counter mapping again you can be using the same imaging devices that you have on board the point here is being ready for tomorrow and due to rapid advancements in nanotechnology camera's and digital imaging has also been advancing rapidly so no need to cry about camera quality

What type of camera did your phone have 3 years ago? what type of camera did your phone have 6 years ago? and what type of camera does your phone have today?

And INS just means internal navigation system and if you think GPS and INS combo is more accurate then you have no Idea what your talking about! Today countries are upgrading their fighters just so they can carry a train counter mapping and targeting pod so NO in no way is INS & GPS more accurate!

As I have repeatedly said for now Iran can use the same optical equipment & laser range finder it has installed the only thing they need to do today is the mapping part which is the hardest and most expensive part! and Iran should start from it's boarder area's and move inwards and from it's military bases and work outwards this is a system that could potentially have multiple civilian and military applications and will no doubt increase situational awareness for our troops








Good old days ...

Remember? 🙄
Photographing it from a low angle wont make it any bigger

Size matters ...
you like big one ??? :coffee:

Still have that dark humor! 😬
something I still wonder from where that turboprop engine have come was irt canibalized from other airplan or if it has been built inside country ?
They buy it from China and Russia.
which type of engine, the only one from china suitable in size is wj9 and its infact a copy of a french design wonder if they be able to sell us that and Klimov TV7 lokk a little bigger
IMO, its a commercially bought PT-6 or something similar.

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who sold Iran PT-6 to be inserted in millitary drone I doubt Pratt & Whitney Canada dare to do so by the way we had problem buying Rotax engines for Shahed-129 how we managed to get this one
who sold Iran PT-6 to be inserted in millitary drone I doubt Pratt & Whitney Canada dare to do so by the way we had problem buying Rotax engines for Shahed-129 how we managed to get this one
There are many available on the civilian market, there were over 51k made in the world. They powered hundreds of aircraft over their lifetime.
The drone was ready many years ago. The problem was engine, and now its also done. People call it a copy or whatever, its a completely made in Iran asset.
There are many available on the civilian market, there were over 51k made in the world. They powered hundreds of aircraft over their lifetime.
Lets suppose Iran could buy a couple of these engines from Black market. How could we Manage to maintain a foreign made engine? Do you know how many components does it have? Remember Iraqi CH drones which were downed for lack of spare parts? You cannot claim a drone without being able to maintain it, so its an Iranian made engine. However it took many years to over come the engine problem.
Because it's not in serial production yet !

What a bogus excuse, several Iranian weapon systems exist that are in serial production and use foreign engines. If cost analysis makes sense to import.
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