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Breaking news: Shahed 129 (Iranian UAV )

but how about using airplane to control uav's since the airplanes fly high??? high in the sky Lol.
No technical barriers to that idea, but depends on the degree of control, you may end up defeating the purpose of the concept of the UAV in the first place.

I will explain this the same way I explained to my avionics trainees many years ago when I was in aviation. We should FIRST look at this from a philosophical (or high) level.

Why is the horse/rider combination more effective than the horse/carriage version?

In the first combination, we have the rider in DIRECT contact with the horse, from bodily contact to control contact, the reins are shorter. The rider is able to feel what the horse is doing at every moment throughout every maneuver. With the shorter reigns, the rider is able to effective quicker commands, will receive quicker responses, and feedback is immediate.

In the second combination, the driver is in direct contact with the carriage, not the horse, and the control contact, the reigns, are long, which inevitably increases time in command, response, and feedback. Increases in time for anything regarding control is 'lag' and is undesirable. Because the driver is in contact with the carriage, he is more aware of the carriage's motions and responses, than he is of the horse. He is less conscious of the horse's strength, stamina, and fatigue.

It is no different -- philosophically -- in designing and engineering avionics systems. The pilot in the cockpit has the greater situational awareness (SA) factor than the pilot remotely operating the aircraft. Commands are sent in the shortest possible route: pilot - cockpit - computer - flight control elements. Responses and feedback are in the same route, just in reverse, of course.

Once you understand controls at the philosophical level, you will be able to better design and finally engineer at the technical level, and that includes the technology you CURRENTLY POSSESS, not what the 'other guys' possess, because certainly if those other guys are hostile to you, they are not going to voluntarily help you to gain parity or, heavens forbid, superiority.

In the horse/carriage combination, controls are longer but still are line-of-sight (LoS) limited. No different if you are using electromagnetism (EM) at the speed of light. So if you are going to engineer a high altitude remotely control system for an over-the-horizon (OTH) aircraft, the first question is: What is the level of communication technology you CURRENTLY POSSESS, especially to minimize 'lag' in this real time two-way communication path?

This question is crucial because it set the foundation for your entire UAV program. The lower that OTH technology, the greater the degree of autonomy your aircraft must be, which segues into the second crucial question: What is the level of control (avionics) technology you currently possess? The lower that technology, the less capable your aircraft will be when it is out of your line of sight (LoS) and must rely on its own programming to accomplish its mission and to survive hostile actions directed against it.

Here is the kicker: The higher the level of technology in communication and flight controls avionics, the greater the degree of autonomy your aircraft can be, which give you the luxury of briefly abandoning attention to its operations and redirect your attention to somewhere else, meaning you can monitor and analyze data instead of constantly 'flying' the aircraft, as in how the driver must be in constant control of the reigns in that horse/carriage combination.

So if your communication avionics is high enough to allow you to engineer a system of aircraft-to-aircraft communication but not so high that you must maintain constant control from the parent aircraft, then how large is the parent aircraft going to be? You are going to need a large parent aircraft because the pilot is not going to fly his own and the UAV at the same time. And what is the maximum 'safe' distance it must be in order to minimize communication 'lag'? Is this 'safe' distance going to be so short that you might as well send a manned aircraft? It is of communication and flight controls avionics technology that will allow us to depart from the horse/rider and horse/carriage analogy because our 'horse' is so smart that he can operate on his own with only periodic commands from either rider or carriage driver.

Designing and engineering an entire UAV program cannot be broken down into discrete sub-systems, in other words, you cannot have a brilliant aircraft flight controls avionics engineer who has been on the job for a decade and a fresh out of school graduate student assigned to communication engineering. Or vice versa. Neither situations are going to give you a viable UAV program. The horse/carriage analogy is applicable here. You cannot have a team of powerful Clydesdale pulling a rickety wagon.
OP. Thanks for sharing the news.

Can you fix your title?

Right now it says "Iranian male UAV" that implies Iranians may have a "Female UAV" as well :)

Are Mullahs that strict that one has to differentiate even UAVs along male and female?



Male or Female !

Thanks Mosa.

Dunno why some posters would get angry. I accept my ignorance.


& he accepted !

It is because The camera took the images almost touche the ground... ;)

Sorry bro ... I can't just help it :unsure:

Good old days


Ok guys ... There is a reason behind the bumping an old thread from 2012 !

Please mind the consequences then leave a comment !

Because ...





Male or Female !

& he accepted !

Sorry bro ... I can't just help it :unsure:

Good old days


Ok guys ... There is a reason behind the bumping an old thread from 2012 !

Please mind the consequences then leave a comment !

Because ...




Is it the Iranian version?

Has it been officially released?
No ... This is uclass !

Just get the message...

No ... This is uclass !

Just get the message...
OK! Then I guess I should wait for the picture of something much much larger!


go 2:31 min into this video and you can see a Toyota Tacoma style truck that is approximately 15.5 feet in length that's hauling the Shahed-129 that appear to be approximately 1.5 times it's size which mean the Shahed-129 is approximately 23 feet in length

So you can safely say the Shahed-129 is approximately 22-25 feet in length depending on variant....

Making it a few feet longer than the Israeli Hermes 450 but a couple feet shorter than the Hermes 900, MQ-1 & the Turkish Anka

Shahed-129 is in no way the most advanced Iranian UAV!

Male or Female !

& he accepted !

Sorry bro ... I can't just help it :unsure:

Good old days


Ok guys ... There is a reason behind the bumping an old thread from 2012 !

Please mind the consequences then leave a comment !

Because ...





Do you think we will see anything this week?


go 2:31 min into this video and you can see a Toyota Tacoma style truck that is approximately 15.5 feet in length that's hauling the Shahed-129 that appear to be approximately 1.5 times it's size which mean the Shahed-129 is approximately 23 feet in length

So you can safely say the Shahed-129 is approximately 22-25 feet in length depending on variant....

Making it a few feet longer than the Israeli Hermes 450 but a couple feet shorter than the Hermes 900, MQ-1 & the Turkish Anka

Shahed-129 is in no way the most advanced Iranian UAV!

Length: 8m

Wingspan: 16m

Do you think we will see anything this week?

I don't know... But existence of the big one confirmed !

A big *** flying wing UCAV...

& S-129's big brother ! ( TP )

Surprisingly all of the new drones equipped with SATCOM !

+ we will see SAR on S-129's belly !!!
I don't understand, why would you bump years old thread to reply to some trolls?
Length: 8m

& S-129's big brother ! ( TP )

Surprisingly all of the new drones equipped with SATCOM !

+ we will see SAR on S-129's belly !!!

Jet powered S-129 they were talking of years ago? What about Fotros?

How could any Iranian UAV be equipped with SATCOM? We don't have the satellites, nor does Russia and I doubt China would allow access.
Jet powered S-129 they were talking of years ago? What about Fotros?

How could any Iranian UAV be equipped with SATCOM? We don't have the satellites, nor does Russia and I doubt China would allow access.

I don't know... But they have satcom bubble !

1st off I don't think the U.S. would have any problem with Iran using SATCOM because in effect it would give the U.S. access to a live broadcast of any operation conducted by any Iranian UAV's that use the system!
The question is would Iran ever allow such an access to any foreign state!

2ndly It doesn't necessarily have to be SATCOM!


Any type of internet connection will be sufficient...

That said, best way forward for Iran is to

1. Increase platform autonomy, (All Iranian UAV's should be able to conduct over +80% of it's operations autonomously. I believe that should be requirement)

2. Use image & terrain counter mapping using electro optic and micro aperture radars

Developing & upgrading your own image counter mapping software is key and for Iran it's the best way forward because you can incorporate it into anything from targeting for a fire and forget ATGM to any precision guided munitions to a mapping and guidance system for your aircrafts and cruise missiles.

And these are technologies Iran already has and has been working on so it's just a matter of upgrading it and incorporating more optical systems in it's weapons systems and platforms for both targeting & guidance
View attachment 312292

1st off I don't think the U.S. would have any problem with Iran using SATCOM because in effect it would give the U.S. access to a live broadcast of any operation conducted by any Iranian UAV's that use the system!
The question is would Iran ever allow such an access to any foreign state!

2ndly It doesn't necessarily have to be SATCOM!


Any type of internet connection will be sufficient...

That said, best way forward for Iran is to

1. Increase platform autonomy, (All Iranian UAV's should be able to conduct over +80% of it's operations autonomously. I believe that should be requirement)

2. Use image & terrain counter mapping using electro optic and micro aperture radars

Developing & upgrading your own image counter mapping software is key and for Iran it's the best way forward because you can incorporate it into anything from targeting for a fire and forget ATGM to any precision guided munitions to a mapping and guidance system for your aircrafts and cruise missiles.

And these are technologies Iran already has and has been working on so it's just a matter of upgrading it and incorporating more optical systems in it's weapons systems and platforms for both targeting & guidance

That MCD-4800 you just posted is a satellite internet connection. Its SATCOM. Nope, not going to happen.

For now our UAVs can patrol our long borders but for offensive missions some form of long range comms is needed.
That MCD-4800 you just posted is a satellite internet connection. Its SATCOM. Nope, not going to happen.

For now our UAVs can patrol our long borders but for offensive missions some form of long range comms is needed.

I don't know if that particular company uses the SATCOM series I doubt it but again they are not the only communication satellite company out there and I just checked their newest satellite was sent in the early 90's so why you guys are so stuck on SATCOM satellites IDK...

Also, if you put a satellite internet connection on your UAV it will be quite useful for various reasons but you can not use it for sending live data back and forth... The way it work is you would need your UAV to work mostly autonomously using preprogramed flight pattern and targeting deep behind enemy lines and you program your UAV to transmit burst of data back and forth at particular time(s) and place where it's not susceptible to detection or jamming...

But for live connection and control you would need to have your own satellite but just like the US RQ-170 you will be susceptible to hacking best way is as I mentioned previously!

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