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Any pictoral proof of Afghan posts being destroyed?

Au contraire the Afghans claim 40 FC were killed. So may we assume 3 - 4 on either side?

There is a video that was posted earlier, showing Afghan solider unloading a truck full of dead soldiers. I don't know if i am allowed to post that here. You can check the other thread, around page 62 or 63.
Its mind boggling to see how some way or the other india figures in anything happening in pakistan. Be it pakistan-aghanistan clash or pakistan-iran clash.

Some times i really get curious if the idiot govt officials in RAW are really that capable to manipulate things in iran and afghanistan upto that level ? Is that something to be proud of or just a fiction.
The destroyed Pakistani post is in the below video not the above.

Thing is all these vehicles can
The destroyed Pakistani post is in the below video not the above.

Thing is all these old American left over vehicles being used by Afghan cam be destroyed by one bombing run of a fighter jet .
The story is, ANA crossed over into two villages which are well within Pakistani territory and fired at the FC personnel accompanying the census team and killed 14 people including civilians 12 civilians and 2 FC personnel. Pakistan Army was summoned to clear ANA out which was done efficiently. The battle was close quarters hence we could actually count how many we killed, Pakistan Army suffered no casualties during the cleanup. This is coming from someone who was there, now you can believe whatever you want.

So it was PA which went in and not FC? :D

This is what we need to send a message to Afghan brothers
Help them understand new provincial status of region

100-150 units and we should be quite impressive negotiators


  • 40 stationed by Afghan- Pakistan Boder
  • 40 stationed Pakistan - Iran Border against disturbances by third party
Untill the Gunships are ready these criminal elements from Afghan/Raw will keep causing disturbances


If deal is not signed someone is responsible

Age of Artilery is finished its age of Gunship
Do you think 40 at Afghan border will be enough? And then just 40 on Iran bored?

Dont you think if we get some 1200 units it will be best?

yeah, i would say we should buy at least 1200 units :coffee:
What is the problem in that? After all, we are all just hitting some extra keys on our keyboard right.

P.S. Turkey plan to induct 50 gunships to begin with.
French operates some 55 Tiger helicopters
etc etc etc
Thing is all these vehicles can
Thing is all these old American left over vehicles being used by Afghan cam be destroyed by one bombing run of a fighter jet .

You use fighter jets and we get excuse to buy them very rapidly; just do it and give us an excuse to justify our AAF's needs :enjoy:
can any pashtu speaking tell what he is saying?
So Afghan border police is capable to take on PA but well geared ANA cannot stopl a rag tag militia like taliban from seizing territory in Afghanistan !

I am yet to understand the tall claims that Pakistan backed out from attack position in Afghanistan. Would you mind telling me what is the fear that is stopping pakistan to heat up the things in that area?

Insurgency is hard to control with 100% accuracy, no country is able to do it.
You use fighter jets and we get excuse to buy them very rapidly; just do it and give us an excuse to justify our AAF's needs :enjoy:

Isn't Afghan were using Russian jets in 80s while violating Pakistani land until PAF started shooting them down. Google it for your information.
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You use fighter jets and we get excuse to buy them very rapidly; just do it and give us an excuse to justify our AAF's needs :enjoy:
still you will be getting A-29 super tucanos for COIN operations. The world is not ready to give you fighter jets after looking at poor performance of Afghan army.
PAF is not required here PA would do fine against rag tag ANA even without aviation assets
Isn't Afghan were using Russian jets in 80s while violating Pakistani land until PAF shooting them down. Google it for your information.

Mig-21 vs F-16
That's like a race between suzuki mehran and audi r8.
Mig-21 vs F-16
That's like a race between suzuki mehran and audi r8.

same situation now. Pakistani Army is too good for ANA. Its foolish for their part to fight us and thats what our general has advised them as well.
same situation now. Pakistani Army is too good for ANA. Its foolish for their part to fight us and thats what our general has advised them as well.

Last 3 border clashes since last year tells everything. ;)
Last 3 border clashes since last year tells everything. ;)
Yes then what happened at the torkham ..I think ANA has not allowed to built ..a gate as vowed by there mighty generals
What is happening in kunduz ? Still contesting or taliban has captured once again..
By the way why did ANA asked for Ceasfire then...
I think both should closed the border for each other
Any pictoral proof of Afghan posts being destroyed?

Au contraire the Afghans claim 40 FC were killed. So may we assume 3 - 4 on either side?
You saying this? :o:
After advocating how "sir jee kal" strikes and hot pursuits do not have pictorial evidence!! Remember those good old days mate? :P

Welcome back by the way. Hope you have been doing well. :)
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