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You are wasting your time and energy here! Did not you see how happy all the people are here about this operation. They were waiting for this since months! Let these 'cowards' die a violent death. This the price if they ask for Sharia Law in a country created in the name of Islam! Don't fret dear!

I thank god that other Indian Muslims dont think like you.
The Busharraf is again taking Pakistan towards another crisis of the history during his tenure. This follower of "Murtid" Mustafa Kamal Ataturk is following the US agenda. However he still has time to come towards right path and try to implement Islamic law in Pakistan. The "Shariyat Bill" is already readied by Islamic Ideology Council" he just have to implement otherwise he will be responsible in front of Allah on Judgement Day.

What the hell? Do you support those inside the lal masjid?

They defy the basic existance of law and order, warns of sucide bombing. They are not relegious but just jobless people who are frustrated at others growth, they are dissappointed bcoz they cant be a part of it. They are not critical of it but just jealous of it, mighty jealous.

If you justify them then everybody has the right to do it. Imagine that happening in a country where more than millions live. There would be somebody unhappy somewhere for sure, if they all start responding the same wasy as the guys inside lal Masjid, then god save Pakistan, god save the World.

You are setting a wrong example by supporting them.
You are wasting your time and energy here! Did not you see how happy all the people are here about this operation. They were waiting for this since months! Let these 'cowards' die a violent death. This the price if they ask for Sharia Law in a country created in the name of Islam! Don't fret dear!

Get lost man. Are you from India? You are putting tri colour to shame by making such statement in a public forum.

I dont what sharia law is, but i know the basic of anything good ie live and let live.
My opposition to mullahs is well known. I am no Islamic scholar either. However I heard Dr. Javed Ghamdi, a very prominent Islamic scholar on TV to day and I note my impressions in line with what I understood Dr Ghamdi was saying.

1. There is no compulsion in Islam. No individual or group has a right to start imposing what they think is Islam on others by force and destroy public property. Every one has seen that this is exaclty what these students have doing for the last 6 months.

2. Lal Masjid mullahs claim that they had 300 dreams wherein our holy Prophet ( PBUH) asked them to enforce Sharia in Pakistan. Dr Ghamdi says that after the religion has been completed ( Akmalto lakum Deene kum...) our guidence can only be thru the holy Quran and the Sunnah. Any one claiming to have seen the Prophet ( PBUH) in his dreams does not count for anything.

3. There can be no state within the state. Saudi troops stormed the holy Kaaba in the 70's when some one claiming to be 'Mehdi' took refuge there.

This is "Fassad fil ardh". Where in the Sunnah or Quran you have an example where stick wielding women and kalashinkove wielding boys have been allowed to dictate to the Ummah at large?? And who has authorised the use of a place of worship to amass weapons and use it for sedition??. No individual has a right to call for Jihad. Call for the Jihad can only come from the State.

4. Every one including Imam of Kaaba has tried to have the matter resolved peacefully without success and this process has lasted 6 months!!. How long must this go on ??

Based on the above, I ask all gentlemen who oppose this action as to what should be done instead. Is it alright for an extremist thug to shoot a member of the law enforcement , but it is wrong for the police to shoot back??.

I am opposed to bloodshed my self and it is matter of great shame when self serving mullahs brainwash young school children in their care to sacrfice their lives for the glory of their bigoted teachers. However when all else fails, an action has to be taken else there is no "Government".
You are wasting your time and energy here! Did not you see how happy all the people are here about this operation. They were waiting for this since months! Let these 'cowards' die a violent death. This the price if they ask for Sharia Law in a country created in the name of Islam! Don't fret dear!

Kashif they dont want Sharia Laws all they want to keep holding the illegal 14 kanals land worth billions of Rupees, by using such tactics.

These two idiot brothers are just using the students.

As niaz said it very well, there is no such law or order in Islam which advocates taking law of the land into hands.

Rather according to Islamic rules it everyone is has to obey the decision of Khalifa-e-Wakat (the ruler) about the state.
The govs seems to be handling it well.
There were NO troops in Islamabad when this whole thing began most of them came from Peshawar and mangla. And I did see a couple with what looked liked the Mardan Divs formation sign.
You are wasting your time and energy here! Did not you see how happy all the people are here about this operation. They were waiting for this since months! Let these 'cowards' die a violent death. This the price if they ask for Sharia Law in a country created in the name of Islam! Don't fret dear!

At the time of creation of pakistan jamate-islami was against it.they didnt want to seprate.
And Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah wanted a secular pakistan.


:pakistan: :smitten:

Well armed jackass of the year, Beard with Gas Mask..lol, Maybe he didnt read the manuel for those masks. Shave!!!!


Another Human Shield, Look at the kid near the gun post, if they really cared, would they children there

Brand New Ak-74 or Ak-101 or Krinkov ????


Black Ninja's, Another human shields, Where are their parents!!!!!
Five AH-1s are circling the mosque,each carrying 4 Tows/HJ-8s.

got this from Pakdef.
Five AH-1s are circling the mosque,each carrying 4 Tows/HJ-8s.

got this from Pakdef.

I dont agree with that; that is overkill.

It would be better if they could kill of the hostiles, terrorist and their leaders and save the rest of the mis-guided youth.
The attack helicopters are just a show of force. To show everyone that the Government means business and the time for the people remaining inside is fast running out.
The attack helicopters are just a show of force. To show everyone that the Government means business and the time for the people remaining inside is fast running out.

Good, One should not make these idiots martyr's rather send in the SSG kill only who are needed to be killed. Like the pictures of these idiots i have posted above
What are the implications of the curfew? can anyone please explain, hopefully it mean's they cut off electrisity, stop food from going in and out. Maybe they can cut off the water supply too? that way those who are inside will have to surrener and bloodshed can be stopped?


Female students from the Red Mosque who surrendered to security forces in Islamabad, Pakistan, on 04 July 2007. Pakistani authorities had set a deadline for the hundreds of students at the heavily fortified Lal Majid, or Red Mosque, to surrender and continued to extend that deadline as more students gave themselves up, officials said. EPA/OLIVIER MATTHYS


Pakistani rangers patrol around the turbulent Red Mosque on 04 July 2007 in center Islamabad. A day and night long shootout between Taliban supporting religious students and security forces left at least 12 dead and over 100 injured. The lal Masjid is now completely surrounded and a curfew is imposed around its neighborhood. EPA/OLIVIER MATTHYS



Pakistani rangers transport troops in armed personnel carriers (APC) direction turbulent Red Mosque on 04 July 2007 in front of the Parliament building in center Islamabad. A day and night long shootout between Taliban supporting religious students and security forces left at least 12 dead and over 100 injured. The lal Masjid is now completely surrounded and a curfew is imposed around its neighborhood. EPA/OLIVIER MATTHYS
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