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CNN/BBC reported only 4 army casualities!!! Didnt give the names.
What the hell. the latest news is that Ch. Shujaat and maulvis have come to an agreement of giving Ghazi a safe passage and amesty to every one with him.

I always knew it was a drama.

What an excellent planning. The drama has diverted attention from the flood in Baluchistan, from CJ case and last but not the least, totally overshadowed all parties conference in London. It also gave the impression of what is to follow if musharraf goes


Talks have failed

Well the latest development s doesnt prove ur points mate.
I saw a shocking news yesterday in one iof the regional channels, it said the death were 327, of which 300 were civilians inside and 27 were combat casulaities ( soldiers and extremists). I changed back to aljazeera/CNN/BBC/ARY, everybody was reporting the 27 casualities only.

327 casualities is again repeated, this time by Khallej Times .
And you did well to spread the mis-information. Are you a journalist in 'Hindustan Times' ?
I wonder what is holding you back from posting the link.
BTW, are you planning to add this information on every page.
Confirmed report, there are high value afghan militants within the LM

I just spoke with Sparten...there's a possibility that other nationalities are involved aswell...probably Uzbek, Tajiks...not confimed yet.
Confirmed report, there are high value afghan militants within the LM

There is a big conspiracy behind this, who trained and armed these Afghanis. One thing is clear they were there to acheive 1) Maximum media attention 2) Made an impression on foreign diplomats 3) Target Chinese.
Any of above have no relation to Islam nor does it serve any Afghan interest but it clearly serve the aspirations of our enimies.
I'm sure there will be more actions on the same lines, damage to the the Pak-Chinese relationship will be center of focus of all activities.
MSN reports 50 Militants killed, good job musharraf
I just spoke with Sparten...there's a possibility that other nationalities are involved aswell...probably Uzbek, Tajiks...not confimed yet.

tentacles of Terror!!!!!
CIA funded Pakistan Supported!!!!!
Pakistan diverted those terrorist to Kashmir, while slowly changing Pakistan to a haven for terrror.
Fallout of CIA funded Afghan war....

CIA funded war ended long time back. Can undersatnd they migling into the NWFP tribals, but in the capital in such large numbes. If it wasnt for their extremist outbursts they wud have continued to be in there and Mushraff would have continued giving speeches abt WoT in Islamabad.

Watch Nic Robertson "Pakistan Terror Within" on CNN, a real eye opener, he is talking to the LAL Masjid Ghazi itself, Frontier Corps Commander's being supportive about Al-Qaeda, ISI is filled with Wahabi Muslims intent on carrying their agenda rather than Pakistan's
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