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Breaking News!!F-16 Shot down by IAF!!

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Butchered by PAF :) Its okay, hindus are used to such humiliated at the hands of superior Muslim military forces.

I understand the inferiority complex :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
tell your superiority them:azn::azn::disagree::disagree::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::D:D

We take evidence seriously. Video, pictures, and your arrested pilot being raped by our soldiers right now :rofl::rofl::rofl:

While you only take gullible indian media graphics serious..

No wonder you are getting OWNNEEEDDDDD right now :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Rape fantasies coming up eh?:lol:

Any picture other than old fighter jets down pics? Or Indian media quoted Mi-17 crash.
They Are all showing old images......apart from this some reports saying that F16 pilot might have been captured by 3 jat regiment on LOC , the search is on!!
let them enjoy, it happened in all wars but when they lose it wont be pretty for their leaders.
reminds me how the Indians claimed a Pakistani kill in 1965, and also gave awards
the pilot returned to the PAF base safely :D
The whole point of this escalation from Pakistan is that we don't care when war is imposed on us we will retaliate.

Imran khan statement proved We will not even think about retaliation we will retaliate.
What F-16 pilot? First you said the plane crashed on Pakistani side and pilot parachuted in Pakistan?? Now saying you might have captured our pilot. Which was was it?

See how spinning stories and myths gets you in trouble :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

poor inferior hindus getting spanked yet again
Reports are coming bit by bit, just wait for sometime ,things will get clear!!
To all, please dont post old links and pics. Thanks
The whole point of this escalation from Pakistan is that we don't care when war is imposed on us we will retaliate.

Imran khan statement proved We will not even think about retaliation we will retaliate.
You missed the first message, we don't mind escalating to a full war when the fighter jets crossed onto Pakistan controlled Kashmir.
Indian reports suggest ejected pilot is pakistani...F16 crashed inside P0K
Reports are coming bit by bit, just wait for sometime ,things will get clear!!

Ofc, "bit by bit" bc you have to make up a random story to hide your embarrassment....and hence you need to "update" your story as we go :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Meanwhile we are humiliating you. Jets shot down, pictures posted, IAF pilot captured.

All confirmed by our military. Where's your military? Oh yeah, hiding in their sister's legs quiverring like the cowards they are

Should not have burnt our trees :lol::lol::lol:

tell your superiority them:azn::azn::disagree::disagree::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::D:D


Oh you helped one group of Muslims (bengalis) to defeat another group of Muslims (us)----while the war happened thousands miles away from our mainland?? and that's your achievement? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Meanwhile superior Islamic forces literally butchered, ruled, conquered, and erased your hindu backwardness for thousand years.

We totally ERASED hinduism from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sindh, Bangladesh, Indonesia, and Malaysia etc. What could you do in response to this civilisational conquest??? NOTHING!! Just bitched about not dividing the remaining india and that too, we forced the division and got our own Islamic countries.

While your remaining shit-hole hindu land is increasingly Muslim (would be 1/5th Muslim by 2050!!!)

You can not undo the eternal humiliation inflicted upon your inferior hindu existence by the far superior, global civilization of Islam.

Deal with it:lol::lol::lol::lol:
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