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Breaking news ! ! BD has gotten 19,467sq km maritime area from India :D

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Here is how this judgment can be characterized:

1) India claimed vast area of Bangladesh territory.
2) Bangladesh instead of making claim against Indian territory mostly claimed (except South Talpatti) what it is entitled.
3) Bangladesh conceded claim over area of South Talpatti island even before the judgement.
4) As a result, Tribunal awarded india some of Bangladesh territory; 6000+ KM and area of South Talpatti island.

Net result: India did not lose anything from its territory but Bangladesh did lose 6000 + KM area and South Talpatti island.

Those who jumping with "we won" line is either naive or paddling Indo-Awami agenda of deception.
Here is how this judgment can be characterized:

1) India claimed vast area of Bangladesh territory.
2) Bangladesh instead of making claim against Indian territory mostly claimed (except South Talpatti) what it is entitled.
3) Bangladesh conceded claim over area of South Talpatti island even before the judgement.
4) As a result, Tribunal awarded india some of Bangladesh territory; 6000+ KM and area of South Talpatti island.

Net result: India did not lose anything from its territory but Bangladesh did lose 6000 + KM area and South Talpatti island.

Those who jumping with "we won" line is either naive or paddling Indo-Awami agenda of deception.
Then do one thing. Declare national mourning in Bangladesh and cry your eyes dry. There is simply nothing to be done for some fools.
China with Japan, do you think the international court would favor wh0?In any case, the Tribunal will favor Japan
Japanese guy here is funny. Ask him why he's gov't cause trouble by "buying" Daiyu island from some unknown jap. If Abe wants to buy the island, he should talk to us not some fictional jap.
Here is how this judgment can be characterized:
1) India claimed vast area of Bangladesh territory.
2) Bangladesh instead of making claim against Indian territory mostly claimed (except South Talpatti) what it is entitled.
3) Bangladesh conceded claim over area of South Talpatti island even before the judgement.
4) As a result, Tribunal awarded india some of Bangladesh territory; 6000+ KM and area of South Talpatti island.
Net result: India did not lose anything from its territory but Bangladesh did lose 6000 + KM area and South Talpatti island.
Those who jumping with "we won" line is either naive or paddling Indo-Awami agenda of deception.

Tell that to that OP...LMAO
Here is how this judgment can be characterized:

1) India claimed vast area of Bangladesh territory.
2) Bangladesh instead of making claim against Indian territory mostly claimed (except South Talpatti) what it is entitled.
3) Bangladesh conceded claim over area of South Talpatti island even before the judgement.
4) As a result, Tribunal awarded india some of Bangladesh territory; 6000+ KM and area of South Talpatti island.

Net result: India did not lose anything from its territory but Bangladesh did lose 6000 + KM area and South Talpatti island.

Those who jumping with "we won" line is either naive or paddling Indo-Awami agenda of deception.

Take care of yourself dear, this kind of chronic & perpetual hatred is seriously affecting your mental health. :(
Take care of yourself dear, this kind of chronic & perpetual hatred is seriously affecting your mental health. :(

These type of indian comments means facts presented strike at the heart of indian deception. Now indians lost word and started writing prescription.:omghaha:
India got an island and the 6 KM. What are we going to do with stupid water? how much fishing can a man do? Indians already steal our fish backed by Indo-Bangla coast guard.
India got an island and the 6 KM. What are we going to do with stupid water? how much fishing can a man do? Indians already steal our fish backed by Indo-Bangla coast guard.

Bangladeshis don't eat fish anyway, they are "Proud" meat-eaters and steal Indian cattle!! :)
Congratulations to BD,
you guys give indians another reason to Cry , and next story for Bollywood movie :rofl:
Guys, check out one of the "dissenting opinions" of the Indian origin judge Dr. Rao:


:rofl::yahoo: What a sore loser!
Here is how this judgment can be characterized:

1) India claimed vast area of Bangladesh territory.
2) Bangladesh instead of making claim against Indian territory mostly claimed (except South Talpatti) what it is entitled.
3) Bangladesh conceded claim over area of South Talpatti island even before the judgement.
4) As a result, Tribunal awarded india some of Bangladesh territory; 6000+ KM and area of South Talpatti island.

Net result: India did not lose anything from its territory but Bangladesh did lose 6000 + KM area and South Talpatti island.

Those who jumping with "we won" line is either naive or paddling Indo-Awami agenda of deception.
Idune Bhai,

Remember MUA, FUA Mo-Fo's uncalled for provocation against Burmese in BoB that opened the HELL-GATE of internatinal arbitration, later by paddling it Dalal and Co handed all the good blocks to Burma to claim hollow victory? This one is the continuation of Burmese saga. In both scenarios, GOB was a no-winner to start with and would have been bettered off, had it maintained status ques. But RAWAMY Mo-Fos boxed us up in 71 by land's measure and put final nail on waterly measure with these hollow victories. I wonder how dalaler Baccas here claim doctoral students, engineers and possess worse understanding than donkey?
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