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BREAKING NEWS: Bangladesh Army rejects Russian tanks

What do they need tanks for....
Who is their enemy. Pakistan perhaps?
But Pakistan is far away with no culture and linguistic connection. India shares the culture and is best friend with Bangladesh, so is China. In need India is capable of protecting Bangladesh. Pakistan is a poor old country. A common Pakistani sadly but don't even know Bangladesh was once Pakistan and you are martyring innocent people through black law , because of ages old fued. Which no one actually cares about.
I don't understand why Bangladesh needs all these weapons.
With so many good news coming from Bangladesh about economy. That money should be used on the welfare of poor and to develop your country.
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I dont see why we really have to buy Russian tanks. Is not giving them the sole tender for the aircraft deal enough? AFAIK, Army wasnt happy with the Chinese MBT-2000 earlier. They should therefore move to Europe and purchase tanks with capabilities that fit our terrain. Europeans have much better products in these cases.

Personally would love to see German tanks. But they are too heavy.

Is Turkish armor based on some of the German stuff? Their naval stuff is all derived from German designs (Mekos especially).

Heavy is the name of the game in armor though. In our case amphibious and deep fording are additional requirements.

What do they need tanks for....
Who is their enemy. Pakistan perhaps?
But Pakistan is far away with no culture and linguistic connection. India shares the culture and is best friend with Bangladesh so is China. In need India is capable of protecting Bangladesh. Pakistan is a poor old country. A common Pakistani sadly but don't even know Bangladesh was once Pakistan and you are matyring innocent people through judicial system because of ages old fued. Which no one actually cares about.
I don't understand why Bangladesh needs all these weapons.
With so many good news coming from Bangladesh about economy. That money should be spended on the welfare of poor and to develop your country.

Brother a change of flags is maybe called for. :-)
I don't understand why Bangladesh needs all these weapons.
In order to protect us from the dragon ( india ) of the Eden garden.

We need a Superior armed forces so that India can't devour us .
And one thing, India isn't our friend, and will never be .
In reality India is the worst enemy . And if we want to free our country from Indian influence, we need strong armed forces , perhaps stronger than pakistan armed forces as pakistan isn't surrendered by India from 3 side .

P.S . Slightly edited my comment, because strickly want to say on topic.
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In order to protect us from miyanmer and from the dragon ( india of) the Eden garden.
However if Islamabad ever knew that fortification of East pakistan was much more important than fortification of West , pakistan wouldn't break so easily after than sudden and in wanted , unplanned military operation in 25 March .

So now we need a Superior armed forces so that India can't harm us .
And one thing, India isn't our friend, and will never be .
In reality India is the worst enemy . And if we want to free our country from India ( as it's already cultural colony ) we need strong armed forces , perhaps stronger than pakistan armed forces as pakistan isn't surrendered by India from 3 side .
OK, pakistan is bad , wrong and mother of all evil. Done.
But you guys are such chums with India.
You are economically interdependent .
Your pm loves each other. They helped you gain your independence. Their pm boost about it.
Why would they attack you?
Your government are on best of terms...
Besides Pakistan is surrounded by India and Afghanistan which Is basically the same thing. Even our afghan border is more dangerous and heavily guarded then our border with India. So basically Pakistan is surrounded by enemies from all sides. India basically now use our afghan border for proxy attacks.

But you have no such problems with India. You people share same culture ,Same language , same foods. Above all the deep bond of friendship.
They have been through thick and thin with Bangladesh.
What could be more greater help then liberating Bangladesh.
Bangladesh refused to attend Saarc summit on Indians orders, that doesn't sound enmity to me.
India even try to blame isis attack in Dhaka on Pakistan. For a moment Bangladeshis are all for it.
Later sence prevailed and Bangladeshi denied though.
India and Bangladesh are two countries with one mind and soul.
We are India's enemy number one, we have territorial disputes with India. But Bangladesh has even resolved tgeir border issues.
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OK, pakistan is bad , wrong and mother of all evil. Done.
But you guys are such chums with India.
You are economically interdependent .
Your pm loves each other. They helped you gain your independence. Their pm boost about it.
Why would they attack you?
Your government are on best of terms...
Besides Pakistan is surrounded by India and Afghanistan which Is basically the same thing. Even our afghan border is more dangerous and heavily guarded then out border is with India. So basically Pakistan is surrounded by enemies from all sides. India basically now use our afghan border for proxy attacks.

But you have no such problems with India. You people share same culture ,Same language , same foods. Above all the deep bond of friendship.
They have been through thick and thin.
What could be more greater help then liberating Bangladesh.
Bangladesh refused to attend Saarc summit in Indians orders, that doesn't sound enmity to me.
India even try to blame isis attack in Dhaka on Pakistan. For a moment Bangladeshis are all for it.
Later sence prevailed and they denied though.
India and Bangladesh are two countries with one mind and soul.
stopping being of-topic, reported
Also I have recently heard that the US senate has put up new sanctions which would unable any countries from buying any sort of arms from Russia. i don't know if its true tho. Incase it is, i hope they wait till we make our full payment on those SU's.
If the US sanction is implemented it is better we do not buy Sukhoi because spare parts cannot be purchased afterwards in that scenario.
stopping being of-topic, reported
But I really am curious to know who is Bangladesh enemy. I can see none.
Manayanmar is something Bangladesh would handle easily. China and India are vest friends is Bangladesh.
The only enemy I see is poverty.
Simply I cannot say this about Pakistan.
Because we actually need a defence from enemies from all sides.
Such nations as Bangladesh are lucky, who have no enemy.
They should develop and improve living standard of their people rather then waste money on costly weapons.

stopping being of-topic, reported
Simply curious and want to know.
OK, pakistan is bad , wrong and mother of all evil. Done.
Before ranting, try to pay attention what I have said( read from your quotation).
I didn't say that pakistan is bad but I said that , India is bad and our enemy .
So in order to protect us from indian prey we need strong armed forces .

And now rest of your comment I will not say anything in this thread because it will be totally off topic .
Just one thing I can say and that is appearance is always deceiving,that's all I can say at that moment .
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Is Turkish armor based on some of the German stuff? Their naval stuff is all derived from German designs (Mekos especially).

Heavy is the name of the game in armor though. In our case amphibious and deep fording are additional requirements.

Brother a change of flags is maybe called for. :-)
Altay is based on Korean K2.

Possibly the random BD poster knows what I dont. Surely, I aint all knowing.

Secondly, our hardware purchases are external to our announced annual military budget. They are funded separately. This has been discussed to death here.
Than tag that knowledgeable poster?

Ruskies must have mixed us up with the cowmata. Asking 3 million for the shitiest tank out there?:disagree: GTFOH. :wave:

View attachment 451383
We will pay the BEST price tag. BUT only for the BEST out there. :partay: :enjoy::welcome:
T-90 itself is an upgraded T-70.... which is a helluva tank... slightly inferior to AK based on available specs.
not really breaking news over here. i myself couldn't care less what bangladesh buys
yo my wigger friend you are in Bangladesh subforum yo
Yet you clicked to open the thread.
sri lankan wigger

But I really am curious to know who is Bangladesh enemy. I can see none.
Manayanmar is something Bangladesh would handle easily. China and India are vest friends is Bangladesh.
The only enemy I see is poverty.
Simply I cannot say this about Pakistan.
Because we actually need a defence from enemies from all sides.
Such nations as Bangladesh are lucky, who have no enemy.
They should develop and improve living standard of their people rather then waste money on costly weapons.

Simply curious and want to know.
Just to name a few:
Tista water share,
IN's stance on Rohingya issue,
Claiming 30mil Bangladeshi living inside IN illigaly and want to push them into BD,
Hindu extrimist raising in India with clear favour from its people and government,
Border killing,
Pilkhana incident

And when news like this - worldwideweb.theindependentbd*/post/134056
becomes headline now and then here in BD; it is natural.
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I dont see why we really have to buy Russian tanks. Is not giving them the sole tender for the aircraft deal enough? AFAIK, Army wasnt happy with the Chinese MBT-2000 earlier. They should therefore move to Europe and purchase tanks with capabilities that fit our terrain. Europeans have much better products in these cases.

Personally would love to see German tanks. But they are too heavy.
Stop talking nonsense about Chinese tank. I advise you not to believe heardsay.

not really breaking news over here. i myself couldn't care less what bangladesh buys

What do they need tanks for....
Who is their enemy. Pakistan perhaps?
But Pakistan is far away with no culture and linguistic connection. India shares the culture and is best friend with Bangladesh, so is China. In need India is capable of protecting Bangladesh. Pakistan is a poor old country. A common Pakistani sadly but don't even know Bangladesh was once Pakistan and you are martyring innocent people through black law , because of ages old fued. Which no one actually cares about.
I don't understand why Bangladesh needs all these weapons.
With so many good news coming from Bangladesh about economy. That money should be used on the welfare of poor and to develop your country.

What warranted the first part of your post? No one said Pakistan is a threat.
But I really am curious to know who is Bangladesh enemy. I can see none.
Manayanmar is something Bangladesh would handle easily. China and India are vest friends is Bangladesh.
The only enemy I see is poverty.
Simply I cannot say this about Pakistan.
Because we actually need a defence from enemies from all sides.
Such nations as Bangladesh are lucky, who have no enemy.
They should develop and improve living standard of their people rather then waste money on costly weapons.

Simply curious and want to know.

BD spends little on defense. Poverty alleviation is the primary focus of BD irrespective of whoever is in power and we have made massive progress in this. We have a lot of distance to cover and welfare of the ppl of BD is not being ignored.

At the same time BD has enemies and we are in a volatile region. Our challenges are no where near PK but our defense procurement is far below our threat perception. Everything is being balanced within our financial capabilities.

The scenario is not as simple as you portray. Read the threads in the BD section for greater understanding of the issues.

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