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BREAKING! Kandahar has been captured!

Here is my post from just a few days ago ie monday predicting the same, and laying out the Talibans blietzkrieg strategy during the recent offensives:

What is radically different today with the talibans war strategy in the 90s is that the Taliban are attacking from all corners and appear to be taking the northern areas/city centers first where they have historically been weakest while following up with the same in the south right afterwards in almost lightning blitzkrieg like succession. Its almost like a pattern the last few weeks...

1) Taliban take kunduz, northern areas where the NA remained supreme. Take border posts with tajikistan
2) Taliban take West afghanistan/border posts with iran
3) Taliban take southern country side/border post with Pakistan
4) NOW- Taliban take nothern cities
5) FUTURE- Taliban takes herat/western cities
6) FUTURE- Talibans take Kandahar/southern cities
7) FUTURE- Taliban take Kabul Center- Final battle and besiege of Kabul from all sides

Its more than likely once they take Mazar I shariff, then Herat and the southern cities will fall in rapid succession over the next few days into week. After that they will have kabul surrounded on all sides and have 1 single target left with all fighter converging on kabul. Thats where you will see govt level ministers rapidly move to the taliban side

The afghan govt has simply been confined to the kabul area in the center of the nation with very limited time remaining

Next and last area remaining after this is Kabul. Taliban have Kabul surrounded from all sides and cut off. Why would they want to negotiate anything at this point?
Kandahar and Herat have fallen... Now what remains is mazar I sharif and afterwards kabul as Taliban have penetrated in logar...
This means that the American calculation of Kabul falling in 6 months was all wrong... Kabul will collapse is the next 6 days at this rate!!!!

Where is the 300,000 string ANA?... Are NATO Western wet dreams of a prolonged Afghan civil war all blown to pieces???

NATO American strategy was to fund a civil war in Afghanistan and fight via proxy.... Seems like that isn't going to happen.... At least for now...

There is a chance that Massive escalations will take place between US and Taliban and might go south with more troops going in.
There is a chance that Massive escalations will take place between US and Taliban and might go south with more troops going in.

The Americans will not attack the Taliban. As long as the Taliban do not attack the Americans brought in for evacuation support. That's the deal.

For the Americans to attack the Taliban, the will need to reverse the entire withdrawal and re-engage with full logistical support. They will not be doing that. For them to engage with the Taliban now will serve no tactical success and no mission goals.
The Americans will not attack the Taliban. As long as the Taliban do not attack the Americans brought in for evacuation support. That's the deal.

For the Americans to attack the Taliban, the will need to reverse the entire withdrawal and re-engage with full logistical support. They will not be doing that. For them to engage with the Taliban now will serve no tactical success and no mission goals.

Agreed, it will be evacs through the airport. 2 regular infantry and 1 airborne units going in.. purely for evacuations.
Taliban campaign, has successfully trapped northern alliance warlords in there last and only sanctuary left in Afghanistan is Kabul.
In my heart I am deeply saddened that this is happening. I feel for the innocent civilians women, men and children who will now be forced to live under these cockroaches with complete indignity.

Women now won’t be able to go to clinics, no more school parks, zero prospects for higher education, Garbage trash ideology completely devoid of reality and what works in the 21st century.
I was learning about the fall of Herat. Now, this Kandhar is unbelievable. third-parties are confirming now.
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Herat is confirmed, Kandahar not yet though the Talibs have verifiably reached the city centre, its only a matter of time it seems. And the time has come, wow.
i heard this many times before too . it seems country as a whole is gifted to terrorists man :hitwall:

You and your fellow band of liberals and secularists can keep burning. :D


And say: "Truth has (now) arrived, and Falsehood perished: for Falsehood is (by its nature) bound to perish."

Chapter 17, Sūrat l-Isrā, The Night Journey
really did you ever heard sir ?

Most of the pre-2000 have false numbers or were committed against soldiers who're valid targets.

After 2000's, most were committed by the ANA or US/NATO/ISAF. So who're you kidding here?? Have you even read what you posted lol?? :lol:
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Taliban take Kandahar, Herat in major Afghanistan offensive

Taliban fighters patrol inside the city of Ghazni, southwest of Kabul, Afghanistan, Thursday, Aug. 12, 2021. The Taliban captured the provincial capital near Kabul on Thursday, the 10th the insurgents have taken over a weeklong blitz across Afghanistan as the U.S. and NATO prepare to withdraw entirely from the country after decades of war. (AP Photo/Gulabuddin Amiri)
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Taliban fighters patrol inside the city of Ghazni, southwest of Kabul, Afghanistan, Thursday, Aug. 12, 2021. The Taliban captured the provincial capital near Kabul on Thursday, the 10th the insurgents have taken over a weeklong blitz across Afghanistan as the U.S. and NATO prepare to withdraw entirely from the country after decades of war. (AP Photo/Gulabuddin Amiri)

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — The Taliban captured two major Afghan cities, the country’s second- and third-largest after Kabul, and a strategic provincial capital on Thursday, further squeezing the embattled government just weeks before the end of the American military mission there.
The seizure of Kandahar and Herat marks the biggest prizes yet for the Taliban, who have taken 12 of Afghanistan’s 34 provincial capitals as part of a weeklong blitz.
The capture of the city of Ghazni, meanwhile, cuts off a crucial highway linking the Afghan capital with the country’s southern provinces, which similarly find themselves under assault as part of an insurgent push some 20 years after U.S. and NATO troops invaded and ousted the Taliban government.
While Kabul itself isn’t directly under threat yet, the losses and the battles elsewhere further tighten the grip of a resurgent Taliban, who are estimated to now hold over two-thirds of the country and are continuing to pressure government forces in several other provincial capitals.
With security rapidly deteriorating, the United States planned to send in 3,000 troops to help evacuate some personnel from the U.S. Embassy in Kabul. Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said one Army and two Marine infantry battalions will enter Afghanistan within the next two days to assist at the Kabul airport with the partial embassy evacuation. Separately, Britain said about 600 troops would be deployed on a short-term basis to support British nationals leaving the country.
Thousands of Afghans have fled their homes amid fears the Taliban will again impose a brutal, repressive government, all but eliminating women’s rights and conducting public amputations, stonings and executions. Peace talks in Qatar remain stalled, though diplomats met throughout the day.
The latest U.S. military intelligence assessment suggests Kabul could come under insurgent pressure within 30 days and that, if current trends hold, the Taliban could gain full control of the country within a few months. The Afghan government may eventually be forced to pull back to defend the capital and just a few other cities in the coming days if the Taliban keep up their momentum.
The onslaught represents a stunning collapse of Afghan forces and renews questions about where the over $830 billion spent by the U.S. Defense Department on fighting, training those troops, and reconstruction efforts went — especially as Taliban fighters ride on American-made Humvees and pickup trucks with M-16s slung across their shoulders.
Afghan security forces and the government have not responded to repeated questions from journalists over the days of fighting, instead issuing video communiques that downplay the Taliban advance.
In Herat, Taliban fighters rushed past the Great Mosque in the historic city — which dates to 500 BC and was once a spoil of Alexander the Great — and seized government buildings. Witnesses described hearing sporadic gunfire at one government building while the rest of the city fell silent under the insurgents’ control.
Herat had been under militant attack for two weeks, with one wave blunted by the arrival of warlord Ismail Khan and his forces. But on Thursday afternoon, Taliban fighters broke through the city’s defensive lines and later said they were in control.
Afghan lawmaker Semin Barekzai also acknowledged the city’s fall, saying that some officials there had escaped. Witnesses described seeing Taliban fighters once-detained at Herat’s prison now freely moving on the streets.
It wasn’t immediately clear what happened to Khan, who earlier had been described as under attack with his forces at a government building.
In Kandahar, the Taliban seized the governor’s office and other buildings, witnesses said. The governor and other officials fled the onslaught, catching a flight to Kabul, the witnesses added. They declined to be named publicly as the defeat has yet to be acknowledged by the government.
The Taliban had earlier attacked a prison in Kandahar and freed inmates inside, officials said.
Earlier Thursday, the militants raised their white flags imprinted with an Islamic proclamation of faith over the city of Ghazni, just 130 kilometers (80 miles) southwest of Kabul.
Fighters crowded onto one seized Humvee and drove down a main road, with the golden dome of a mosque near the governor’s office visible behind them, yelling: “God is great!” The insurgents, cradling their rifles, later gathered at one roundabout for an impromptu speech by a commander. One militant carried a rocket-propelled grenade launcher.
Ghazni provincial council member Amanullah Kamrani alleged that the provincial governor and police chief made a deal with the Taliban to flee after surrendering. Taliban video and photos purported to show the governor’s convoy freely passing by insurgents as part of the deal.
Afghan Interior Ministry spokesman Mirwais Stanekzai later said the governor and his deputies had been arrested over that alleged deal. The officials could not be immediately reached for comment.
Stanekzai also acknowledged in a video message that parts of Ghanzi had fallen, though he insisted government security forces “do exist” in the city.
The loss of Ghazni — which sits along the Kabul-Kandahar Highway — could complicate resupply and movement for government forces, as well as squeeze the capital from the south.
Already, the Taliban’s weeklong blitz has seen the militants seize nine other provincial capitals around the country. Many are in the country’s northeast corner, pressuring Kabul from that direction as well.
In southern Afghanistan, the Taliban’s heartland, heavy fighting continued in Lashkar Gah, where surrounded government forces hoped to hold onto the capital of Helmand province.
On Wednesday, a suicide car bombing marked the latest wave of violence to target the capital’s regional police headquarters. By Thursday, the Taliban had taken the building, with some police officers surrendering to the militants and others retreating to the nearby governor’s office that’s still held by government forces, said Nasima Niazi, a lawmaker from Helmand.
Niazi criticized ongoing airstrikes targeting the area, saying civilians likely had been wounded and killed.
“The Taliban used civilian houses to protect themselves, and the government, without paying any attention to civilians, carried out airstrikes,” she said.
With the Afghan air power limited and in disarray, the U.S. Air Force is believed to be carrying out strikes. Aviation tracking data suggested U.S. Air Force B-52 bombers, F-15 fighter jets, drones and other aircraft were involved in the fighting across the country, according to Australia-based security firm The Cavell Group.
U.S. Air Force Maj. Nicole Ferrara, a Central Command spokeswoman, acknowledged that American forces “have conducted several airstrikes in defense of our Afghan partners in recent days.” However, she declined to offer any details on the attacks or to discuss the Afghan complaints of civilian casualties.
Late Thursday night, an Afghan official, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss developments, said the Taliban have also taken much of western Badghis province — but not the provincial army corps and the intelligence department. A Taliban tweet claimed the insurgents captured the seat of the provincial governor, the police headquarters and all other government offices.
Even as diplomats met in Doha, Qatar on Thursday, the success of the Taliban offensive called into question whether they would ever rejoin long-stalled peace talks aimed at moving Afghanistan toward an administration that includes members of the current Afghan government and the Taliban. Instead, the group could come to power by force — or the country could splinter into factional fighting like it did after the Soviet withdrawal in 1989.
The government’s High Council for National Reconciliation called for peace talks to resume, saying it had submitted a plan to Qatar, without elaborating.
Gambrell reported from Dubai, United Arab Emirates, and Faiez from Istanbul. Associated Press writers Hamed Sarfarazi in Herat, Afghanistan, and Kirsten Grieshaber in Berlin contributed to this report.

Only two major cities are left. Kabul and Mazar Sharif. How long these may take?
Herat and Kandahar have officially fallen. Hopefully this will put an end to the Opium trade.

Yes Pakistan has sheltered the Taliban. Their leadership are in Pakistan from what I hear. However the Afghan / Kabul gov has no one to blame but themselves.

They could have purchased helicopters / drones when the US announced their withdrawal months ahead. They could have forged an alliance with regional countries.

They could have given cheap mining contracts to USA/NATO to keep them there. They could have actually fought the Taliban when the US troops and all the equipment was there. They didn't do any of that. They didn't tackle corruption.

The US also screwed up. Withdrawing their troops was one thing but they should have kept their airforce in place, especially in Bagram. especially considering the fact that they trained the ANA to be dependent on air support, really this was vital.

Otherwise the US should have trained the Afghan security forces for real life situation with more of a focus on counter insurgency training / urban fighting, as opposed to a western style dependent on air power.

Anyways, could have, would have, should have. too little, too late. It's GAME OVER for Ashraf Ghani. He's probably packing as we speak.

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