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Breaking:-Indian Media EXPOSED By Pervaiz Musharraf

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Pakistan's truth prevails on editing and cherry picking.

Then what Musharraf did was only denial nothing substantive. Their are some good Pakistani poster in PDF who could have done better than him.

Arnab Goswami kept him in his loop for his future interview which will help his rating and Musharraf with some money.

Rest assure he will keep getting into Pakistani commentator's skin as usual. Then at the end of the day he is a journalist and ear twisting of people he is doing are all with better pay scale and position than him, the last was ex COAS of Pakistan.
Pakistan's truth prevails on editing and cherry picking.

You have the right to post the complete interview. If it changes anything at all!

Then what Musharraf did was only denial nothing substantive. Their are some good Pakistani poster in PDF who could have done better than him.

What your media, Army & Government has done so far is hurl accusations, violate the LoC and indulge in indiscriminate and unprovoked shelling at the border all while hiding behind accusations that have not been put forth with any proof! What is Musharraf supposed to do when you hurl lies and propaganda against the PakMil at him, accept it in good faith as a goodwill gesture??

Arnab Goswami kept him in his loop for his future interview which will help his rating and Musharraf with some money.

Rest assure he will keep getting into Pakistani commentator's skin as usual. Then at the end of the day he is a journalist and ear twisting of people he is doing are all with better pay scale and position than him, the last was ex COAS of Pakistan.

Musharraf has many respected ways of earning more money than any of your commentators, Army chiefs can dream of. He may be a cash cow to you guys and so are lies and propaganda, just a tool to make money and boost ratings but Musharraf does not need such moral less activities to earn money.

And rest assured that Musharraf will continue to stand his ground like a man, so far you have not been able to produce anyone that can beat him, nor anything that can do so! Your bad luck is that you are stuck into a commando who is patriotic to his bone unlike our politicians.
There is already a 14 page thread running on the same subject..... I guess @mods can merge this thread with that...
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You have the right to post the complete interview. If it changes anything at all!

What your media, Army & Government has done so far is hurl accusations, violate the LoC and indulge in indiscriminate and unprovoked shelling at the border all while hiding behind accusations that have not been put forth with any proof! What is Musharraf supposed to do when you hurl lies and propaganda against the PakMil at him, accept it in good faith as a goodwill gesture??

Musharraf has many respected ways of earning more money than any of your commentators, Army chiefs can dream of. He may be a cash cow to you guys and so are lies and propaganda, just a tool to make money and boost ratings but Musharraf does not need such moral less activities to earn money.

And rest assured that Musharraf will continue to stand his ground like a man, so far you have not been able to produce anyone that can beat him, nor anything that can do so! Your bad luck is that you are stuck into a commando who is patriotic to his bone unlike our politicians.

He said nothing other than denial, period.

Even Nazam Sethi did well than what he ranted. The con artist wasn't able to acknowledge his men's sacrifices he was like father.

His frustration and denial was testimony to the fact that he is simple minded debater.

Now if Pakistan wants to claim they did nothing at LOC then there is no point discussing it further.

We will milk Musharraf another day, like many Pakistanis he will talk like a parrot for money or no money or something else and expose many things which we will do scrutiny with convenience.
Pardon me but i dont know why indians having toom many periods ever since mushy thrashing ur media


Stop running these thread edited Pakistan versions, you will find no one even giving half a squat about what Musharraf said. As far as the channel in concern they will run it for one day as they have spend thousands of rupees even more for the telecast et al.
He said nothing other than denial, period.

Even Nazam Sethi did well than what he ranted. The con artist wasn't able to acknowledge his men's sacrifices he was like father.

His frustration and denial was testimony to the fact that he is simple minded debater.

Now if Pakistan wants to claim they did nothing at LOC then there is no point discussing it further.

We will milk Musharraf another day, like many Pakistanis he will talk like a parrot for money or no money or something else and expose many things which we will do scrutiny with convenience.

And the nonsense ranting by 1 Billion Indian will make it a truth? Well, you have a lot of voices on your side but I thought you were sincerely after the truth, Musharraf's in your face facts prove beyond doubt that your Army concocts up these allegations as this is their bread and butter. Every time the political leaders of Pakistan try to mend things, your Military or ours does something to mess everything again.

Bread & butter!! On either side. However, I am sure that a professional army would not behead soldiers unless there was a good solid reason behind it.
And the nonsense ranting by 1 Billion Indian will make it a truth? Well, you have a lot of voices on your side but I thought you were sincerely after the truth, Musharraf's in your face facts prove beyond doubt that your Army concocts up these allegations as this is their bread and butter. Every time the political leaders of Pakistan try to mend things, your Military or ours does something to mess everything again.

Bread & butter!! On either side. However, I am sure that a professional army would not behead soldiers unless there was a good solid reason behind it.

Beheading or no Beheading, your nation has interest in insurgency in J&K we do not have such interest in your side of Kashmir. How sinister your army can go while operating in a jungle, swamp or behind the barb wires at LOC is anyone's guess.

Case closed.
Beheading or no Beheading, your nation has interest in insurgency in J&K we do not have such interest in your side of Kashmir. How sinister your army can go while operating in a jungle, swamp or behind the barb wires at LOC is anyone's guess.

Case closed.

Wrong again, we stopped supporting the freedom fighters in Kashmir as soon as Musharraf came to power, the paradigm shift from support of freedom fighters to total disconnect was phenomenal. You, on the other hand, are involved in all acts of terrorism throughout Pakistan through TTP.
Wow Musharraf surely made the Indians *** burn :flame:
Wrong again, we stopped supporting the freedom fighters in Kashmir as soon as Musharraf came to power, the paradigm shift from support of freedom fighters to total disconnect was phenomenal. You, on the other hand, are involved in all acts of terrorism throughout Pakistan through TTP.

For you guys its like switch on and off. First you switched it on then allegedly Musharraf switched it off now going by the activities of Pakistan based groups and their comments it appears to be switched on again.

If we are supporting TTP then its good we have to support them the length you supported Jihad in Kashmir.
he did great but guys what's up with posting 20th thread on same topic??
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