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Jan 18, 2011
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Breaking India


Western Interventions in Dravidian and Dalit Faultlines

India’s integrity is being undermined by three global networks that have well-established operating bases inside India: (i) Islamic radicalism linked with Pakistan, (ii) Maoists and Marxist radicals supported by China via intermediaries such as Nepal, and (iii) Dravidian and Dalit identity separatism being fostered by the West in the name of human rights. This book focuses on the third: the role of U.S. and European churches, academics, think-tanks, foundations, government and human rights groups in fostering separation of the identities of Dravidian and Dalit communities from the rest of India. The book is the result of five years of research, and uses information obtained in the West about foreign funding of these Indian-based activities. The research tracked the money trails that start out claiming to be for “education,” “human rights,” “empowerment training,” and “leadership training,” but end up in programs designed to produce angry youths who feel disenfranchised from Indian identity.

The book reveals how outdated racial theories continue to provide academic frameworks and fuel the rhetoric that can trigger civil wars and genocides in developing countries. The Dravidian movement’s 200-year history has such origins. Its latest manifestation is the “Dravidian Christianity” movement that fabricates a political and cultural history to exploit old faultlines. The book explicitly names individuals and institutions, including prominent Western ones and their Indian affiliates. Its goal is to spark an honest debate on the extent to which human rights and other “empowerment” projects are cover-ups for these nefarious activities.


Rajiv Malhotra :

Rajiv Malhotra is a public intellectual on current affairs, world religions and cross-cultural encounters between East and West. His career has spanned the corporate world as a senior executive, strategic consultant and successful entrepreneur in the information technology and media industries. His Infinity Foundation, seeks to foster a better global understanding of Indian civilization. Rajiv’s work argues that the dharma offers a complex and open framework for a genuine dialogue among diverse peoples, rather then a zero sum game. He shows the limitations of globalization when it is a parochial imposition of Western paradigms. He is well known as a speaker and writer for a wide audience and is frequently interviewed and invited to deliver keynote addresses. He serves on the Board of Governors of the India Studies program at the University of Massachusetts, and served as a Chairman for the Asian Studies Education Committee of the State of New Jersey.

Aravindan Neelakandan:

Aravindan Neelakandan has worked for the past decade with an NGO in Tamil Nadu serving marginalized rural communities in sustainable agriculture. He was awarded a junior research fellowship in cultural economics by the India’s Ministry of Tourism to research the economic potentials of the neglected ruins in Kanyakumari district, in southern Tamil Nadu. These experiences provided him with in-depth knowledge of the history and sociology of Tamil people. He is also a popular science writer in Tamil and a columnist with UPI-Asia, a leading news portal. He is part of the editorial team of highly popular Tamil web portal தமிழ்ஹிந்து.

Delhi book launch event, Feb 9, 2011

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You can also watch other videos of Rajiv Malhotra discussing Indian civilization, Hindu Religion ,its past and future and the ongoing inter religious dynamics happening in a global contest posted on the YouTube.
I am not sure about Dravidian oppression but oppression of Dalits is real . India would never become a modern developed nation without dealing with the issue.
I am not sure about Dravidian oppression but oppression of Dalits is real . India would never become a modern developed nation without dealing with the issue.

50% of all govt jobs are booked for the lower casts.

about Dravidian, their advancements and development are much better than north Indians except the Delhi areas. Southern states are moving ahead Indian economy. Karnataka, AP, TN, Kerala are the bases of India's scientific advancement.
I am not sure about Dravidian oppression but oppression of Dalits is real . India would never become a modern developed nation without dealing with the issue.

Indian culture is not a new born culture.. Its oldest existing civilization... In the evolution of culture corruption is obvious... In mere 2000 year cristianity has killed million of women in the name of witch hunting, Islam in last 1500 year killed so many kaffirs...

I am not justifying oppression of so called Dalits.. I am just telling you, no religion was untouched of corrupt practices.. It can not be a reason to convert into cristian or Muslim... In India even cristians discriminate dalit-cristians, they don't allow them to enter there church...

India is dealing with Dalit opression issue, Now this oppression is selected incidents. It make big news/issue, ppl are aware. In next generation (My generation) We hardly bother bout our frnd cast... Tier 1 and tier 2 cities don't give SH**t to castism... Dalits have given rights. there rights are protected by court...

In nut shell, the scenario has changed a lot... We need not to live in Past ... 40-50 years ago even america was discriminating Blacks, they have change, we have change...

"Only change is fixed in Hinduism."
I am not sure about Dravidian oppression but oppression of Dalits is real . India would never become a modern developed nation without dealing with the issue.

Indian caste culture is complex and so ingrained in our Psyche from such long ancient times that its would many more years for total eradication not just from political ,but more importantly at social level ,e,g greater acceptance for inter caste marriages. But things changing at a faster rate now than even ever.

Coming back to caste based discrimination ,its n't just the top rank upper caste who discrimination Dalits . The OBC , the other backward caste are eqaully discriminatory those who are lower caste to them. And religion doesn't solve this problem , I know Rajput or Jat Pakistani muslim would marry his daughter to lower caste muslims of Pakistan.

PS: This books about the foreign powers misusing Dravidian and dalit faultlines in our diverse country and pushing their dangerous agendas.Rampant missionary activities in south India is seen part of this conspiracy . We should wake up to it.
Indian culture is not a new born culture.. Its oldest existing civilization... In the evolution of culture corruption is obvious... In mere 2000 year cristianity has killed million of women in the name of witch hunting, Islam in last 1500 year killed so many kaffirs...

I am not justifying oppression of so called Dalits.. I am just telling you, no religion was untouched of corrupt practices.. It can not be a reason to convert into cristian or Muslim... In India even cristians discriminate dalit-cristians, they don't allow them to enter there church...

India is dealing with Dalit opression issue, Now this oppression is selected incidents. It make big news/issue, ppl are aware. In next generation (My generation) We hardly bother bout our frnd cast... Tier 1 and tier 2 cities don't give SH**t to castism... Dalits have given rights. there rights are protected by court...

In nut shell, the scenario has changed a lot... We need not to live in Past ... 40-50 years ago even america was discriminating Blacks, they have change, we have change...

"Only change is fixed in Hinduism."

Christians don't go around witch hunting today. Lets not hide behind the faults of other religions. Caste system is more to do with culture than religion.

We sure have been successful in uplifting the dalits in some regions of our country especially the south. But it is still hopeless in the Northern states, especially Hindi belt. Unbelievable atrocities are going on there. That's why it is difficult to control the maoists most of whom are dalits or adivasis.
I have read the book. It seems the West is intent on taking India apart. There does seem to be many people who want to keep India together.
Indian scientific advancements are powered by the southern states while the folks at north......well, idk what they do.
Christians don't go around witch hunting today. Lets not hide behind the faults of other religions. Caste system is more to do with culture than religion.

We sure have been successful in uplifting the dalits in some regions of our country especially the south. But it is still hopeless in the Northern states, especially Hindi belt. Unbelievable atrocities are going on there. That's why it is difficult to control the maoists most of whom are dalits or adivasis.

Jayron, Look like I was unable to convey my message... My point was simple " No religion is perfect" Each had some drawbacks... In last 100 years things have changed.. I gave example to Cristianity and Islam, not to defame your religion, but to made my statement , that Things were not so rosy 100 year ago....

The Renaissance has made the cristianity what it is today,... Your Renaissance happen in 14th to 18th century, Hinduism Renaissance happen ion 19th-20th century... Islam's Renaissance will happen some time, which will eliminate the fake jihad and terrorism....

Jayron answer a simple Question: " If today cristianity become corrupt, will you leave your religion???" If not, then why Indian should leave there native religion and accept others' foreign religion????
Christians don't go around witch hunting today. Lets not hide behind the faults of other religions. Caste system is more to do with culture than religion.

We sure have been successful in uplifting the dalits in some regions of our country especially the south. But it is still hopeless in the Northern states, especially Hindi belt. Unbelievable atrocities are going on there. That's why it is difficult to control the maoists most of whom are dalits or adivasis.

Its a huge misnomer

first of all , there only few upper caste living among tribal to discriminate against them.

So the upper caste of those areas are in fact the Dalit converts who are educated and backed by the powerful wesrten funded missionaries working in those tribal areas .Its they who do exploitation of the tribal population fueling riots like the one Odisha where khadha tribal took up arms against
dalit Panaa Converts.
Jayron, Look like I was unable to convey my message... My point was simple " No religion is perfect" Each had some drawbacks... In last 100 years things have changed.. I gave example to Cristianity and Islam, not to defame your religion, but to made my statement , that Things were not so rosy 100 year ago....

The Renaissance has made the cristianity what it is today,... Your Renaissance happen in 14th to 18th century, Hinduism Renaissance happen ion 19th-20th century... Islam's Renaissance will happen some time, which will eliminate the fake jihad and terrorism....

Hindu golden age happened way back before the in invasion of india by barbaric marauders from the west.

After that hindus becomes slaves in their own country and hindu society becomes highly exploitative in those constrained circumstances ,the weakest
the dalits are biggest suffers. Otherwise before that we have seen lower caste people rising and buliding empire e,g Chadra gupa mouraya was dalit in the same caste based Hindu society.

Maharshi Balmiki who wrote Ramayan was dalit himself .
Hindu golden age happened way back before the in invasion of india by barbaric marauders from the west.

After that hindus becomes slaves in their own country and hindu society becomes highly exploitative in those constrained circumstances ,the weakest
the dalits are biggest suffers. Otherwise before that we have seen lower caste people rising and buliding empire e,g Chadra gupa mouraya was dalit in the same caste based Hindu society.

Maharshi Balmiki who wrote Ramayan was dalit himself .

Renaissance : पुनर्जागरण (Hindi) : This word is self explanatory. Hinduism had a golden age, so does cristianism/Islam. But due to some unwanted reason, it became corrupt (Invasion,Greed of church,Greed of priest and Mullas etc). Later Few reformers brought up the Renaissance (पुनर्जागरण)..

Hope My points are clear now...

I agree with your second part, Mouryans, Guptas, nandas (The three biggest Indian empire) were founded by So called lower casts.. And if you look at their physical attribute, they were no different than a common Karnatak or telgu person, So the theory of Castism and Dravian oppression is a conspiracy to divide Indian fabric...
Christians don't go around witch hunting today. Lets not hide behind the faults of other religions. Caste system is more to do with culture than religion.

We sure have been successful in uplifting the dalits in some regions of our country especially the south. But it is still hopeless in the Northern states, especially Hindi belt. Unbelievable atrocities are going on there. That's why it is difficult to control the maoists most of whom are dalits or adivasis.

Do u know the history of caste systems jayron?
Indian civilisation when it developed from barbarism (early mens without language,eating self,no dresses) wanted a means to develop the society and bring prosperity....
Our civilisation is thousands of years ago even be4 the birth of christianity...
So when it wanted to develop the civilisation assigned the peoples different jobs...
As a result soldiers were called kshatriyas, potmakers were called kulalars, priest were called brahmins and so on....
And if a soldier wants to become a priest or a potmaker his namesake is change from kshatriyas to other JOB or WORK he chose to do....
It was assigned on the basis of nature of the JOB they do and not birth.... And we must be gratefull to early mens who had a thought to give us civilisation when the rests of the world were still barbarians.....
But later when the JOBS they do became a family business ie from father to son from generation to generation the JOBS they did became permanent and hence the namesake of so called castes...
Indian civilisation was still fine till the invation by foreign muslim kings who persecuted hindus (exceptions akbar, sher shah suri) and there were forced conversions are genocide in north india .....
As a result when the hindu identity came under threat because of these actions people began to adhere to their family business more strictly and slowly caste systems evolved on the basis of birth rather on the basis of business they did.....
And vested interest didnt allow the peoples of other caste to develop when their own identity was threatened by muslim kings...
Never wondered why there are more communal clashes in north india are than in other regions?
Its because of the scars left behind by muslim kings and later by european christians through their genocides and forcability...
Ever heard a POPULAR hindu kings committing genocide>?
I am not defending hinduism it has its own faults....
I am tryin to say that the present state of hinduism is because of invaders...
We had developed a civilisation even before any religion nor civilisation which is a subject of one national pride..
But today's politicians are making it **** for their own selfish purposes...
And christian missionaries nowadays are formenting lies , giving money to poor money, and canvass the low caste peoples by sayin lies.....
What do they know about the history of our civilisation?
I think they forgot their own bloodshed church history, with even now many priest who did mistakes(having sex) are protected by vatican...
We will know the beauty of anything by looking deeper into it...
I can assure u with education caste barriers will be thrown aside in next 20-30 years....
Bharat mata ki jai...
INDIA VAAZHGHA (long live india)
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