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Breaking: IAF buys 100+ building destroyer version of SPICE-2000 precision bombs

These building destroyers needs to be dropped on building to to destroy it not on trees. Fix it first
This is advanced version of hole makking bombs that made the hole in training camps and destroyed 300 comes inside the building.

What 300? Your FM said no one was killed :what: you obviously know more, please so share
So basically crash of aircraft is fine but if it is missing it is a problem? Am I right?
as soon as plane crashed the injured victims and rescue groups have battle with time . if rescue teams find crash cite and secure the injured many lives can be saved . if search and rescue failed to locate crash site and injured they will die also . think about it they failed to rescue and animals may eating dead bodies now . its a war like situation dear not a joke . if someone have bleeding and SAR did not reach on time he/she may die .people may survived but now they have no food no water they may starving since last 3 days . this failure to locate crash site is not a joke . may be for IAF .

i was not happy when PAF buy AW-139 for sar . because its very expensive chopper .then i read a story of injured pilot whose plane crashed in mountain area and SAR was failed to locate injured pilot one night . he wrote story of that single night which changed my mind and i think PAF did great to buy AW-139 for SAR .

The deal is worth 40 Million USD

In case Pakistan Forces ever buy anything close to that figure, There would have been Eid like celebrations :chilli:

Silly Indians and their fetish of BUYING.

Thing is mate, we MAKE the stuff in house which you cherish so much from your foreign sugardaddies.

Introducing the Range extension Kit (REK) , used rather ruthlessly against Indian forces positions during operation swift retort. Battle proven ;).

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