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Breaking: IAF buys 100+ building destroyer version of SPICE-2000 precision bombs

Aug 29, 2018
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So to justify their version they actually spent 300 Crore :rofl:. Its shocking that they cant even manufacture some spice type kits at home.
Aren't they made in INDIA?? OMG if it is then it would not even make it near 10 km the target,
300 Crore to kill a 100 crows o_O
They are just trying to justify their version of story by this purchase. It is totally for local consumption and posturing.
To be honest problem is not with the system which is definitely top of the line. It could have easily been 100s of innocent people if not for bunch of incompetent fools behind the stick. If the loss of life had been there then then things could have gotten bad in no time.
It was mirage 2000 and bofors guns in Kargil, now it’s spice bombs after balakot.
Good purchases by IAF..!
Better puy a pair of balls too.

Dont worry, I can lend you mine.

Spice kits lol.

Heck we can even sell your such kits.
Ohh don’t speak about balls to me, I know very well how much balls you have:devil:

Gandhi always preached about peace and non violence, But India has turned into the 3rd largest military in the world with very violent yet very successful military endeavours.
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