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Breaking: China Concealed Extent of Virus Outbreak, U.S. Intelligence Says

then China's reporting shouldn't have made any difference.
yet America keeps bitching. wonder why

Because we stupid Americans keep hoping that the Chinese Communist Party will become human. It is a very, very false hope, I know. But, we can't escape our Christian hopefulness about the good of mankind, even the current Chinese version of mankind ....
Because we stupid Americans keep hoping that the Chinese Communist Party will become human. It is a very, very false hope, I know. But, we can't escape our Christian hopefulness about the good of mankind, even the current Chinese version of mankind ....

Neither the Chinese or US governments are human. Don't delude yourself. The US govt. is plenty capable of evil and manipulation and has been playing that game for longer than we have been alive. Same with the Chinese govt. The reason why they are rivals is because both countries are the two greediest and most power hungry countries on earth.
CIA should be investigating how the US President managed to announce the figures will go down to zero by around mid-March and there'll be no deaths.

I wonder which intelligence agency provided that data to the President.
God above, you people are so boring. China just unleashed a plague on you and made you eat sh*t and is going to keep making you eat sh*t. All you do is the old "this WON'T be forgotten", "just wait", bla bla bla. Just like Indiots.

@F-22Raptor @Hamartia Antidote @TruthSeeker @dbc China is making you eat sh*t. Do. Something. About. It. B*tch.:)
Because we stupid Americans
You're right about that. You are the stupidest creatures walking the Earth. You're so goddamn stupid I'm surprised you manage to breathe. Words fails to express the cosmic magnitude of your stupidity.
THis is one such famous instance. This was merely five days before they put Wuhan under lockdown.

US intelligence community never went after CPC the way they did to USSR. Instead, CPC received a lot of incentives from the US such as the most favored nation status. Will it change now ? Only time will tell.
Neither the Chinese or US governments are human. Don't delude yourself. The US govt. is plenty capable of evil and manipulation and has been playing that game for longer than we have been alive. Same with the Chinese govt. The reason why they are rivals is because both countries are the two greediest and most power hungry countries on earth.

Why would China need to shut down when the COVID-19 has been in the US and in the West for months back into 2019. The Western economies should have shut down in the summer of 2019 at the first cases of COVID-19. They are the individuals that spread the COVID-19 to China. They were the individuals that wanted have a trade war with China over the COVID-19.


Because we stupid Americans keep hoping that the Chinese Communist Party will become human. It is a very, very false hope, I know. But, we can't escape our Christian hopefulness about the good of mankind, even the current Chinese version of mankind ....

hate to say I agree with you, that Americans are indeed stupid.
Why would China need to shut down when the COVID-19 has been in the US and in the West for months back into 2019. The Western economies should have shut down in the summer of 2019 at the first cases of COVID-19. They are the individuals that spread the COVID-19 to China. They were the individuals that wanted have a trade war with China over the COVID-19.



How capable are you at mathematics?

Let us run with your theory and model this mathematically:

So it is estimated that each person with Covid-19 infects 2.5 each week and they in turn infect 2.5 others and it keeps going in the absence of social distancing, "herd immunity" or vaccine.

So if just 1 person in US was say infected in July 1st last year, then by the start of August we would have 1 x 2.5^4.25 = 50 > from 1 person we have 50 person infected in 1 month

September 1st - 2500 infected person
October 1st. - 125,000 infected persons
November 1st - 6.25 million
December 1st - 312.5 million > pretty much everyone in US

Now we know that it takes 2/3 weeks after people are affected with Corona virus for them to become really ill if they fall into the 1/6 category that have severe symptoms from the virus.

So even by end of last year millions of Americans should have died but this did not happen.

I do not want to insult you but you lack knowledge and probably are mathematically inept. This conversation seems way above your head.
Why would China need to shut down when the COVID-19 has been in the US and in the West for months back into 2019. The Western economies should have shut down in the summer of 2019 at the first cases of COVID-19. They are the individuals that spread the COVID-19 to China. They were the individuals that wanted have a trade war with China over the COVID-19.


Yeah I've seen all those conspiracy theories. Some plausibility but there is no concrete proof.
Yeah I've seen all those conspiracy theories. Some plausibility but there is no concrete proof.

You think trump would leave concrete proof so the global community would sanction the US and US would have to pull out of every US foreign base, and pay an indemnity of 100 trillion USD per year for this and every past false flag.?.

It was not until NASA left proof that the Apollo missions were fake that certainty was arrived at that no man landed on the moon.

This attack on China and to blame China was planned for over 15 years, if the proof comes out that this was a bioweapon, did you know that the US shared the bioweapon with China during the Obama administration. There are other alibis the US has, each contradicting each other to further prove this was a US bioweapon to be blamed on China.

I was warned by someone with links to secret societies via an obscure youtube channel, that 2020 would be a terrible year with the economy. That some event would cause the stock market to crash, that people would need to stock up on months supply of food and toilet rolls because there would be some type of martial law where people would stay in their homes. There were other details matching what is happening now. When the Chinese announced they had the SARS virus in Wuhan, the Illuminati insider youtuber said that is it, it is a bioweapon and will spread around the world causing markets to fall, people are going to be forced to stay in their homes. I was warned about this in 2019 because the source knew this was going to happen.

Isreali jews were pre-warned that the 9/11 attacks would happen and to avoid going to work at the Twin Towers. American jews were not given this warning.

Isreali jews even had so much pre-knowledge that the 9/11 attack were coming on 9/11, that they sent Mossad assets before 9/11 to NYC to film the attacks on the morning of 9/11.

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