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May He who holds my life inHis hands give you guidance for without His guidance there is no reprieve. I have not responded to your first statement as it does not merit a response. As to quoting the phrase it was quoted in gest and amazement at the fact that what was and is abhorrent in all religions and societies has now become an acceptable norm in society. It is not the fact that Allah SWT might have created aberrations as a test to check our resolve and our steadfastness to our religion but has become an acceptable norm in the "bastion of islam". And we then take affront When our constitution is declared a constitution of Kufr. Subhan Allah.
As to your supreme court which has put the whole of Pakistan to shame by taking a stance on sexual deviancy ---great job. We in Pakistan need to learn something from the great men who run your supreme court.

Have a good read through history. Have you ever heard of Eunuchs? Or the pederasty in Sparta? What about homosexuality in Hellenic history and the Roman empire?

Tolerance for the so called sexual deviant behaviour have always waxed and waned throughout history. Some societies more than others. But No, not every society and religion view the so called 'sexual deviants' with the same intense hostility.

In fact, the Indian Supreme court, drew up on a Victorian era law informed by the abrahamic religious laws.

In fact, I have a guess that the abrahamic religions, the trifecta of them view sexual deviancy with the harshest of tones. They already view spiritual dissension in a poor light so why not pick on sexual minorities.

Good to see that you appreciate the Indian court's wisdom. It is always fun when Pakistanis and Indians can agree on depriving other people's rights :coffee:

:D sir first of all you quoting Ravi Nair took an interesting turn when Ravi Nair becomes Ravi holds Nair.

Brings up all sorts interesting sexual connotations. Especially placed in the context of 'sexual deviants'.
Have a good read through history. Have you ever heard of Eunuchs? Or the pederasty in Sparta? What about homosexuality in Hellenic histfallaciese Roman empire?

Tolerance for the so called sexual deviant behaviour have always waxed and waned throughout history. Some societies more than others. But No, not every society and religion view the so called 'sexual deviants' with the same intense hostility.

In fact, the Indian Supreme court, drew up on a Victorian era law informed by the abrahamic religious laws.

In fact, I have a guess that the abrahamic religions, the trifecta of them view sexual deviancy with the harshest of tones. They already view spiritual dissension in a poor light so why not pick on sexual minorities.

Good to see that you appreciate the Indian court's wisdom. It is always fun when Pakistanis and Indians can agree on depriving other people's rights :coffee:
Thank you for your illuminating lecture on history. Unfortunately it was missing A ball or two!!
Have you heard of any religion that has condoned sexual deviancy. What does hinduism say about it? Or perhaps in your zeal to put balls to an argument where there are none you have omitted that as well.
Abrahamic religions constitute the most comprehensive guidelines from Allah regarding social behaviour and they all in unison call this practice abhorrent.So why berrate them for human fallacy. When your creator is telling you it is abhorrent and a practice of the devil then to not learn from it is sheer stupidity. However to each his own!!! You might think it fine to lick someones arse but dont impose your thinking on others.
I have already explained why I think the decision of the Indian supreme court was a good one. To me it is the decusion rather than the source that matters. Every good act irrespective of its origin needs to be applauded. It is the right of the Creator who has given you this body that you use it in the way it is meant to be used. So by being a deviant one is defying the Creator and misusing your body in ways which He has forbidden you to do.K thank the One who is my a d your creator for giving me a chance to use my knowledge to concey His message and fulfil the reason fod which I was created.
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