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Breaking: Asad Umar axed!

Pakistanis want the change but they don't want to change. IK should have dissolved the FBR without even thinking twice.

It is not Asad Umer or anyone ....... but Pakistanis themselves. These khota khors are used to Haram economy, these Hajji Sahiban will object and refuse everything that brings them into tax net. The money circulation stopped (or the investment went down) because State had gone after Property and real estate businesses (the favorite and only business in Pakistan ..... from Army to civilian everyone enjoys it) and it so happens that major chunk of investors in that sector were OSPs (mulk k liay jan dainay b ay gay).

However, if Asad Umer was wearing a 4 star proper pressed uniform, these khota khors will not only accept eating piyaz but would wish the two chittar on their rears.
Forget tax ... you cant even collect utility bills properly that shows up as lossses in Pakistan. One of the so called “tough” and “back breaking harsh” condition being imposed by IMF is to bring these losses to zero by collecting all the bills!!
Then smarten up. Beat the thiefs, put smart meters that generate automated bills and track any theft. These are not expensive considering the losses, it's being implemented here after widespread theft.

IMF always put tough conditions for countries who are spending too much on welfare programs and subsidies.
They work in a capitalist mindset, but they do have a point, too much freebies will make the masses lazy and feel entitled.
Forget tax ... you cant even collect utility bills properly that shows up as lossses in Pakistan. One of the so called “tough” and “back breaking harsh” condition being imposed by IMF is to bring these losses to zero by collecting all the bills!!
I wish I could give this post more than one like.

People in Pak don't want to pay taxes or utility bills yet want everything subsidized
Probably behind the scene establishment asked this (eestablishment is collective will of most influential people of Pakistan which inculdes mostly people from central punjab)

I thought ISI/Army was the establishment?
My dear Pak,

We need stability right now... we need to close these politicos and their traps... this daily chaos needs to go.

Pak is under attack. The new wave of terror is being unleashed. We need to shut the trap of this BBZ.

2-3 years of stability.

Interim Setup is ready to roll. No worries there. We shall see the burial of this #CriminalEnterprise system soon.

I would like to see #EconomicTerrorists to be hanged. They have committed Crimes Against Humanity.

Hope! Remain #PakPositive

Let us just bury this system for good. All these unionists, #Diesels, mafias... a total overhaul. Let us bury ZAB, Zia legacy.

We should focus on PakPositive solutions here. Challenge each other, learn from each other.


Sir, not just Lahore high court. The rot is this 1860's colonial judicial system. Same reason Zardari wants his cases tried in Sindh High court. Sindh high court released Dr. Asim when there were clear proofs of corruption of 460 billion. This entire system must go now.

I honestly think this govt was the last straw for many....belief in this democratic system’ is falling especially for the poor and middle classes.

Our country is not the type which can be ruled with technocrats

How I yearn for a leader like Erdogan who came with a promise of economic revival and then slowly and stealthily revived Islam.
I thought ISI/Army was the establishment?
Nope..but military being the biggest institute becomes prominent ..establishment is deep state or state will(like us being anti india) that is represented by influential core of beaucrats, politicans and ofcourse the military ..this core belongs to most influential population like central punjab in Pakistan

This establishment in India is the hindu nationalist hence antipak behavior and in america is evenglical Christians and hence the populist pro israel policies
As I said. IK has proven to be a disappointment.

I voted for him but turned out to be a complete failure. It actually hurts but then we are supposed to be stuck with these sharifs and zardaris I guess
PPP Finance Minister : Hafeez Sheikh
PTI Finance Advisor: Hafeez Sheikh
PPP Info Minister : Firdaus Ashiq Awan
PTI Info Minister : Firdaus Ashiq Awan.
PPP foreign minister:- SMQ
PTI foreign minister:- SMQ
PPP Finance Minister : Hafeez Sheikh
PTI Finance Advisor: Hafeez Sheikh
PPP Info Minister : Firdaus Ashiq Awan
PTI Info Minister : Firdaus Ashiq Awan.
PPP foreign minister:- SMQ
PTI foreign minister:- SMQ
spot on sir
Hafeez Pasha is an ex president of World bank in KSA, which mean IMF and world banks has brought his own person in power to implement their agenda as usual he will report less to imran khan and more to world bodies, this sudden decision of the removal of Assad Omer before the annual budget and right in between the proposed deal with IMF, will create more financial chaos and i really wonder who is advising imran khan ?????

Hafiz was Fin Minister from 2010 to 2013. Economic condition deteriorated heavily. Now he will be proclaimed as savior.
My grandfather used to tell this story...

Once in a village... there was a pond... but due to sheer negligence of the villagers and it's head... it turned into a swamp... villagers were used to drink that dirty water or has to travel long distances to have clean water... slowly the life of villagers turned into a hell...

One man who was deeply pained by the situation of his village... decides to clean it... he visited several others for help... but No One offered help to him for one reason or another...

So he decided to do that alone... he waited for summer so that the water will decrease and pond could be cleaned easyly...

Summer came, he told the villagers that he is going to clean it up alone... everyone was happy and singing praises for him... but few were opposing too as they were in a year of losing their position in the village... but such people were mum as the cause was noble and tough...

That guy started digging and cleaning... due to this the water became muddy and completely undrinkable... as it was summer, people start feeling the pain and as their were no other nearby source... their hardship was indescribable... they were angry and reached the village head for solution... village head was playing with both the parties... so he calmed them down and told them that when he feel that the man working at pond is incapable he will punish him for DESTROYING the pond... and advised the villagers to stop visiting the pond...

After several months of hard work... the man not only cleaned the entire sludge and unwanted vegetation... he also increased the area of pond by digging it deep and wide... but in this process entire water was evaporated...

After completing the work the enthusiastic and happy man reached the village and informed the villagers that the pond is clean now... when villages reached the venue... they were shocked to know that their is not a single drop of water in that pond...

The village head who was aware of the benefits was unable to gather the courage and educate the villagers about the fiture benefits... so he did not intervene and that man was killed by the angry villagers...

Time passed and villagers kept cursing him for all their hardships... all kind of bad words were used for his family which was thrown out of the village...

Then came the MONSOON... clouds rained like never before... entire village was ready to evacuate as flooding was sure due to their past experiences... but nothing happened... villagers were shocked to see that NO flood was there even after such huge amount of rain...

Their curiosity led them to the pond... it was full of water... man's family which was living on the bank of pond was untraceable...

Though it was a moment of happiness... the level of grief did not allowed them to celebrate...

Then the village head came and told them... I told you guys to have patience bit you did not listened to me and killed such a noble man... what should I do with you???

I think this story does hold some lessons for PAKISTAN...

So This pond is IMF Bail out and The man who cleaning up the Pond was Asad Umar
hahhahahah Good one !
He is not fired for input nor output.
The result is more of a choices he made within the process to obtain output.
In conventional terms he try his best to Bluff IMF for some nice touché.
Swing for the fences, went all in but had FLOP that sold him down the River.
So stupid, Asad Umer was doing great. I was already warning people that what Asad Umer was doing and what he needed to do would not be popular, but it would save us from future pain. Now he’s gone, I hope they don’t put a compliant incompetent in his place.
So stupid, Asad Umer was doing great. I was already warning people that what Asad Umer was doing and what he needed to do would not be popular, but it would save us from future pain. Now he’s gone, I hope they don’t put a compliant incompetent in his place.
Jungi Sir,at the end of day it's same game.
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