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Brazil's increasing clout: South American bloc bans Falklands ships

Yes, Fauklands war part 2 shud happen....its time to show Britain its place.

With no aircraft carrier now, there's nothing much they can do militarily...except for sending one of their submarines.
Nice move by Brazil. They are showing their independent power by supporting Argentina against imperialists.
Nice move by Brazil. They are showing their independent power by supporting Argentina against imperialists.
How many times...The Argentine's themselves settled on native land. Are they not imperialists? They are no better than the American colonists who are so freely criticized on this forum. Why the double standards?
Original owners (or inhabitants in this case) were French and Spanish. Argentinians have never lived there, to the best of my knowledge.

You mean local fishermen there, who live so close to Malvinas, for thousands of years did not find it and inhabit there, but they have to wait for thousand years later until the french or spanish, who lived tens of thousand miles away, to find it???

Are you out of your mind or simply saying that those Argentina locals have no fishermen or boats for thousands of years???

---------- Post added at 12:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:58 PM ----------

They settled on native land close to them, not tens of thousand miles away from their home.

How many times...The Argentine's themselves settled on native land. Are they not imperialists? They are no better than the American colonists who are so freely criticized on this forum. Why the double standards?
You mean local fishermen there, who live so close to Malvinas, for thousands of years did not find it and inhabit there, but they have to wait for thousand years later until the french or spanish, who lived tens of thousand miles away, to find it???

Are you out of your mind or simply saying that those Argentina locals have no fishermen or boats for thousands of years???

---------- Post added at 12:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:58 PM ----------

They settled on native land close to them, not tens of thousand miles away from their home.
Okay time for a Geography/History lesson:
When first settled by the French, (later the British) there were no indigenous people on the Falklands.
The people of Argentina were originally from Spain, which IS 1000's of miles away. That is imperialism. They displaced the locals.
They then claim the Falklands and accuse Britain of imperialism.

We found the Falklands before Argentina was even a country.
How the heck do you know there were no indigenous people on the Malvinas???

By your own west books?

How many times have those french/spanish/english/portuguese pirates have massacred the indigenous people and claimed the place they just found is thus their land???

It does not matter Argentina was a country or not. It was part of that regional tribes, country, empire or whatever name the local used then. Argentina inherited those regions and thus is the de facto owner of those islands.

Okay time for a Geography/History lesson:
When first settled by the French, (later the British) there were no indigenous people on the Falklands.
The people of Argentina were originally from Spain, which IS 1000's of miles away. That is imperialism. They displaced the locals.
They then claim the Falklands and accuse Britain of imperialism.

We found the Falklands before Argentina was even a country.
How the heck do you know there were no indigenous people on the Malvinas???

By your own west books?

How many times have those french/spanish/english/portuguese pirates have massacred the indigenous people and claimed the place they just found is thus their land???

It does not matter Argentina was a country or not. It was part of that regional tribes, country, empire or whatever name the local used then. Argentina inherited those regions and thus is the de facto owner of those islands.
Because there is no evidence of locals living there. Bones, houses or anything like that.
How does it inherit them? Why?
Argentina people will find bones of those indigenous people by themselves. They will have the island back one way or the other.

Historically, the u.k. said many times that it would not give up this or that.... well, in the end, it does not matter, the locals have it back.

The slave colonist era is long gone. Still sticking to those last several pieces is just like the last struggle before dying. It will be painful and disgraceful.

Because there is no evidence of locals living there. Bones, houses or anything like that.
How does it inherit them? Why?
I don't think this will even escalate to war. While it may be an interesting debate for us all to discuss, Britain knows that Argentina won't rush in and South America knows that Britain is not a fifth the power it used to be 30 years back.
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